Academic Staff

Prof. Dr. Reşat Özgür DORUK / Act. Head of Department
/ +90 (312) 586 8733
Bachelor's, Master's, PhD: Middle East Technical University
Research Interests : Theoretical Neurosciences, Biophysics, Dynamical Systems.
Detailed CV
Prof. Dr. Hulusi Bülent ERTAN
/ +90 (312) 586 8751
Bachelor's, Master's: Middle East Technical University PhD: University of Leeds
Research Interests : Electrical Machines, Smart Grids, Electric Vehicles, Electrical Drive Systems, Power Electronics, Renewable Energy.
Detailed CV
Prof. Dr. Sedat SÜNTER
/ +90 (312) 586 8328
Bachelor's, Master's: Fırat University PhD: Nottingham University
Research Interests : Power Electronics, Matrix Converters, Multilevel Inverters, Variable Speed Drive Systems.
Detailed CV