Papers Presented at Scientific Meetings
Research Assistant Sena Nur Begen participated in the IIXth Congress of Swallowing Disorders held on . During the event, she delivered a abstract presentations titled “ Comparıson of Clınıcal Outcomes In Older Adults Wıth Dıfferent Oral Health Levels”, “Comparıng The Chewıng Functıon of Dıfferent Age Groups: Young Adults, Elderly Wıth And Wıthout Wearıng Dentures”, “Relationship Between Physical Performance Tests and Dysphagia in Older Adults.” and dlivered speach titled “Analysıs of Factors Influencıng Chewıng and Swallowıng Performance Ingerıatrıcs wıthın The Scope of Internatıonal Classificatıon of Functıonıng,Dısabılıty, And Health”contributing valuable insights to the academic community. This presentation reflects her ongoing researchs and commitment to advancing knowledge in the field of dysphagia rehabilitation.
We extend our congratulations for this achievement.