ECTS - - School of Medicine Undergraduate Program

The exams below are administered in the first three years:

a) Committee exams: The exams to assess the theoretical, practical and small group sessions at the end of each committee.

b) Elective course exams: Performed by the relevant department. Student grades for these courses are logged as exam grades.

c) Final exams: A final exam is administered for large group courses in all committees at the end of each term. Student grades from the final exam are logged as final exam grades.


ç) Interim evaluation exams for small group practice sessions: An interim evaluation exam is held at the end of each unit for small group practice sessions. Student grades from these exams are logged as interim evaluation examination grades.

d) Final exam for small group practice sessions: A final examination is held at the end of each term for small group practice sessions, covering all units. Student grades from the final exam are logged as final exam grades for small group studies.

An internship exam covering the relevant internship studies is administered after each internship study, for Years Four and Five. The internship exam may be oral, written, or both, and/ or practical. Internship grades also depend on student performance and success throughout the relevant internship studies. Students are required to achieve at least a CC grade to be deemed successful in each internship course.

The student success assessment for Year Six (internship-family practice period) is performed at the end of each Department Major studies on the grades presented in Article 10 of this Directive, taking into account their clinical, polyclinic, laboratory and field studies, their patient interviews; as well as the epicrises, treatment and interest in patients; their turns of duty, seminars attended, and their success in clinical and clinical pathological meetings. Students are required to achieve at least a CC grade to be deemed successful in each internship course.

Assessment methods and tools: 

• Exams with multiple choice (case-based) questions, case-based modified written exams, structured oral exams

• Observation and assessment of student activity in clinical skill laboratories and simulated settings; Standardized Patients - “SH” (SP), Objective Structured Clinical Brainstorming, Objective Structured Practice Exam, Objective Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE)

• Hands-on Evaluation: Mini clinical Exam (Mini-CEX), professionalism mini evaluation exam (P-MEX), direct observation of procedural skills (DOPS), and case-based discussions (CbD).

• Project-based evaluation and improvement observation file (portfolio)

• Performance evaluation in the educational process (such as Courses in Problem-Based Learning, Communication, Field and Evidence-Based Medicine)

• Assessment methods for projects/ posters/ reports/ seminars

The grades and their equivalents that apply to courses coded “medical” (the code MED) in the Medicine program are as follows:

Course Grade




















