ECTS - - Interior Architecture and Environmental Design

The Relationship between the Qualifications Framework for Higher Education in Turkey and Programme Competencies Program Competencies
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Knowledge 1 - In the relevant basic field, architectural design / planning / design activities and researches in local, regional, national and global contexts, discursive, theoretical, factual knowledge and professional service sensitivities gaining from a wide variety of environments, has the knowledge and understanding necessary to reflect in academic sharing environments. X X X X X X X X
2 - In this framework, has knowledge and understanding of the necessary intellectual, discursive, scientific, technological, aesthetic, artistic, historical and cultural infrastructure in the field. X X X X X X X
3 - Has knowledge and understanding of human and society-oriented, environmentally (natural and built) sensitive architectural design / planning / design / research methods in the related field. X X X X X X
4 - Has multidimensional knowledge and understanding of economic, environmental and social sustainability principles and standards in the related field and disaster-related issues. X X X X X X
5 - Has knowledge about the principles, laws, regulations and standards related to the field. X X X X
6 - Has knowledge and understanding of institutional and ethical values related to the field. X X
7 - Has knowledge and understanding of the place / importance of the related field in the historical, geographical, social and cultural context. X
Skills 1 - Has the ability to develop concepts in the fields of architectural design / planning / design. X
2 - Has the ability to provide the integrity of discourse, theory and practice for architectural design / planning / design activities and research. X X
4 - Uses theoretical / conceptual knowledge, cognitive and practical skills, research methods and techniques related to the field. X
5 - Has the ability to develop alternative architectural design, planning fictions and solutions. X X X X X
6 - Has skills in interdisciplinary interactive architectural design/planning/design. Uses the knowledge, understanding and skills in the interpretation of contextual data, problem definition, and the development of complex architectural design / planning / design decisions / projects / solutions that demonstrate ingenuity and innovation. X X X X X X X
7 - Has the ability to define the phenomena, potential and problems in architectural design / planning / design issues and the necessary research for them. X
Competences Working Independently and Taking Responsibility 1 - Carries out an architectural design / planning / design project independently, plans and conducts research projects for these processes, produces new syntheses. X X
2 - Carries out individual studies independently and takes individual and joint responsibility in multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary studies. Has the necessary self-confidence and competence for this. X X X X
3 - Plans, takes responsibility and executes collaborative work in an architectural design / planning / design project. X X X
Learning Competence 1 - Learns the knowledge and skills in the field by evaluating them with a critical and dialectical (critical, counter-thesis and synthesis) approach. X X
2 - Be future-oriented, have the necessary motivation and learning skills for personal and professional development, identify learning needs, make plans and implement them. X X X X
3 - Acts with the awareness of lifelong learning. X X X X X
Communication and Social Competence 1 - Informs the relevant people and institutions about the issues related to the field, conveys his / her thoughts and suggestions for solutions to problems in written, oral and visual form, supports the information with quantitative and qualitative data and shares it with experts and non-experts. X X X X
4 - Uses information (information and communication) technologies required by the field interactively with computer software at least at the Advanced Level of the European Computer Driving License. X X X
5 - Has the ability to follow the developments in the field and communicate effectively with colleagues by using a foreign language at least at the European Language Portfolio B1 General Level. X X X
5 - Has the ability to organize and implement projects, collaborations and activities for the social environment in which they live with a sense of social responsibility. X X X X X X X
Field Specific Competence 1 - Acts with an understanding of the rules of ethics and behavior in the professional field, professional practice and professional research, the habit of behaving and social responsibility. X X X
2 - Collects, evaluates and interprets data that will form the basis for decision making in architectural design / planning / design processes, taking into account possible social, environmental and ethical consequences. X X X X X
4 - Decides and acts with the knowledge of human value, respecting human rights and social and cultural rights on this basis, showing the necessary sensitivity in the protection of the natural environment and cultural heritage, and with a sense of justice. X X X X X
5 - Being aware of the benefits of his/her profession in terms of human rights and society and that he/she produces social services, he/she has personal sensitivity about fair behavior by showing the necessary sensitivity about social justice, quality culture, protection of natural and cultural values, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, legal frameworks and ethical principles specific to professional service. X X X X X X
6 - Has knowledge and awareness of local, regional, national and global general and professional problems in the historical period in which he/she lives. X X X X
7 - Has the ability to evaluate the existing knowledge in the field with a critical and dialectical approach, to use the knowledge, understanding and skills in the light of ethical principles, professional codes of conduct, criteria and standards and legal frameworks in accordance with the professional approach required by the discipline, taking into account the possible social, environmental and ethical consequences. X X X X X