ECTS - Political Economy of Space

Political Economy of Space (MMR617) Course Detail

Course Name Course Code Season Lecture Hours Application Hours Lab Hours Credit ECTS
Political Economy of Space MMR617 Area Elective 3 0 0 3 5
Pre-requisite Course(s)
MMR 514 Social Change, City and Architecture
Course Language Turkish
Course Type Elective Courses
Course Level Natural & Applied Sciences Master's Degree
Mode of Delivery Face To Face
Learning and Teaching Strategies Discussion, Question and Answer.
Course Coordinator
Course Lecturer(s)
  • Asst. Prof. Dr. Emel Akın
Course Assistants
Course Objectives Questioning/Criticizing the terms space, and production and organization of space on the basis of social structure, socio-political and socio-economical structure.
Course Learning Outcomes The students who succeeded in this course;
  • Gains the skills of discussing/questioning/criticizing the terms space, production of space and organization of space on the basis of social structure, socio-political and socio economic point of view.
  • Comprehends the dialectial relationship between space, ideology, Powers and capital.
  • Obtains original research/practice result(s) about the subject researched.
Course Content Mekânsal süreçlerin temelinde ekonomi-politik yapılanmanın oluşu; kapitalizmin kendine özgü koşulları çerçevesinde mekân üretimi ve organizasyonu; toplumsal ilişkiler temelinde mekân;mekân üretimi ve organizasyonuna ilişkin kavramlar; bu kavramlarla algılanan mekan arasındaki bağlantılar; konuya ilişkin makalelerin tartışılması ve araştırma

Weekly Subjects and Releated Preparation Studies

Week Subjects Preparation
1 Introducing the course, talking about the method and resources.
2 Determining the field study
3 The triple dialectic of space
4 Space as a perceiving, designing and living issue
5 Representation space/space-ideology
6 Presentation/discussion about the texts read
7 Presentation/discussion about the texts read
8 Space-capital-ideology relationship
9 Mid-Term presentations
10 Space-capital- ideology relationship
11 Presentation/discussion about the texts read
12 Presentation/discussion about the texts read
13 Space-rent-ideology
14 Presentation/discussion about the texts read
15 Presentation/discussion about the texts read
16 Presentations


Course Book 1. Frampton, K., “The work of Architecture in the Age of Commodification” Commodification Spectacle in Architecture, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis and London, 2005.
2. Jameson, F., “Architecture and the Critique of Ideology”, Architecture Criticism Ideology, Princeton Architectural Pres, pp 51-87, 1985.
3. Lefebvre, H., The Production of Space, (English Translation, Donald Nicholson- Smith), Blackwell, Oxford, 1991.
4. Tafuri, M., “Ideology and Utopia”, Architecture and Utopia; Design and Capitalist Development, The MIT Pres, Cambridge and Massachusetts, pp. 50*78, 1988.

Evaluation System

Requirements Number Percentage of Grade
Attendance/Participation 1 20
Laboratory - -
Application - -
Field Work - -
Special Course Internship - -
Quizzes/Studio Critics - -
Homework Assignments - -
Presentation - -
Project - -
Report - -
Seminar - -
Midterms Exams/Midterms Jury 1 30
Final Exam/Final Jury 1 50
Toplam 3 100
Percentage of Semester Work
Percentage of Final Work 100
Total 100

Course Category

Core Courses X
Major Area Courses
Supportive Courses
Media and Managment Skills Courses
Transferable Skill Courses

The Relation Between Course Learning Competencies and Program Qualifications

# Program Qualifications / Competencies Level of Contribution
1 2 3 4 5

ECTS/Workload Table

Activities Number Duration (Hours) Total Workload
Course Hours (Including Exam Week: 16 x Total Hours) 16 3 48
Application 1 15 15
Special Course Internship
Field Work
Study Hours Out of Class
Presentation/Seminar Prepration
Homework Assignments
Quizzes/Studio Critics
Prepration of Midterm Exams/Midterm Jury 1 20 20
Prepration of Final Exams/Final Jury 1 42 42
Total Workload 125