Chairperson’s Message

Asst. Prof. Dr. Evren TURAL
Department of Graphic Design, with its student numbers, is a medium sized Graphic Design school, like most of its kind in Turkey’s Universities. The restricted quota makes the master apprentice relation stronger with a positive effect on the education.
Graphic Design, which deals with multiple aspects of individuals, society and the environment, requires its education to be multi-faceted and multi-directional as well.
Graphic Design, which is indispensable to information age, competence is given in bachelor’s degree courses, which include various topics required for design and conveying the design culture. In depth knowledge and related competences in these subjects are gained in all courses given by instructors specialized in their fields.
In the Undergraduate Program of Graphic Design, studio courses encouraging students to become national and international designers. Studio practices and summer internships in print-house and Graphic Design agencies help students to get practical education, and balance theory with practice.
Efforts are made to sustain a learning environment which supports more of cooperation and participation than of competitiveness, defends individual rights, induces independence and freedom of thinking, and gives eminence to acquisition of competences that are consistent with the universal principles of Graphic Design. Student-Department-staff relations and dialogue run with an understanding that rests on sense of responsibility and freedom, tolerance and respect.