Summer School Tuition Fees

Summer School Tuition Fees for the 2012-2013 academic year are as follows:

For 4 years Undergraduate Programmes:

2 (two) credit courses 1200 TL (VAT is included)

3 (three) credit courses 1400 TL (VAT is included)

4 (four) credit courses 1600 TL (VAT is included)

5 (five) credit courses 1800 TL (VAT is included)

6 (six) credit courses 2000 TL (VAT is included)

Traineeship 1, 2, 3, 4 1200 TL (For the students who have the right to graduate but have not completed or taken the traineeship course)

For the Preparatory School:

2450 TL (VAT is included)