ECTS - History of Turkish Democracy

History of Turkish Democracy (HUM101) Course Detail

Course Name Course Code Season Lecture Hours Application Hours Lab Hours Credit ECTS
History of Turkish Democracy HUM101 General Elective 3 0 0 3 4
Pre-requisite Course(s)
Course Language Turkish
Course Type Elective Courses
Course Level Bachelor’s Degree (First Cycle)
Mode of Delivery Face To Face
Learning and Teaching Strategies Lecture, Discussion, Question and Answer.
Course Coordinator
Course Lecturer(s)
  • Staff
Course Assistants
Course Objectives To raise awareness about democracy in the students. For this purpose, to teach evolution of democracy and the history of Turkish democracy in a comparative mode. To teach them through which steps the level of modern democratic administration has been achieved. To enable the students to acquire competence, behaviour and attitude so as they can develop democratic solutions to contemporary problems.
Course Learning Outcomes The students who succeeded in this course;
  • The students who take this course: -Know the evolution of democracy in the World, in the process from the Tanzimat Period, which was the starting point of Ottoman modernisation, till now. -Know the trajectory of evolution of the history of Turkish democracy. -Know Turkish constitutional texts, election systems, political parties with their landmarks. -Know the political events and multi-party system. -Have awareness about democracy.
Course Content Democratic developments including the political developments, constitutions, election systems and the political parties in the process from the Tanzimat Period, which was accepted as the beginning of the Ottoman modernisation, onwards.

Weekly Subjects and Releated Preparation Studies

Week Subjects Preparation
1 Definition of democracy. Basic foundational principals of democratic regime. Operative principles of democratic regime. Constitution of parliamentary regime in England. American Revolution. French Revolution. Vienna Congress. 1830 and 1848 Revolutions in Europe. Demokrasi (Democracy), s. 179-201. Demokrasimizle Yüzleşmek (Confronting Our Democracy), s. 46-53. Demokrasi (T. Ateş) (Democracy), s. 50-69. Siyasi Tarih (Political History), s. 107-112, 151-195.
2 Tulip Period (An Ottoman Renaissance attempt). Nizam-ı Cedid (New Order). Sened-i Ittifak. Türkiye’de Çağdaşlaşma (Modernization in Turkey), s. 35-66, 91-133, 137-145. Türkiye’nin Demokrasi Tarihi (1839-1950) (History of Turkey’s Democracy 1839-1950), s. 23-25. Osmanlı-Türk Anayasal Gelişmeler (Ottoman-Turkish Constitutional Developments), s. 41-64. Osmanlı’da Değişim, Modernleşme ve Uluslaşma (The Change, Modernisation and Becoming a Nation of the Ottoman), s. 21-28.
3 Türkiye’de Çağdaşlaşma (Modernization in Turkey), s. 213-248, 282-301. Türkiye’nin Demokrasi Tarihi (1839-1950) (History of Turkey’s Democracy 1839-1950), s. 25-38. Osmanlı-Türk Anayasal Gelişmeler (Ottoman-Turkish Constitutional Developments), s. 75-120. Türk Modernleşmesi (Turkish Modernization), s. 86-90. Osmanlı’da Değişim, Modernleşme ve Uluslaşma (The Change, Modernisation and Becoming a Nation of the Ottoman), s. 38-51. Tanzimat, s. 29-57. Demokrasi (Democracy), s. 255-257.
4 Constitutionalism Period (1876-1908): 1876 Constitution. 1877 Ottoman Parliament. Politics in Abdulhamit II Period. Türkiye’de Çağdaşlaşma (Modernization in Turkey), s. 309-336. Türkiye’nin Demokrasi Tarihi (1839-1950) (History of Turkey’s Democracy 1839-1950), s. 38-59. Osmanlı-Türk Anayasal Gelişmeler (Ottoman-Turkish Constitutional Developments), s. 121-166. Osmanlı’da Değişim, Modernleşme ve Uluslaşma (The Change, Modernisation and Becoming a Nation of the Ottoman), s. 323-338, 371-391. Türk Modernleşmesi (Turkish Modernization), s. 94-96. Osmanlı’da Değişim ve Anayasal Rejim Sorunu (The Problem of Change and Constitutional Regime of the Ottoman), s. 251-262.
5 Türkiye’de Çağdaşlaşma (Modernization in Turkey), s. 393-405. Türkiye’nin Demokrasi Tarihi (1839-1950) (History of Turkey’s Democracy 1839-1950), s. 59-101, 103-140. Modern Türkiye’nin Doğuşu (The Emergence of Modern Turkey), s. 204-207. Osmanlı-Türk Anayasal Gelişmeler (Ottoman-Turkish Constitutional Developments), s. 167-201. Türk Modernleşmesi (Turkish Modernization), s. 90-94, 96-97. 1908 Devrimi, s. 97-215.
6 Türkiye’nin Demokrasi Tarihi (1839-1950) (History of Turkey’s Democracy 1839-1950), s. 141-193. Modern Türkiye’nin Doğuşu (The Emergence of Modern Turkey), s. 212-237. Osmanlı-Türk Anayasal Gelişmeler (Ottoman-Turkish Constitutional Developments), s. 202-220. Türk Modernleşmesi (Turkish Modernization), s. 97-101.
7 Mid-Term The questions prepared by the course instructor.
8 Türkiye’nin Demokrasi Tarihi (1839-1950) (History of Turkey’s Democracy 1839-1950), s. 195-248, 265-299, 303-389. Osmanlı-Türk Anayasal Gelişmeler (Ottoman-Turkish Constitutional Developments), s. 231-247, 281-289. Modern Türkiye’nin Doğuşu (The Emergence of Modern Turkey), s. 261-270.
9 Osmanlı-Türk Anayasal Gelişmeler (Ottoman-Turkish Constitutional Developments), s. 247-277, 290-329. Türk Demokrasi Tarihi (History of Turkish Democracy), s. 239-281. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Tarihi (History of Turkish Republic), s. 185-210. Atatürk ve Türk İnkılâp Tarihi (Atatürk and History of Turkish Revolution), s. 214-260. Demokrasi (Democracy), s. 235-245. Demokrasi Sürecinde Türkiye (Türkey in Democratisation Process 1945-1980), s. 15-24.
10 The election of İsmet İnönü as the President, and the changes in the government and Republican People’s Party. The Impacts of the Word War II on Turkey Economic Practices during World War II in Turkey. Media during World War II in Turkey. Türkiye’nin Demokrasi Tarihi (1839-1950) (History of Turkey’s Democracy 1839-1950), s. 391-446. Modern Türkiye’nin Doğuşu (The Emergence of Modern Turkey), s. 296-302.
11 The domestic and foreign causes of transition to multi-party system. Quartet of Proposals. Constitution of Democratic Party. 21 July 1946 elections (the first single phase election) Türkiye’nin Demokrasi Tarihi (1839-1950) (History of Turkey’s Democracy 1839-1950), s. 446-466. Türk Demokrasi Tarihi (History of Turkish Democracy), s. 130-147. Modern Türkiye’nin Doğuşu (The Emergence of Modern Turkey), s. 305-309. Osmanlı-Türk Anayasal Gelişmeler (Ottoman-Turkish Constitutional Developments), s. 339-350. İmparatorluktan Günümüze Türkiye’nin Toplumsal Yapısı (Turkey’s Sociological Structure from the Empire to Contemporary Times), s. 157-161. Demokrasi (Democracy), s. 246-249. Demokrasi Sürecinde Türkiye (Turkey in Democratisation Process 1945-1980), s. 24-46.
12 1946-1950 Period: Recep Peker Government (July 1946- September 1947). İnonu’s 12 July 1947 Declaration and its Impacts on Politics. Democratisation Attempts by CHP Governments (1947-1950). Changes in Democratic Party on the Way to Government (1946-1950). Türkiye’nin Demokrasi Tarihi (1839-1950) (History of Turkey’s Democracy 1839-1950), s. 456-462. İmparatorluktan Günümüze Türkiye’nin Toplumsal Yapısı (Turkey’s Sociological Structure from the Empire to Contemporary Times), s. 161-163. Türk Demokrasi Tarihi (History of Turkish Democracy), s. 148-202. Modern Türkiye’nin Doğuşu (The Emergence of Modern Turkey), s. 311-317. Demokrasi Sürecinde Türkiye (Türkey in Democratisation Process 1945-1980), s. 48-53.
13 Democratic Party Period (1950-1960): 1950 Elections. 1954 Elections. 1957 Elections. Türkiye’nin Demokrasi Tarihi (1950’den Günümüze) (History of Turkey’s Democracy from 1950 on), s. 13-84. İmparatorluktan Günümüze Türkiye’nin Toplumsal Yapısı (Turkey’s Sociological Structure from the Empire to Contemporary Times), s. 162-167. Demokrasi Sürecinde Türkiye (Turkey in Democratisation Process 1945-1980), s. 55-96. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Tarihi (History of Turkish Republic), s. 268-273. Atatürk ve Türk İnkılâp Tarihi (Atatürk and History of Turkish Revolution), s. 335-347. Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılâp Tarihi (Atatürk’s Principles and History of Revolution), s. 311-331.
14 1960-1980 Period: 27 May 1960 Government Coup. 1961 Constitution. 12 March 1971 Memorandum. Political and Economic events in 1973-1980 Period. Türkiye’nin Demokrasi Tarihi (1950’den Günümüze) (History of Turkey’s Democracy from 1950 on), s. 85-261. İmparatorluktan Günümüze Türkiye’nin Toplumsal Yapısı (Turkey’s Sociological Structure from the Empire to Contemporary Times), s. 167-171, 184-189. Osmanlı-Türk Anayasal Gelişmeler (Ottoman-Turkish Constitutional Developments), s. 364-431. Demokrasi (Democracy), s. 250-253. Demokrasi Sürecinde Türkiye (Turkey in Democratisation Process 1945-1980), s. 185-256, 263-387, 399-453.
15 1980-2001 Period: 24 January 1980 decisions. 12 September 1980 Military Coup. 1982 Constitution. Özal Period Türkiye’nin Demokrasi Tarihi (1950’den Günümüze) (History of Turkey’s Democracy from 1950 on), s. 263-326. İmparatorluktan Günümüze Türkiye’nin Toplumsal Yapısı (Turkey’s Sociological Structure from the Empire to Contemporary Times), s. 167-216.
16 Final Exam The questions prepared by the course instructor.


Course Book 1. Osmanlı’da Değişim ve Anayasal Rejim Sorunu, İlber Ortaylı, Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, İstanbul, 2008.
2. Tanzimat, Halil İnalcık, Mehmet Seyitdanlıoğlu, Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, İstanbul, 2012.
3. Osmanlı’da Değişim, Modernleşme ve Uluslaşma, Kemal, H. Karpat, İmge Kitapevi, Ankara, 2006.
4. Türkiye’de Çağdaşlaşma, Niyazi Berkes, Yapı Kredi Yayınları, İstanbul, 2008.
5. Türk Modernleşmesi, Şerif Mardin, İletişim Yayınları, İstanbul, 2007. 1908 Devrimi, Aykut Kansu, İletişim Yayınları, İstanbul, 2006.
6. Türkiye’nin Demokrasi Tarihi (1839-1950), Tevfik Çavdar, İmge Kitapevi, Ankara, 2008.
7. Türkiye’nin Demokrasi Tarihi (1950’den Günümüze), Tevfik Çavdar, İmge Kitapevi, Ankara, 2013.
8. Türk Demokrasi Tarihi, Kemal, H. Karpat, Afa Yayınları, İstanbul, 1996. Osmanlı-Türk Anayasal Gelişmeler, Bülent Tanör, Yapı Kredi Yayınları, İstanbul, 2004.
9. Modern Türkiye’nin Doğuşu, Bernard Lewis, Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları, Ankara, 2007.
10. İmparatorluktan Günümüze Türkiye’nin Toplumsal Yapısı, Emre Kongar, Remzi Kitapevi, İstanbul, 1994.
11. Demokrasi Sürecinde Türkiye 1945-1980, Feroz Ahmad, Hil Yayınları, İstanbul, 1997.
12. Siyasi Tarih, Oral Sander, İmge Kitapevi, Ankara, 2011.
13. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Tarihi, Siyasal Kitapevi, Ankara, 2017.
14. Atatürk ve Türk İnkılâp Tarihi, Siyasal Kitapevi, Ankara, 2010.
15. Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılâp Tarihi, Okutman Yayıncılık, Ankara, 2011.
16. Demokrasi, Oktay Uygun, Oniki Levha Yayıncılık, İstanbul, 2007.
17. Demokrasi, Toktamış Ateş, Eser Matbaası, İstanbul, 1976.
18. Demokrasimizle Yüzleşmek, Emre Kongar, Remzi Kitapevi, İstanbul, 2007.
Other Sources 19. Atatürk ve Demokratik Türkiye, Halil İnalcık, Kırmızı Yayınları, İstanbul, 2007.
20. Türkiye’nin Yakın Tarihi, İlber Ortaylı, Timaş Yayınları, İstanbul, 2012.

Evaluation System

Requirements Number Percentage of Grade
Attendance/Participation - -
Laboratory - -
Application - -
Field Work - -
Special Course Internship - -
Quizzes/Studio Critics - -
Homework Assignments - -
Presentation - -
Project - -
Report - -
Seminar - -
Midterms Exams/Midterms Jury 1 50
Final Exam/Final Jury 1 50
Toplam 2 100
Percentage of Semester Work
Percentage of Final Work 100
Total 100

Course Category

Core Courses X
Major Area Courses
Supportive Courses
Media and Managment Skills Courses
Transferable Skill Courses

The Relation Between Course Learning Competencies and Program Qualifications

# Program Qualifications / Competencies Level of Contribution
1 2 3 4 5
1 Having knowledge and awareness of the design and construction decisions influenced by geographical variations in social, economic, cultural, and physical contexts.
2 Being able to collaborate in a multidisciplinary manner at the national and international levels, independently or jointly planning design projects in interdisciplinary work, and taking on responsibilities to execute/manage them.
3 Having knowledge about the principles, laws, regulations and standards; being aware of professional ethics, duties and responsibilities.
4 Being able to obtain the necessary data using accurate research methods and techniques, interpreting the results, and transforming the theoretical knowledge acquired by generating counter-arguments/syntheses, evaluating them, and applying them to alternative design solutions in the practical domain.
5 Expressing data, ideas, design solutions and projects accurately and effectively by using oral, written and/or visual communication techniques and technology.
6 Having knowledge of interior space systems in a way that considers the relationship between the base building construction and the interior construction.
7 Providing a holistic design approach by developing details through the appropriate selection of furnishing, product and material.
8 Developing design ideas/creating space with the influence of psychology, sociology, philosophy, architecture and art by using scientific and technical knowledge that will respond to aesthetic and functional needs.
9 Developing user-oriented design solutions with human factors, ergonomics, universal and inclusive design principles.
10 Having knowledge within the scope of the historical development of interior architecture, architecture and art, having the competence to make decisions by exhibiting a respectful and sensitive attitude towards cultural heritage and historical/natural environment.
11 Designing to increase spatial comfort and wellbeing with the impact of physical environmental systems such as lighting, color, acoustics, air conditioning, etc.
12 Having the ability to develop a sustainable design by using natural and built environment information.
13 Keeping up with new developments in the field of interior architecture and design, having a consciousness of lifelong learning, and contributing to the field.

ECTS/Workload Table

Activities Number Duration (Hours) Total Workload
Course Hours (Including Exam Week: 16 x Total Hours) 16 3 48
Special Course Internship
Field Work
Study Hours Out of Class 14 3 42
Presentation/Seminar Prepration
Homework Assignments
Quizzes/Studio Critics
Prepration of Midterm Exams/Midterm Jury 1 5 5
Prepration of Final Exams/Final Jury 1 5 5
Total Workload 100