Symposium: “Mediation and Issues in Family Law in terms of Comparative Law”

Symposium: “Mediation and Issues in Family Law in terms of Comparative Law”
Date: 13.04.2018
Hour: 10:00am - 12:30pm /  2:30pm - 4:30pm
Organized by: School of Law
Venue: Orhan Zaim Conference Hall
Guests:  Prof. Gülriz Uygur (School of Law, Ankara University) Maria Da Conceiçao OLIVEIRA (Mediator, Lawyer, CEPEJ Expert, Trainer) Denise CARTER (Head of Mediation Services – International Family Law Group LLP) Nevin Birinci (Lawyer at Ankara 10th Family Court) Nur ÖZDEN (Mediator, Trainer) Prof. Şükran Şıpka (School of Law, Istanbul Altinbas University) Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kılıçoğlu (School of Law, Atılım University)  Assist. Prof. Mehmet İstemi (School of Law, Atılım University)