1. Semester

Program Competencies

Course Code Course Name
AUDY101 Introduction to Hearing Science
AUDY103 Language and Speech Development
MED181 Physiology
MED183 Anatomy
HIST111 Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish Revolution I (in English)
ENG101 English For Academic Purposes I
KRY111 Career Planning

2. Semester

Program Competencies

Course Code Course Name
ENG102 English for Academic Purposes II
AUDY104 Instrumentation and Calibration in Audiology
AUDY106 Basic Acoustics and Its Principles
HIST112 Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish Revolution II (in English)
AUDY108 Audiological Terminology
AUDY110 Use of Voice and Breath
AUDY112 Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases for Audiologists

3. Semester

Program Competencies

Course Code Course Name
AUDY201 Evaluation of Hearing I: Behavioral Tests
AUDY205 Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology of Communication
AUDY207 Lifespan Development
ENG201 English for Academic Purposes III
AUDY203 Evaluation of the Balance (Vestibular) System
Departmental Elective
Non-Departmental Elective

4. Semester

Program Competencies

Course Code Course Name
ENG202 English for Academic Purposes IV
AUDY202 Evaluation of Hearing II: Electophysiological Tests
AUDY204 Implantable Hearing Aids
AUDY206 Clinical Practice I: Behavioral Tests
AUDY208 Auditory Amplification
Non-Departmental Elective
Departmental Elective

5. Semester

Program Competencies

Course Code Course Name
AUDY399 Summer Practice I
AUDY301 Auditory Rehabilitation I
AUDY303 Geriatric Audiology
AUDY305 Genetic Hearing Loss
AUDY307 Clinical Practice II: Electrophysiologic Tests
ENG301 English for Occupational Purposes I
Non-Departmental Elective
Non-Departmental Elective
Non-Departmental Elective
Departmental Elective
Non-Departmental Elective

6. Semester

Program Competencies

Course Code Course Name
ENG302 English for Occupational Purposes II
AUDY304 Industrial Audiology
AUDY302 Pediatric Audiology
AUDY306 Auditory Rehabilitation II
Departmental Elective
ART292 Sign Language
Departmental Elective
Non-Departmental Elective

7. Semester

Program Competencies

Course Code Course Name
AUDY403 Diagnosis and Interpretation in Audiology I
TURK401 Turkish Language I
AUDY405 Seminar I
AUDY499 Summer Practice II
AUDY401 Clinical Practice III: Balance (Vestibular) Tests
Departmental Elective
PTR101 Introduction to Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation and Ethical Principles
Departmental Elective
Non-Departmental Elective

8. Semester

Program Competencies

Course Code Course Name
AUDY402 Clinical Practice IV: Auditory Amplification
AUDY406 Seminar II
AUDY404 Diagnosis and Interpretation in Audiology II
TURK402 Turkish Language II
Departmental Elective
AUDY408 Auditory Processing Disorders
Non-Departmental Elective
Departmental Elective

Area Elective

Program Competencies

Course Code Course Name
AUDY308 Brain and Perception Studies in Audiology
AUDY210 Early Literacy in Children with Hearing Loss
AUDY310 Audiology with Cases
AUDY209 International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health
AUDY211 Laboratory Applications in Audiology
AUDY407 Differential Diagnostic Tests in Audiology
AUDY409 Hearing Aid Applications and Ear Molds
AUDY410 Research Techniques in Hearing and Speech Science
AUDY412 Balance (Vestibular) System Rehabilitation
AUDY212 Patient and Family Counseling in Hearing Loss
AUDY309 Approach to the Hearing Loss with Additional Disability
AUDY311 Report Writing in Audiology

General Elective

Program Competencies

Course Code Course Name
ART263 Diction
MAN328 Financial Literacy and Legislation for Entrepreneurs
MAN414 Entrepreneurship and Business Plan
MAN412 Product Development and Brand Management
MAN437 Entrepreneurship and Innovation Seminars
ART268 Theatrical Entrepreneurial Skills
ART269 Entrepreneurial World of Contemporary Art
ART270 Entrepreneurship Inspired by Nature: Interdisciplinary Approaches
FRE201 French I
GER202 German II
GER301 German III
FRE301 French III
JAP301 Japanese III
GER401 German V
FRE401 French V
GER402 German VI
FRE402 French VI
HUM211 Gender Studies and Women Rights
ART201 Introduction to Photography
ART221 Annotated History of Music
ART222 History of Jazz
ART223 Performing Jazz
ART251 Watercolour Painting
ART224 History of Argentine Tango
ART291 Body Language and the Art of Persuasion
ART252 Free Ceramic Forming
ART225 Introduction to Classical Guitar
LAW426 Forensic Medicine
GER201 German I
RUS201 Russian I
SPAN201 Spanish I
JAP201 Japanese I
CHIN201 Chinese I
CHIN202 Chinese II
RUS202 Russian II
SPAN202 Spanish II
FRE202 French II
JAP202 Japanese II
RUS301 Russian III
SPAN301 Spanish III
GER302 German IV
RUS302 Russian IV
SPAN302 Spanish IV
FRE302 French IV
JAP302 Japanese IV
ETI308 Translation of Medical Texts
MAN315 Personality and Organizational Psychology
MAN449 Consumer Behaviour
MAN409 Entrepreneurship
ART202 Cartoon
PR119 Fundamentals of Sociology
ART271 Creative Drama
ART235 Polyphonic Chorus
ART294 Stage Makeup
ART293 Architectural Photography
MAN101 Introduction to Behavioral Science
PSY419 Health Psychology
ART261 Screenplay
ART262 Traditional Tile Decoration and Modern Interpretations
ART264 Interior Design of Sculpture
ART266 Jewelry Design
ART267 Theatre
ART282 Voice Training, Solfage, Correpetition
ART284 Stage Management of Theater and Movie Review
ART265 Creativity in Business Life
NUT409 General Nutrition Knowledge
RUS401 Russian V
SPAN401 Spanish V
HUM412 Work Accidents and Occupational Diseases
HUM105 Security, Espionage and Intelligence History
ART228 Music in Business Life
PR419 Media Literacy
HUM319 Introduction to Logic