Compulsory Departmental Courses

ATU100 - Orientation (1 + 0) 1

President's Speech; Life at Atılım (Presentations by Administrative Units); Library Seminars; Book Borrowing-Returning Session; Department Promotion Meetings; Promotion of Sports Activities; Visits to Kiosks of Student Clubs and Communities; Informative Presentation on Education Technologies; participation in events organized within the scope of ATU 100.

AUDY-AE2FA1 - Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 4

AUDY-AE2SP1 - Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 4

AUDY-AE3FA1 - Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 4

AUDY-AE3SP1 - Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 4

AUDY-AE3SP3 - Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 4

AUDY-AE4FA1 - Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 4

AUDY-AE4FA2 - Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 4

AUDY-AE4SP1 - Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 4

AUDY-AE4SP4 - Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 4

AUDY-GE2FA1 - Non-Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 4

AUDY-GE2SP2 - Non-Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 4

AUDY-GE3FA1-Girişimcilik Havuzu - Non-Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 4

AUDY-GE3FA1-GirişimcilikHavuzu - Non-Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 4

AUDY-GE3FA3 - Non-Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 4

AUDY-GE3FA3-GirişimcilikHavuzu - Non-Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 4

AUDY-GE3SP1 - Non-Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 4

AUDY-GE4FA1 - Non-Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 4

AUDY-GE4SP1 - Non-Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 4

AUDY101 - Introduction to Hearing Science (2 + 0) 5

History of audiology in the World and Turkey; physiology of hearing, basic concepts of psychophysics, psychoacoustics, and auditory perception; causes, types, and degrees of hearing loss; methods, materials, and equipment used in diagnosis.

AUDY103 - Language and Speech Development (3 + 0) 5

The difference between interaction, communication, language, and speech; the fundamentals of neuroanatomy, physiology and embryology of speech and language; theories of language acquisition; linguistic developmental steps; speech and language development in the first 6 years of life.

AUDY104 - Instrumentation and Calibration in Audiology (3 + 0) 4.5

Basic features of the method, measurement, technical devices used in audiological and vestibular evaluation and the application principles.

AUDY106 - Basic Acoustics and Its Principles (3 + 0) 6

Evaluation of the positive and negative effects of sound hearing and echo control; technical measures to be taken during application and use.

AUDY108 - Audiological Terminology (3 + 0) 5

The terminology used in the diagnosis, evaluation and follow-up processes used in the field of audiology.

AUDY110 - Use of Voice and Breath (2 + 0) 5

Communication information, phonetics, language development rules, sound and speech organization, use of constants and vocals, use of breathing, resonance, professional voice use.

AUDY112 - Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases for Audiologists (2 + 0) 4

Examination methods in Ear Nose and Throat Diseases, basic information about anatomy and physiology or the field, diseases of the auricle and external ear canal, diseases of the middle ear and inner ear. Basic information about neurotology, nose and sinus diseases, larynx,oral cavity diseases.

AUDY201 - Evaluation of Hearing I: Behavioral Tests (2 + 2) 5

Behavioral tests used in the diagnosis of peripheral and central pathologies in children and adults, evaluation principles and methods, giving results and reporting techniques.

AUDY202 - Evaluation of Hearing II: Electophysiological Tests (2 + 4) 6

Acoustic immitancemetry, otoacoustic emission, auditory evoked and event-related potentials, and their applications.

AUDY203 - Evaluation of the Balance (Vestibular) System (2 + 0) 4

The role of the inner ear in maintaining balance, vestibular disorders, and basic vestibular diagnostic approaches.

AUDY204 - Implantable Hearing Aids (3 + 0) 5

Neural plasticity, the middle ear implants, bone anchored devices, cochlear implant, auditory brainstem implant, intraoperative monitoring, surgical techniques, sound processing, programming.

AUDY205 - Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology of Communication (3 + 0) 4

Neural system and brain anatomy and physiology; neurophysiology of speech, structural and functional brain networking and language processing, and models; sructural and functional imaging methods.

AUDY206 - Clinical Practice I: Behavioral Tests (1 + 4) 5

Hands-on work in department laboratories: practical implementation of the evaluation process, interview, history taking, otoscopic examination, and the phase of reaching a preliminary diagnosis with tuning fork tests; daily listening control, simulation of behavior tests used in audiological examination and student applications; discussing and reporting the results.

AUDY207 - Lifespan Development (3 + 0) 6

Genetic foundations of life; Prenatal and early infancy development; Physical, cognitive, emotional and social development in infancy, early, middle and late childhood; Adolescence, young, middle and late adulthood; End of life and death concept.

AUDY208 - Auditory Amplification (2 + 0) 3

Hearing aid types, parts and working principle, compression systems, external ear canal resonance, Real Ear Gain measurements, application procedures, instruction methods, applications according to age.

AUDY210 - Early Literacy in Children with Hearing Loss (2 + 0) 4

Defining the basic concepts of literacy and children's literature, criteria for choosing suitable books for children with age and hearing loss, the importance of reading interactive books, examining the development of literacy in children from birth to school period.

AUDY301 - Auditory Rehabilitation I (3 + 0) 5

Facial reading, auditory training, effective use of hearing aids/orientation, effective use/orientation of cochlear implants, and effective use of assistive listening devices, effects of hearing loss in children and meeting needs.

AUDY302 - Pediatric Audiology (2 + 2) 5

Basic principles of the typical development of the hearing system, childhood diseases and disorders that cause differences in the development of the hearing system, evaluation, diagnosis and early intervention in the pediatric group.

AUDY303 - Geriatric Audiology (2 + 0) 4

Demographic and biological characteristics of aging, changes in the hearing and balance system due to aging, and audiological evaluation of the geriatric patient, the basics of instrumentation and rehabilitation.

AUDY304 - Industrial Audiology (3 + 0) 5

The concept of noise, measurement principles and evaluation, technical protection methods from noise, monitoring of hearing health, effects of noise on human health, personal protection methods, legal regulations on noise and protection from noise.

AUDY305 - Genetic Hearing Loss (2 + 0) 4

Basic concepts of and terminology related to modes of inheritance and the influence of genetic factors in causing hearing loss.

AUDY306 - Auditory Rehabilitation II (3 + 0) 5

Approach to adults with hearing loss, rehabilitation in cochlear implant applications, rehabilitation in hearing loss due to various diseases.

AUDY307 - Clinical Practice II: Electrophysiologic Tests (2 + 4) 6

Aministrating behavioral and electrophysiological tests for different types of simulated hearing loss in laboratory settings and hearing aid adaptations and preparing an aural rehabilitation program for children and adults with different degrees of hearing loss.

AUDY308 - Brain and Perception Studies in Audiology (2 + 0) 4

Evaluation of the positive and negative effects of sound hearing and echo control; technical measures to be taken during application and use.

AUDY310 - Audiology with Cases (2 + 2) 4

Basic information about patient history and audiograms including many diseases.

AUDY313 - Vestibular System and Its Evaluation (2 + 2) 3

Anatomy and physiology of the vestibular system and related organs, Nystagmus and vestibular system-related reflexes, patient examination and anamnesis, BPPV tests, VNG/ENG, DVA, BPPV maneuvers, vHIT/fHIT,, cVEMP, oVEMP, Posturography

AUDY401 - Clinical Practice III: Balance (Vestibular) Tests (1 + 4) 7

Approach to patients with balance problems, selection and application of appropriate tests, maneuvers applied in balance system diseases.

AUDY402 - Clinical Practice IV: Auditory Amplification (2 + 2) 5

Selection of electronic devices that can help hearing loss patients in different age groups.

AUDY403 - Diagnosis and Interpretation in Audiology I (2 + 2) 6

The characteristics of the subjective and objective test methods required for audiological diagnosis and their application to the patient, the importance of evaluating all test methods together; diagnostic methods of conductive, mixed and sensorineural hearing losses, physiological and central hearing losses.

AUDY404 - Diagnosis and Interpretation in Audiology II (2 + 4) 6

Differential diagnostic tests for measuring hearing, auditory brain stem audiometry, vestibular tests and rehabilitation.

AUDY405 - Seminar I (3 + 0) 5

Presentation of research articles by reviewing the latest literature on recent developments in audiology and related fields.

AUDY406 - Seminar II (3 + 0) 5

Presentation of research articles by reviewing the latest literature on recent developments in audiology and related fields.

AUDY408 - Auditory Processing Disorders (2 + 1) 4

Anatomy and physiology of central auditory system; definition of processing, acoustic, phonological and language processing; auditory processing and cognition; effects of aging on auditory processing and cognition; auditory processing problems and diagnostic procedures.

AUDY499 - Clinical Practice (0 + 8) 10

Acquiring the ability to apply theoretical knowledge acquired in the field of audiology in different working environments. Acquiring knowledge and skills in the interpretation and reporting of audiological findings

ENG101 - English For Academic Purposes I (4 + 0) 3.5

English language skills, especially academic skills, such as reading comprehension, vocabulary building and critical analysis of texts; listening and note-taking, class discussions, presentations, writing, research assignments and use of technology.

ENG102 - English for Academic Purposes II (4 + 0) 3.5

Academic skills such as reading comprehension, class discussions, use of academic vocabulary and critical analysis of texts; research assignments and review of the English language structure; skills such as listening and note-taking, analysis of written products, writing, presentation and use of technology.

ENG201 - English for Academic Purposes III (3 + 0) 3

Advanced reading and writing skills, applying critical reading skills and strategies, identifying the organization of a reading text, main ideas of the texts, and the author?s main purpose, summarizing a given text, outlining and writing an argumentative essay.

ENG202 - English for Academic Purposes IV (3 + 0) 3

Preparing and writing research reports and delivering effective oral/written informative and persuasive presentations; gathering information, organizing data, outlining, using appropriate techniques in presentation and delivering for a maximum impact, using visual aids and citation effectively.

HIST101 - Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish Revolution I (2 + 0) 2

French Revolution; structure and geopolitic positioning of Ottoman Empire, reasons of its decline; Westernization movements, First and Second Constitutional Monarchy declarations; Libya and Balkan wars; First World War; period before the War of Independence, congresses, National Pact, establishment of Turkish Grand National Assembly.

HIST102 - Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish Revolution II (2 + 0) 2

War of Independence; Lausanne Treaty; declaration of the Republic; removal of sultanic rule and caliphate; Atatürk`s revolutions; establishment of national economy; Second World War, before and after; Turkish Republic after 1960.

KRY111 - Career Planning (1 + 0) 1

Being a student at Atilim University, Student-centered programs at Atilim University, Faculty, Department presentations, Career Planning and Coop Program, Erasmus, CV writing types, Interview techniques, Effective Communication and presentation techniques, Intelligence and Personality

MED181 - Physiology (3 + 0) 6

Physiology of cell, nerve, muscle, heart, circulatory system, respiratory system, digestive system, excretory system, endocrine system, reproductive system, central nervous system, sensory system and body fluids and electrolytes.

MED183 - Anatomy (3 + 3) 8.5

Anatomy of musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal system, urogenital system, central nervous system, endocrine system and sense organs.

NUT318 - Research Methods in Health Sciences (3 + 0) 3

Databases and article screening methods specific to the health sciences, the design of measurement methods and tools, the characteristics and purposes of cohort, case-control and intervention studies, the interpretation of systematic review and meta-analysis

PTR101 - Introduction to Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation and Ethical Principles (2 + 0) 2

Physiotherapist and rehabilitation concepts, ethical and ethical rules, patient health worker, duties and rights of state and institutions, ethical rules of the physiotherapist's profession, science and education ethics.

TURK401 - Turkish Language I (2 + 0) 2

Languages and their classification; history of Turkish language, its spread over the world and its place among other languages; Turkish language in the republic era; orthography; expressions; foreign words, suffixes and prefixes; punctuation; language and verbalism.

TURK402 - Turkish Language II (2 + 0) 2

Written expression and its genres; bibliography; sentence structure and types; misexpression; verbal expressions.

Elective Courses

ART226 - World Music Cultures (3 + 0) 4

The characteristics of music in the major regions of the world and its handling in the context of geographical, cultural, religious, social, economic and political factors.

ART227 - Opera History (3 + 0) 5

The major operas with similar and different features in the music writing language of their composers; the messages of the operas in the context of geographical, cultural, religious, social, economic and political factors.

ART228 - Music in Business Life (3 + 0) 5

Making business life skills more effective through music

ART265 - Creativity in Business Life (3 + 0) 4

Methods of creativity; using creativity in business life; overview and critique of the sector; new approaches by means of art; innovation.

ART268 - Theatrical Entrepreneurial Skills (3 + 0) 4

Developing entrepreneurial skills through the art of theater.

ART269 - Entrepreneurial World of Contemporary Art (3 + 0) 4

The function and global organisation of contemporary art, which are considered as one of the most important investment tools in the world by international institutions, the socio-economic dimension of the events and the relationship between the world of art: collector, sponsor, and entrepreunership.

ART270 - Entrepreneurship Inspired by Nature: Interdisciplinary Approaches (3 + 0) 5

Biomicicry; the natural processes of sustaining life on earth and using it as a model for social and economic innovations; the integration among the components of ecosystems: living organisms; climate, and the chemical environment;opportunities for innovative entrepreneurship practices with interdisciplinary approaches; the 21st century skills and nature?s principles for innovative and creative entrepreneurship opportunities.

ART272 - International Sign Language (3 + 0) 4

The importance of international sign language in communica-tion is discussed. Students are provided with infor-mation on understanding hearing-impaired individu-als and effectively communicating with them. Basic skills required for using international sign language are taught.

ART273 - Art of Manga and Anime (3 + 0) 4

Information on the fundamental principles of manga and anime will be provided and complementary studies will be carried out on the process of manga and anime production. The studies and/or researches will be interpreted to further improve the design, visual storytelling and animation skills.

ART285 - Innovative Visual Narrative (3 + 0) 4

Investigation of the visual narration processes through selected examples;preperation of a research report in line with the selected type of visual narration; information about the effectiveness of the visual material or visual narrative on thinking,decision making and personal communication;evaluation;effects of innovative approaches on visual

ART297 - Creative Presentation in Digital Arts (3 + 0) 4

3D modeling techniques suitable for 3D product presentation, workflows of multiple software design, scene lighting render and animation settings, editing presentation animation, using render passes layers in compositing and color correction process.

ATU400 - Participation in a Research Project (2 + 0) 6

Preparation of project proposals, Fulfillment of duties and responsibilities within the project work packages.

AUDY209 - International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (2 + 0) 4

Disease and functionality diagnosis classifications recommended by the World Health Organization, analysis of different diagnostic classifications for their applications in the field of audiology, basic ethical principles used in the field of audiology, considering the individual differences of the patient in audiology applications, analyzing the support of patients with hearing and balance loss in life.

AUDY211 - Laboratory Applications in Audiology (2 + 2) 4

Basic application systems, hardware and programs and clinical follow-up protocol used in hearing disorders.

AUDY212 - Patient and Family Counseling in Hearing Loss (2 + 0) 4

Definition of counseling and counseling theories, communication skills and ways, recognizing the family, revealing what to do for a solution.

AUDY309 - Approach to the Hearing Loss with Additional Disability (2 + 0) 4

Communication skills in hearing impaired children, factors affecting communication in children with more than one disability, educational evaluation and determination of educational needs for children with multiple disabilities other than hearing impairment, family education, educational guidance.

AUDY311 - Report Writing in Audiology (2 + 0) 4

Documenting the audiological diagnostic processes and different types of professional report writing.

AUDY407 - Differential Diagnostic Tests in Audiology (2 + 2) 4

The skills obtained in the basic tests together with the tests used in other areas of audiology.

AUDY409 - Hearing Aid Applications and Ear Molds (2 + 2) 4

Hands-on education and training so that students can adjust hearing aid programming, electroacoustic measurements and Real Ear Gain technique in both health studies and scientific studies.

AUDY410 - Research Techniques in Hearing and Speech Science (3 + 0) 4

Based on a research question, it is aimed to convey the part of scientific research steps up to sampling with the explanations of literature review, hypothesis development, defining/controlling variables and having knowledge about research methods that will test hypotheses.

AUDY412 - Balance (Vestibular) System Rehabilitation (2 + 2) 4

The methods used for treatment of the vestibular disorders, which cause balance disorders in humans.

CHIN201 - Chinese I (3 + 0) 4

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at beginners level; various topics such as countries, nationalities, jobs, family, feelings, food and drink, colors and clothes and daily routines

CHIN202 - Chinese II (3 + 0) 4

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at beginners level; various themes such as transport, travel, dates, holidays, money, and shopping.

ENG395 - Advanced English Speaking Skills (3 + 0) 4

This course provides students with a various range of activities aimed at refining their existing skills to engage effectively in various communicative contexts. During the course students will be supported via emphasizing the acquisition of appropriate register and expressions, and thus join in academic or professional environments orally.

ETI308 - Translation of Medical Texts (2 + 2) 6

All types of medical texts containing grammatical, conceptual domain-specific terminology and their translations.

FRE201 - French I (3 + 0) 4

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at beginners level; various topics such as countries, nationalities, jobs, family, feelings, food and drink, colors and clothes and daily routines.

FRE202 - French II (3 + 0) 4

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at beginners level; various themes such as transport, travel, dates, holidays, money, shopping, plans, and life changes.

FRE301 - French III (3 + 0) 4

More vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at elementary level; various themes such as occupations, hobbies, countries, and functions such as asking for and giving information, offering and responding.

FRE302 - French IV (3 + 0) 4

More vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at elementary level; various themes such as travel, places, appearance, plans, health, weather, phone conversations, and cultural elements.

FRE401 - French V (3 + 0) 4

Develop and practice more vocabulary, structure and communicative skills; reporting and passive structures; read newspapers, books, stories and talk about them.

FRE402 - French VI (3 + 0) 4

More vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at pre-intermediate level; various themes such as celebrations, hospital procedures, visiting museums, banks, libraries, and cultural elements.

GER201 - German I (3 + 0) 4

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at beginners level; various topics such as countries, nationalities, jobs, family, feelings, food and drink, colors and clothes and daily routines.

GER202 - German II (3 + 0) 4

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at beginners level; various themes such as transport, travel, dates, holidays, money, and shopping.

GER301 - German III (3 + 0) 4

More vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at elementary level; various themes such as occupations, hobbies, countries, and functions such as asking for and giving information, offering and responding.

GER302 - German IV (3 + 0) 4

More vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at elementary level; various themes such as travel, places, appearance, plans, health, weather, phone conversations, and cultural elements.

GER401 - German V (3 + 0) 4

More vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at elementary level; various themes such as travel, places, appearance, plans, health, weather, phone conversations, and cultural elements.

GER402 - German VI (3 + 0) 4

More vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at pre-intermediate level; various themes such as celebrations, hospital procedures, visiting museums, banks, libraries, and cultural elements.

HUM105 - Security, Espionage and Intelligence History (3 + 0) 4

The historical development of the concept of security, security problems and threats that differ according to periods, according to a new (critical) understanding; the restructuring of the transformation of espionage and intelligence activities in the history of the world and especially Turkey with globalization.

HUM108 - The History of Early Modern Mediterranean (1450-1789) (3 + 0) 4

The description of the early modern Mediterranean in general terms from the geographical discoveries to the French Revolution; political, social, historical and economic developments and transformations in the early modern Mediterranean; wars and trade in the axis of Ottoman-Spanish hegemony struggle in the Mediterranean basin.

HUM310 - Introduction to Sociolinguistics (3 + 0) 4

Factors contributing to the emergence of social approach to language; language variation and the factors that are responsible for the formation of regional and social variation of languages; various patterns of societal multilingualism and power relationships between/among languages; global trends affecting multilingualism; various political and socio-cultural factors that contribute to language maintenance; various methods used in linguistics research; a fieldwork using research methods.

HUM312 - Studies in Masterpieces of World Literature (3 + 0) 4

Texts selected from major works of world literature such as English, Russian and French: one novel, two short stories, two poems, one play.

HUM316 - Selections from World Literature: The Short Story (3 + 0) 4

Short stories in English selected from a variety of cultures; texts handed out by the course instructor on literary materials and on literary appreciation methods

HUM319 - Introduction to Logic (3 + 0) 4

Basic logical concepts, reasoning, argument analysis, informal logic, language and definitions, fallacies, syllogistic logic, categorial propositions, syllogisms in ordinary language, modern symbolic logic, propositional logic, truth functions and arguments, methods of derivation, predicate logic.

HUM320 - Aesthetics (3 + 0) 4

Defining art, aesthetics, the beautiful and the ugly, and ethics; scrutinizing their contents; examining the place of aethetics in art and nature; discussing and comparing the views of the philosophers studied.

HUM321 - Introduction to the History of Philosophy (3 + 0) 4

A study of selected philosophers from the times of Ancient, Medieval and Modern Philosophy, 19th Century Philosophy and 20th Century Philosophy.

HUM322 - Introduction to Ethics (3 + 0) 4

Analysing and discussing the central topics of ethics, such as egoism, eudaimonism, utilitarianism, the moral law and the ethics of self-determinism; also, examining the ethical thinking of Plato, Aristotle, Hume, Kant, Mill, Bentham and Sartre.

HUM323 - Introduction to Critical Thinking (3 + 0) 4

Examining and discussing the themes of critical thinking, such as writing and thinking clearly, learning and analysing the types of reasonings and arguments, making rational decisions, learning the types of fallacies; also, exercises to make these topics more understandable.

HUM331 - Go (3 + 0) 4

General description of the game of Go, the rules of Go, the history of Go, Go culture and ethics, Go philosophy, Go in Turkey and in the rest of the world, the opening in Go, ingame strategies in Go.

HUM360 - History of Science (3 + 0) 4

The origins and historical deveopment of modern science and scientific method; the ways of knowing the world of different cultures and societies changed over time; the relationship between scientific knowledge to other enterprises, such as art and religion; the key aspects and issues in the advancement of science from ancient world to modern ages.

HUM412 - Work Accidents and Occupational Diseases (3 + 0) 4

Basic concepts of work accidents and occupational diseases, legal consequences and methods of protection from work accidents and occupational diseases.

JAP201 - Japanese I (3 + 0) 4

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at beginners level; various topics such as countries, nationalities, jobs, family, feelings, food and drink, colors and clothes and daily routines.

JAP202 - Japanese II (3 + 0) 4

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at beginners level; various themes such as transport, travel, dates, holidays, money, shopping, plans, and life changes.

JAP301 - Japanese III (3 + 0) 4

More vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at elementary level; various themes such as occupations, hobbies, countries, and functions such as asking for and giving information, offering and responding.

JAP302 - Japanese IV (3 + 0) 4

More vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at elementary level; various themes such as travel, places, appearance, plans, health, weather, phone conversations, and cultural elements.

LAW426 - Forensic Medicine (2 + 0) 4

No data provided

MAN101 - Introduction to Behavioral Science (3 + 0) 5

Thinking critically with behavioral science, exploring the biology of mind, discription of human diversity, sensation and perception, learning process and conditioning, the phenomenon of memory and memory construction, thinking and language, motivation and work, emotions, personality.

MAN315 - Personality and Organizational Psychology (3 + 0) 5

Concepts of personality and organizational psychology; personality related issues such as attitude, motivation, perception; individuals within the work environment.

MAN328 - Financial Literacy and Legislation for Entrepreneurs (3 + 0) 5

Tax legislation, business law information and obligations related to legal legislation in start ups, different company and business types and selection principles, interpretation of financial statements (balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement).

MAN409 - Entrepreneurship (4 + 0) 5

The nature, importance and history of entrepreneurship, the entrepreneurial mind, creativity, innovation and the business idea, marketing and financial planning, franchising, entrepreneurial strategy and strategic management in operations, entrepreneurship background of Turkey, changes in Turkish entrepreneurial features and activities, characteri

MAN412 - Product Development and Brand Management (3 + 0) 5

Concepts of product and brand, classification of products, product strategies, new product development, strategic brand management, brand equity, branding strategies.

MAN414 - Entrepreneurship and Business Plan (3 + 0) 5

Fundamental concepts of entrepreneurship, personal characteristics of entrepreneurs, innovative thinking techniques and types, strategic management and planing, alternative ways of launching a business, business plan and fundamental elements of busines plan, techniques of preparing a business plan, from planning to practice, marketing, production

MAN437 - Entrepreneurship and Innovation Seminars (3 + 0) 5

Fundamental concepts of entrepreneurship, personal characteristics of entrepreneurs, innovative thinking techniques, barriers of innovation, internal and external factors of entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship, strategic management and planing, alternative ways of launching a business, business plan and fundamental elements of busines plan

MAN449 - Consumer Behaviour (3 + 0) 5

Consumer actions, experiences, feelings, and judgement processes; consumer buying behavior and the theories concerning the factors affecting the consumer behavior process such as perception, motivation, demographics, culture, etc.

NUT409 - General Nutrition Knowledge (2 + 0) 4

The importance of nutrition, structures, definitions, classifications, functions, sources, recommended dietary allowances, excessive intakes and toxicity of macro and micro nutrients; nutrition in special conditions and introduction of foods in specific food groups.

PR119 - Fundamentals of Sociology (3 + 0) 5

Viewing, understanding and interpreting society; institutions and organizations that form the society; societal relations and processes.

PR419 - Media Literacy (3 + 0) 4

This course covers the basic concepts and approaches related to sociology. In this sense, starting from the concept of media literacy, important theoretical approaches are examined. Then, violence, gender, representation of minorities are analyzed through different media materials.

PSY419 - Health Psychology (3 + 2) 8

The effects of behavioral, psychological and social factors on health and illness, descriptions and psychosocial interventions of stress, pain and chronic illnesses, and health behaviors such as smoking and exercising

RUS201 - Russian I (3 + 0) 4

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at beginners level; various topics such as countries, nationalities, jobs, family, feelings, food and drink, colors and clothes and daily routines.

RUS202 - Russian II (3 + 0) 4

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at beginners level; various themes such as transport, travel, dates, holidays, money, and shopping.

RUS301 - Russian III (3 + 0) 4

More vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at elementary level; various themes such as occupations, hobbies, countries, and functions such as asking for and giving information, offering and responding.

RUS302 - Russian IV (3 + 0) 4

More vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at elementary level; various themes such as travel, places, appearance, plans, health, weather, phone conversations, and cultural elements

RUS401 - Russian V (3 + 0) 4

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at pre-intermediate level; up to date topics on newspapers, magazines, and books.

SPAN201 - Spanish I (3 + 0) 4

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at beginners level; various topics such as countries, nationalities, jobs, family, feelings, food and drink, colors and clothes and daily routines.

SPAN202 - Spanish II (3 + 0) 4

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at beginners level; various themes such as transport, travel, dates, holidays, money, shopping, plans, and life changes.

SPAN301 - Spanish III (3 + 0) 4

More vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at elementary level; various themes such as occupations, hobbies, countries, and functions such as asking for and giving information, offering and responding.

SPAN302 - Spanish IV (3 + 0) 4

More vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at elementary level; various themes such as travel, places, appearance, plans, health, weather, phone conversations, and cultural elements.

SPAN401 - Spanish V (3 + 0) 4

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at pre-intermediate level; up to date topics on newspapers, magazines, and books.