Why Atılım University Department of English Language and Literature?

     Our department follows an internationally acknowledged programme accredited by FEDEK, the Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of University Programmes in Mathematical, Natural, and Social Sciences. Our objective is to provide the students with an in-depth knowledge of English language, literature, and culture through a variety of courses given by our distinguished professors and lecturers. Atılım University also offers a great number of extracurricular activities such as cultural activities, language clubs, and international student exchange programmes. Our university library is large and highly-equipped, facilitating students’ access to information and providing comprehensive research opportunities in their fields. The Directorate of Career Planning and Cooperative Education of Atılım University guides our students in finding their future careers. Graduate students can become academics and lecturers at universities, English teachers in primary and secondary schools; and work as translators in publishing houses and various institutions. They can also work in the media, and for international organizations such as United Nations, UNICEF, UNESCO, European Union. If you are interested in reading and studying literature in English, we are looking forward to welcoming you in Atılım University’s Department of English Language and Literature.