Academic Staff

Prof. Dr. Ayhan ALBOSTAN / Head of Department
/ +90 (312) 586 8775
Bachelor's, Master's: Firat University PhD: Gazi University
Research Interests : Energy Laws and Regulations, Modelling of Energy Systems, Energy Saving and Efficiency, Energy Management, Energy Management and Plannig, Linear and Nonlinear Systems, System Dynamics and Control.
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Prof. Dr. Yılser DEVRİM
/ +90 (312) 586 8892
Bachelor's, Master's, PhD: Hacettepe University
Research Interests : Fuel Cells, Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells, Hydrogen Energy, Enviroment and Energy, Renewable Energy Technologies, Polymer synthesis and characterization, Nanocomposite membranes, Design of the PEM Fuel Cell Stack, Solar Energy Technologies, Hybride Enery Systems.
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Asst. Prof. Dr. Mehdi MEHRTAŞ
/ +90 (312) 586 8790
Bachelor's: Urmia University Master's: Middle East Technical University PhD: Middle East Technical University
Research Interests : Heat Transfer, Renewable Energy Systems, Fuel Cells, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Multiphysics Modeling, Thermal Management of Electronic Devices, Solar Energy, Energy Storage Technologies.
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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cihan TURHAN
/ +90 (312) 586 8338
Bachelor's, Master's, PhD: Izmir Institute of Technology
Research Interests : Building Energy Efficiency, Indoor and Outdoor Thermal Comfort, Intelligent Systems in Buildings, Personalized HVAC systems, Historic Buildings, Intelligent Control in Buildings.
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Asst. Prof. Dr. Gizem Nur BULANIK DURMUŞ
/ +90 (312) 586 8725
Bachelor's: Atilim University Master's: Atilim University PhD: Atilim University
Research Interests : Renewable Energy Systems, Solar Energy.
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Res. Asst. Ceren CEYLAN
/ +90 (312) 586 8891
Bachelor's, Master's: Atılım University PhD: Yıldız Teknik University (ongoing)
Research Interests : Renewable Energy Systems, Fuel Cells and Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells, Hydrogen Energy, Design of the PEM Fuel Cell Stack, Solar Energy Technologies, Hybrid Energy Systems.
Detailed CV
Res. Asst. Hasan ALTINIŞIK
/ +90 (312) 586 8891
Bachelor's, Master's: Master's: PhD:
Research Interests : .
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