ECTS - - Architecture
Compulsory Departmental Courses
ATU100 - Orientation (1 + 0) 1
President's Speech; Life at Atılım (Presentations by Administrative Units); Library Seminars; Book Borrowing-Returning Session; Department Promotion Meetings; Promotion of Sports Activities; Visits to Kiosks of Student Clubs and Communities; Informative Presentation on Education Technologies; participation in events organized within the scope of ATU 100.
HIST101 - Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish Revolution I (2 + 0) 2
French Revolution; structure and geopolitic positioning of Ottoman Empire, reasons of its decline; Westernization movements, First and Second Constitutional Monarchy declarations; Libya and Balkan wars; First World War; period before the War of Independence, congresses, National Pact, establishment of Turkish Grand National Assembly.
HIST102 - Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish Revolution II (2 + 0) 2
War of Independence; Lausanne Treaty; declaration of the Republic; removal of sultanic rule and caliphate; Atatürk`s revolutions; establishment of national economy; Second World War, before and after; Turkish Republic after 1960.
KRY111 - Career Planning (1 + 0) 1
Being a student at Atilim University, Student-centered programs at Atilim University, Faculty, Department presentations, Career Planning and Coop Program, Erasmus, CV writing types, Interview techniques, Effective Communication and presentation techniques, Intelligence and Personality
MMR101 - Basic Design in Architecture I (4 + 8) 10
Design experience, concepts, and principles; two-dimensional design with components as shape, line, color, and texture; in addition to these components, light, shade/shadow and surface plasticity for relief design; and three-dimensional design work that create, along with all these components, solid, void, mass, and volume.
MMR102 - Basic Design in Architecture II (4 + 8) 10
Structural principle-form relation; function-space relation at human and architectural scales; translating the data obtained through analysis into design data and knowledge; structure-space-function integration in simple architectural design exercises; shaping topography as a component of design at urban and architectural scales. Pre-requisite:
MMR111 - Architectural Principles and Concepts (3 + 0) 4
Scope, experience, and concepts related to the discipline of architecture and architectural design; phenomena of form; behavioral characteristics of form, a.) perceptual values related with corporeal, spatial, and surface characteristics and use of the principles of visual order, b.) structural principles and systems, c.) performances achieved.
MMR201 - Architectural Design I (4 + 8) 10
Study of the historic data, topography and morphological condition of a selected site for an architectural project with a simple function encompassing human, physical environment and social environment relations; individual development of an architectural design supported by studio work and criticisms. Pre-requisite: MMR 102 Basic Design II
MMR223 - History of Architecture II (3 + 0) 3
Phases of architectural history from the beginning of 15th century until mid-19th century; reflection of changes in social structure on architecture; examples from European architecture after the 1789 French Revolution; developments in the World and Turkey; Central Asia , Seljuk and Beylik Era Architecture, Ottoman Architecture.
MMR231 - Statics and Strength of Materials (3 + 0) 4
Vectors; the concept of force; equilibrium of rigid objects; bearings; space frame; shear force and bending moment; internal forces in beams; center of gravity; moment of inertia; states of stress and strain; simple and unified strength conditions of stick-form elements; effects of bending and torsion.
MMR254 - Building Elements and Systems II (2 + 2) 4
Roof systems, solutions and details, doors, windows, curtain walls, information on wet spaces; decisions about materials and construction in the light of knowledge acquired; procurement of system and spot details at scales of 1/20, 1/10, 1/5, 1/2, 1/1.
MMR301 - Architectural Design III (4 + 8) 10
Environmental analysis and study of the existing nearby built environment for a fuunctionally complex architectural design project that encompasses human and social environment relations; individual development of an architectural design supported by studio work and criticisms. Pre-requisite: MMR 202 Architectural Design II
MMR302 - Architectural Design IV (4 + 8) 10
Critical analysis of buildings and groups of buildings, and their relations with the city at different levels of scale; research study on complex functions, various types of structure, construction, and types of production for an architectural project that involves development of complex and multi-functional building programs and alternative solut
MMR311 - Principles of City Planning (3 + 0) 4
Emergence of the city, its development in different periods; phenomenon of urban life; professional terminology of the land-use functions and use areas and factors that form the city; planning approach to the city and planning principles of different urban areas and overall urban form; factors that shape the urban environment; urban concepts, data,
MMR332 - Structural Design II (2 + 2) 5
Advanced level expression of structural systems; strain types and structural behaviors of building components and elements; structural system diversity: form active systems, vector active systems, surface active systems, hybrid systems, inflated systems, tall building systems treated in advenced and sophistaicated form.
MMR381 - Control of Physical Environment I (2 + 2) 5
Evaluation of the positive and negative impact of sound and echo control in interiors; detection of the positive and negative aspects of natural and artificial lighting and use of types of lighting in design; technical precautions to be taken during implementation and use.
MMR382 - Control of Physical Environment II (2 + 2) 5
Natural and built environments and the effects of the environment on human beings. Natural and artificial energy resources. Knowledge about installations (clean water - waste water, heating, lighting) in implementation and use; technical precautions taken against fire in architectural projects.
MMR401 - Architectural Design V (4 + 8) 10
Analysis of the environment and the existing nearby built environment for an architectural project that provides scope for urban discourse and new technological potentials and multi-dimensional research; achievement and presentation in two and three dimensions of an architectural form with function, spatial organization and structure relations
MMR402 - Architectural Design VI (4 + 8) 10
Analysis of the environment and the existing nearby built environment for an architectural project that provides scope for urban discourse and new technological potentials and multi-dimensional research; achievement and presentation in two and three dimensions of an architectural form with function, spatial organization and structure relations
MMR483 - Design and Project Management (3 + 0) 5
The design, project and total quality man-agement factors affect-ing design in the con-text of the legal and managerial framework, the human and physical environment, actions, user requirements, con-straints, selection prior-ities, analysis and organiza-tion of evaluation crite-ria; evaluation and supervision.
TURK401 - Turkish Language I (2 + 0) 2
Languages and their classification; history of Turkish language, its spread over the world and its place among other languages; Turkish language in the republic era; orthography; expressions; foreign words, suffixes and prefixes; punctuation; language and verbalism.
Elective Courses
ART201 - Introduction to Photography (3 + 0) 4
Definition of photography and the photographer, the uses of photography in life, camera and its parts (aperture, iso, shutter, lens), light and its use in photography, composition rules in photography, the works of photographers from the world and Turkey.
ART222 - History of Jazz (3 + 0) 4
The history of music before 1900`s; Blues and Ragtime music genres; the impacts of musical, social and cultural structures of jazz music in New Orleans before its emergence in the region; main jazz movements starting from the very first Dixieland music to Fusion jazz movement today.
ART266 - Jewelry Design (3 + 0) 4
Shape elements, point-line-surface relation, drawing techniques, form-shape, measure-ratio, light-dark, shadow-light, volume information, texture types and touch; hand tools; production using simple modeling techniques; cutting and leveling techniques, assembly and skidding procedures; design preparation, metal and different material shaping and
ART269 - Entrepreneurial World of Contemporary Art (3 + 0) 4
The function and global organisation of contemporary art, which are considered as one of the most important investment tools in the world by international institutions, the socio-economic dimension of the events and the relationship between the world of art: collector, sponsor, and entrepreunership.
ART281 - The Healings of Art (1 + 2) 4
Contribution to the self's personal inner journey through art, artist's inner essential through art and healing techniques (breath, meditation etc.), discovery of the appropriate artistic space, the self through movement, body percussion, music, storytelling, visual arts (photography, collage, inspirational drawing, meditative painting, clay, etc).
ART284 - Stage Management of Theater and Movie Review (3 + 0) 4
Analysing theater plays that dominated the history of theater in philosophical theme; finding the substances and determine in search of theatric space at the world theater journey, discussion of the predeterminated movies that made the breakthrough in world history within the context of Sartre/Existentialist philosophy and Spinoza/Ethica.
ART291 - Body Language and the Art of Persuasion (3 + 0) 4
Posture, mimic, gesture, a correct and accurate way of using the intonation of speech; leadership skills and abilities to convince or persuade someone to accept a desired way of thinking in the business and social environment; convincing others to adopt new ideas using body language.
ENG393 - Basic English Speaking Skills (3 + 0) 4
This course provides students with a range of basic communicative activities aimed at activating their existing skills to participate effectively in basic communicative contexts. Students will practice how to communicate accurately in academic or professional environments with confidence.
HUM109 - The History of Early Modern Mediterranean (1450-1789) (3 + 0) 4
The description of the early modern Mediterranean in general terms from the geographical discoveries to the French Revolution; political, social, historical and economic developments and transformations in the early modern Mediterranean; wars and trade in the axis of Ottoman-Spanish hegemony struggle in the Mediterranean basin.
HUM112 - Preparation for Professional Life (3 + 0) 4
Greeting others kindly and politely; personality traits, body language and smiling; introduction to professional life; preparing CV and resume and preparation for interviews; the concept of being a good human: ethical conduct; the manners of new generation in business life; time management and its importance; addiction in business life, the limits of the work environment, challenges in professional life.
HUM204 - Volunteering Studies (1 + 0) 4
Participating voluntarily in the work of aid organizations established within public institutions, local governments and non-governmental organizations in order to support those who face difficulties, especially children, the elderly, the disabled and disadvantaged groups, and sharing what they acquired through the university education.
HUM211 - Gender Studies and Women Rights (3 + 0) 4
Introduction; gender perceptions; woman and health; woman and politics; woman and law; modernism, gender and women rights; types of violence against women and their prevention; woman and literature; woman labor in the global economy; worklife and woman; woman and entrepreneurship; woman and environment.
HUM212 - Gender Equality (3 + 0) 4
This course focused on examine main subjects and current issues of Gender Studies by precisely taking the principle of equality and discrimination at hand, Help students follow gender studies in Turkey and across the globe and develop abilities of students to examine and generate behavioral patterns in their daily social life in a gender-mainstrea
HUM291 - Body Language and Communication Methods (3 + 0) 4
Posture, mimic, gesture, a correct and accurate way of using the intonation of speech; leadership skills and abilities to convince or persuade someone to accept a desired way of thinking in the business and social environment; convincing others to adopt new ideas using body language.
HUM318 - Introduction to Logic (3 + 0) 4
Basic logical concepts, reasoning, argument analysis, informal logic, language and definitions, fallacies, syllogistic logic, categorial propositions, syllogisms in ordinary language, modern symbolic logic, propositional logic, truth functions and arguments, methods of derivation, predicate logic.
ISL313 - Managerial Skills for the 21st Century (3 + 0) 5
Self-management, personal financial management, time and stress management and organization skills, workplace etiquette/dress, ethics, politics and diversity, accountability and workplace relationships, communication and electronic communication, motivation, leadership and teams, conflict and negotiation, networking, job search skills, resume preparation, interview techniques, career management.
ISL328 - Financial Literacy and Legislation for Entrepreneurs (3 + 0) 5
Tax legislation, business law information and obligations related to legal legislation in start ups, different company and business types and selection principles, interpretation of financial statements (balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement).
ISL408 - Introduction to Sustainability (3 + 0) 5
What is sustainability; sustainability and related polices; climate and global change; environmental and resource economics; sustainable business practices; sustainability: ethics, culture, and history; sustainable development; sustainability indicators.
ISL414 - Entrepreneurship and Business Plan (3 + 0) 5
Fundamental concepts of entrepreneurship, personal characteristics of entrepreneurs, innovative thinking techniques and types, strategic management and planing, alternative ways of launching a business, business plan and fundamental elements of busines plan, techniques of preparing a business plan, from planning to practice, marketing, production
ISL437 - Entrepreneurship and Innovation Seminars (3 + 0) 5
Fundamental concepts of entrepreneurship, personal characteristics of entrepreneurs, innovative thinking techniques, barriers of innovation, internal and external factors of entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship, strategic management and planing, alternative ways of launching a business, business plan and fundamental elements of busines plan,
KOR301 - Korean III (3 + 0) 4
This course includes more vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at elementary level. The class activities are grouped around various themes such as occupations, hobbies, countries, and functions such as asking for and giving information, offering and responding.
MMR217 - Space and Installation (1 + 2) 3
Creation of spaces that manifest the artistic specialty of the designer through games; design of installations by transformation of spaces; analysis of space through games based on principles of spatial design; games as tools in spatial design, to overcome the limits of normative order and to alter perceptual habits; historical development of the art of installation.
MMR334 - Contemporary Structure Systems (2 + 0) 3
The basic concepts; principles of power structures; structural loads and structural behaviors with examples of alternative structures; structural review and project reading; power structures and structural compliance; alternative structural content of propositions.
MMR344 - Body, Space and Motion (1 + 2) 3
Exploration of the relation between body and space with motion, exploration of the space perception through body and mind; the expression of the individual through bodily movements, finding him/herself a creative, unique setting where he/she can discover the perceptive aspects of the space; practices for individual, partner and group study.
MMR348 - Space City and Media (1 + 2) 3
Disclosure of the role of media in the implementation of policies related to space and the city; expansion of the culture of space in the written and visual media; ways and methods to be followed in advancing space and urban culture in the fields of printed media (journals, newspapers), radio, and t.v.
MMR353 - Contemporary Construction Materials (2 + 0) 3
Building-material and design relations; the main features of building materials; composite materials; binder materials, cement, gypsum, lime, natural building blocks; concrete; plaster, mosaic, metals; natural wood; artificial wood; soil building materials; brick, tile, ceramic, porcelain, glass, plastics; plates-plates, profiles, foams, fabrics,
MMR371 - Energy Effective Building Design Theory and Practices (2 + 2) 6
Architectural design methods, that enable understanding of issues related to various types of buildings, for implementation of technologies that contribute to energy efficient and healthy buildings; theoretical knowledge and practical experience on design of building envelope in sustainable architecture, climatization and various related methods.
MMR375 - Architectural Acoustic Design Theory and Practices (2 + 2) 6
Acoustic effect in architectural projects with different subject matters; regulatory precautions taken to protect buildings against interior and environmental noise; acoustic design and modelling with ODEON software; interior and outdoor effects of acoustics on architectural design.
MMR421 - Design Philosophies (2 + 0) 3
Twentieth century designs, principles of design development, and philosophies of design; art and design movements, e.g., Expressionism, Die Brücke, Paris School, Cubism, Futurism, Dadaism, Modernism, Bauhaus, Constructivism, Realism, Purism, Art-Deco, Minimalism, Surrealism, Pop-Art, Post-Modernism, Concept Design;design products and the philosoph