2024-2025 Academic Year Fall Term Diploma Submission Announcement
Dear student,
Students who are able to graduate after having their graduation transactions (administrative approvals) finalized at the end of the Fall Semester of the Academic Year of 2024-2025 may receive:
- Their graduation documentation via e-Devlet/ e-Government (https://www.turkiye.gov.tr/yuksekogretim-mezun-belgesi-sorgulama) starting from January 27, 2025; and
- Their diplomas at the Directorate of Student Affairs starting from February 24, 2025.
Other details on diploma delivery are available here.
*** Please check the administrative approval for your graduation approval status via the “Graduation Approval Status” page under the “Course Registration and Graduation Transactions” menu on the ATACS system. If your administrative approvals are incomplete, please contact the departments with missing administrative approvals to request information, and if any, complete your payment or delivery transactions regarding the fees, or the materials that you may have (books, devices, sports equipment etc.); as soon as possible.