ECTS - Russian III
Russian III (RUS301) Course Detail
Course Name | Course Code | Season | Lecture Hours | Application Hours | Lab Hours | Credit | ECTS |
Russian III | RUS301 | General Elective | 3 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 4 |
Pre-requisite Course(s) |
(RUS202 veya ETI182) |
Course Language | Russian |
Course Type | Elective Courses |
Course Level | Bachelor’s Degree (First Cycle) |
Mode of Delivery | Face To Face |
Learning and Teaching Strategies | Lecture, Demonstration, Discussion, Question and Answer, Drill and Practice, Problem Solving, Team/Group, Brain Storming, Role Play, Project Design/Management. |
Course Lecturer(s) |
Course Objectives | The general aim of the course, as a continuation of the RUS201 and RUS202 courses, is to help students acquire basic Russian skills that they can communicate at A2 * level according to the European Union Language Criteria. |
Course Learning Outcomes |
The students who succeeded in this course;
Course Content | More vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at elementary level; various themes such as occupations, hobbies, countries, and functions such as asking for and giving information, offering and responding. |
Weekly Subjects and Releated Preparation Studies
Week | Subjects | Preparation |
1 | Ориентация | Памятка курса |
2 | Урок 1. ПРЕДЛОЖНЫЙ ПАДЕЖ (единственное/множественное число прилагательных в -де) Вопросы «О КОМ?» «О ЧЁМ?», Глаголы: Думать, говорить, рассказывать, мечтать, понимать, вспоминать, Указания места: В/НА каком? В/НА какой? | Страница 11 |
3 | Урок 1. Время (предложный падеж) Вопрос «КОГДА?», Работа с диалогами, Относительное местоимение КОТОРЫЙ, Относительное местоимение КОТОРЫЙ (в предложном падеже) | Страница 29 |
4 | Урок 2. Винительный падеж. Прилагательные в винительном падеже (единственное и множественное число), Глаголы: Любить, уважать, вспоминать, встречать, найти, Притяжательное местоимение СВОЙ (винительный падеж). | Страница 38 |
5 | Урок 2. Время (винительный падеж), Предлоги: НАЗАД, ЧЕРЕЗ, Работа с диалогами. | Страница 50 |
6 | Урок 2. Глаголы движения: Пойти, поехать, прийти, приехать, уйти, уехать (упражнения). | Страница 58 |
7 | Урок 2. Прямая речь / Косвенная речь Относительное местоимение КОТОРЫЙ (винительный падеж) Упражнения | Страница 63 |
8 | Промежуточный экзамен | |
9 | Урок 3. Родительный падеж. Склонение прилагательных в единственном и множественном числе (родительный падеж). Указание на существование / отсутствие. Слова ЕСТЬ / НЕТ. Предлог «У». Работа с диалогами. | Страница 72 |
10 | Урок 3. Родительный падеж (в -ин форме). Указание на существование / отсутствие (ЕСТЬ / НЕТ). Прошедшее и будущее время глаголов. Упражнения. Работа с диалогами. | Страница 82 |
11 | Урок 3. Родительный падеж (-ин форма). Указание места. Глаголы, используемые с вопросами «ОТКУДА?» «ОТ КОГО?» | Страница 94 |
12 | Урок 3. Притяжательное местоимение «СВОЙ» (родительный падеж). Выражения времени. Указание даты / точная дата. Работа с диалогами. | Страница 85 |
13 | Родительный падеж. Единственное и множественное число (родительный падеж после чисел 2, 3, 4). | Страница 101 |
14 | Множественное число в родительном падеже (после чисел 5-20, слов много, мало, несколько, сколько). Упражнения. | |
15 | Общее повторение | |
16 | Экзамен по итогам курса |
Course Book | 1. V.Antonova, M.Nahabina, A.Tolstıh. (2004) Doroga v Rossiyu 2, Zlatoust Yayınları, Moskova |
2. Galina Belyayeva, M. Nahabina,(2015) Ya pişu po Russki, Zlatoust Yayınları, Moskova | |
3. Öğretim görevlileri tarafından hazırlanan ek materyaller |
Evaluation System
Requirements | Number | Percentage of Grade |
Attendance/Participation | - | - |
Laboratory | - | - |
Application | - | - |
Field Work | - | - |
Special Course Internship | - | - |
Quizzes/Studio Critics | - | - |
Homework Assignments | 2 | 30 |
Presentation | - | - |
Project | - | - |
Report | - | - |
Seminar | - | - |
Midterms Exams/Midterms Jury | 1 | 30 |
Final Exam/Final Jury | 1 | 40 |
Toplam | 4 | 100 |
Percentage of Semester Work | 60 |
Percentage of Final Work | 40 |
Total | 100 |
Course Category
Core Courses | X |
Major Area Courses | |
Supportive Courses | |
Media and Managment Skills Courses | |
Transferable Skill Courses |
The Relation Between Course Learning Competencies and Program Qualifications
# | Program Qualifications / Competencies | Level of Contribution | ||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | ||
1 | Adequate knowledge of mathematics, physical sciences and the subjects specific to chemical engineering disciplines; the ability to apply theoretical and practical knowledge of these areas in the solution of complex engineering problems. | |||||
2 | The ability to define, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems; the ability to select and apply proper analysis and modeling methods for this purpose. | |||||
3 | The ability to design a complex system, process, device or product under realistic constraints and conditions in such a way as to meet the specific requirements; the ability to apply modern design methods for this purpose. | |||||
4 | The ability to select, and use modern techniques and tools needed to analyze and solve complex problems encountered in chemical engineering practices; the ability to use information technologies effectively. | |||||
5 | The ability to design experiments, conduct experiments, gather data, and analyze and interpret results for investigating complex engineering problems or research areas specific to engineering disciplines. | |||||
6 | The ability to work efficiently in inter-, intra-, and multi-disciplinary teams; the ability to work individually. | |||||
7 | Ability to communicate effectively in Turkish, both in writing and in writing; at least one foreign language knowledge; ability to write reports and understand written reports, to prepare design and production reports, to make presentations, to give clear and understandable instructions. | |||||
8 | Recognition of the need for lifelong learning; the ability to access information, follow developments in science and technology, and adapt and excel oneself continuously. | |||||
9 | Acting in conformity with the ethical principles; professional and ethical responsibility and knowledge of the standards employed in chemical engineering applications. | |||||
10 | Knowledge of business practices such as project management, risk management, and change management; awareness of entrepreneurship and innovation; knowledge of sustainable development. | |||||
11 | Knowledge of the global and social effects of chemical engineering practices on health, environment, and safety issues, and knowledge of the contemporary issues in engineering areas; awareness of the possible legal consequences of engineering practices. |
ECTS/Workload Table
Activities | Number | Duration (Hours) | Total Workload |
Course Hours (Including Exam Week: 16 x Total Hours) | 16 | 3 | 48 |
Laboratory | |||
Application | |||
Special Course Internship | |||
Field Work | |||
Study Hours Out of Class | 16 | 2 | 32 |
Presentation/Seminar Prepration | |||
Project | |||
Report | |||
Homework Assignments | 2 | 5 | 10 |
Quizzes/Studio Critics | |||
Prepration of Midterm Exams/Midterm Jury | 1 | 5 | 5 |
Prepration of Final Exams/Final Jury | 1 | 5 | 5 |
Total Workload | 100 |