Systems of Governments (KMH603) Course Detail

Course Name Course Code Season Lecture Hours Application Hours Lab Hours Credit ECTS
Systems of Governments KMH603 Area Elective 3 0 0 3 5
Pre-requisite Course(s)
Course Language English
Course Type Elective Courses
Course Level Ph.D.
Mode of Delivery Face To Face
Learning and Teaching Strategies .
Course Coordinator
Course Lecturer(s)
  • Asst. Prof. Dr. Dr.Öğr.Üyesi Abbas Kılıç
Course Assistants
Course Objectives Course Objective This course explores the systems of government; mainly the presidental, parliamentary, semi-presidential types of governments and other forms of dual executive governments as well as some forms of anti-democratic structures of governments. We begin with a conceptual and normative inquiry into the notion of seperation of powers and Montesquieu’s theory. Next we make the distinction of systems of government and the basic features and defining criterias of them. Our main objective is to examine advantages and disadvantages of these systems and the effect of them on democracies and consolidation of democratic regimes.
Course Learning Outcomes The students who succeeded in this course;
  • -Have a historical and theoretical understanding of the theory of seperation powers -Know the distinctions of systems of government -Know defining criterias of presidential, parliamentary and semi-presidential system of governments as well as some other distinctions like premier-presidentialism and president-parliamentarism. - Know the concepts related to the performance of presidential /parliamentary system of government discussion like divided government, dual legitimacy, deadlock, rigidity /flexibility,stability of government, stability of regime, zero-sum game, accountability, identifiability etc. -Know the concept of semi-presidentialism and other dual executive system distintions, - Know the diversities in the dual executive structures, - Know the transformation of system of gevernment in Turkey, - Know Turkish type of presidentialist regime
Course Content Systems of government discussion in theory and practice; the advantages and disadvantages of presidential systems versus parliamentary form of government; does stability of government make pure presidential system of government more preferable than parliamentarism; what are the disadvantages of presidentialism; does dual democratic legitimacy and divided government result with the deadlock of democratic regimes; if so, what other forms of systems of government can be thought as alternative;

Weekly Subjects and Releated Preparation Studies

Week Subjects Preparation
1 A Brief Introduction to Montesquieu’s theory of Seperation of Powers ; the distinction of systems of government according to the seperation of legislative and executive powers. Montesquieu, Kanunların Ruhu Üzerine I (çev.) Fehmi Baldaş) (Ankara: Milli Eğitim Basımevi, 1963); Montesquieu “İngiltere’nin Esas Teşkilatı” (L’Esprit des Lois XI, 6 ‘dan çev. Mukbil Özyörük), SBOD, Cilt II, sayı 1-2, s. 75-83; Turhan Feyzioğlu, “Kuvvetlerin Ayrılığı Nazariyesi, SBOD, Cilt II, Sayı 1-2, 1947, s. 50-60.
2 Pure Presidential System of Government and its defining properties versus parliamentarism Nur Uluşahin, Anayasal Bir Tercih Olarak Başkanlık Sistemi (Ankara: Yetkin yayınları, 1998), s. 27-51; Douglas Verney, The Analysis of Political Systems (London: Routledge and Kegan paul, 1959), s. 39-56; Alfred Stepan- Cindy Skach, “Presidentialism and Parliamentarism,” The Failure of presidential Democracy, Juan j. Linz- Arturo valenzuela, ed., (Baltimore and London: The John Hopkins University Press, 1994, s. 119-136.
3 3. Week The Concepts of Stability: Stability of Government, Stability of Regime, Deadlock, Rigidity of presidentialim versus flexibility of parliamentarism Nur Uluşahin, Anayasal Bir Tercih Olarak Başkanlık Sistemi (Ankara: Yetkin yayınları, 1998), s. 57-99; Arend Lijphart, Çağdaş Demokrasiler: Yirmibir Ülkede Çoğunlukçu ve Oydaşmacı Yçönetim Örüntüleri (çev. Ergun Özbudun ve Ersin Onulduran) (Ankara: Türk Demokrasi vakfı ve Siyasi ilimler Derneği Ortak yayını), Arend Lijphart, “Introduction”, Arend Lijphart, ed. Parliamentary versus Presidential Democracy (New York: Oxford University Press, 1992). Arend Lijphart, Çağdaş Demokrasiler: Yirmibir Ülkede Çoğunlukçu ve Oydaşmacı Yçönetim Örüntüleri (çev. Ergun Özbudun ve Ersin Onulduran) (Ankara: Türk Demokrasi vakfı ve Siyasi ilimler Derneği Ortak yayını), Arend Lijphart, “Introduction”, Arend Lijphart, ed. Parliamentary versus Presidential Democracy (New York: Oxford University Press, 1992).
4 Divided government, dual legitimacy, political polarization and the problems in multi-party presidential systems. Giovanni Sartori, “Neither Presidentialism nor Parliamentarism”. Juan J. Linz and Arturo Valenzuela, ed., The Failure of Presidential democracy (Baltimore and London: The John Hopkins University Press), s. 106-118.
5 Presidentialism as a majoritarian institution: Zero-sum game and personalisation of the government Juan J. Linz, “The Perils of presidentialism”, Journal of Democracy, Vol. 1, (Winter), No. 1, s. 51-69; Juan J. Linz, “Presidential or Parliamentary Democracy: Does it Make a Difference?”, Juan J. Linz and Arturo Valenzuela, ed., The Failure of Presidential democracy (Baltimore and London: The John Hopkins University Press, 1994); Scott Mainwaring, “Presidentialism, Multipartism and Democracy: The Difficult Combination “. Comparative Political Studies, Vol. 26 (July), No.2, s. 198-228.
6 6. Week Democracy and presidentialism: The Concepts of Accountability and Identifiability Nur Uluşahin, Anayasal Bir Tercih Olarak Başkanlık Sistemi (Ankara: Yetkin yayınları, 1998), s. 142-160; ; Juan J. Linz, “Presidential or Parliamentary Democracy: Does it Make a Difference?”, Juan J. Linz and Arturo Valenzuela, ed., The Failure of Presidential democracy (Baltimore and London: The John Hopkins University Press, 1994); Matthew Soberg and John m. Carey, Presidents and Assemblies: Constitutional Design and Electoral Dynamics (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press); Giovanni Sartori, Comparartive Constitutional Engineering: an Inquiry into Structures, Incentives and Outcomes (Washington Square, New York: New York University Press, 1994). 6. Week Democracy and presidentialism: The Concepts of Accountability and Identifiability Nur Uluşahin, Anayasal Bir Tercih Olarak Başkanlık Sistemi (Ankara: Yetkin yayınları, 1998), s. 142-160; ; Juan J. Linz, “Presidential or Parliamentary Democracy: Does it Make a Difference?”, Juan J. Linz and Arturo Valenzuela, ed., The Failure of Presidential democracy (Baltimore and London: The John Hopkins University Press, 1994); Matthew Soberg and John m. Carey, Presidents and Assemblies: Constitutional Design and Electoral Dynamics (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press); Giovanni Sartori, Comparartive Constitutional Engineering: an Inquiry into Structures, Incentives and Outcomes (Washington Square, New York: New York University Press, 1994).
7 Sartori’s Alternating Presidentialism 6. Week Democracy and presidentialism: The Concepts of Accountability and Identifiability Nur Uluşahin, Anayasal Bir Tercih Olarak Başkanlık Sistemi (Ankara: Yetkin yayınları, 1998), s. 142-160; ; Juan J. Linz, “Presidential or Parliamentary Democracy: Does it Make a Difference?”, Juan J. Linz and Arturo Valenzuela, ed., The Failure of Presidential democracy (Baltimore and London: The John Hopkins University Press, 1994); Matthew Soberg and John m. Carey, Presidents and Assemblies: Constitutional Design and Electoral Dynamics (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press); Giovanni Sartori, Comparartive Constitutional Engineering: an Inquiry into Structures, Incentives and Outcomes (Washington Square, New York: New York University Press, 1994).
8 Presidentialist Regimes Arend Lijphart, “The Southern European Examples of Democratization: Six Lessons for Latin America”. Government and Opposition 25, s. 68-84.
9 Dual Executive Bodies: Parliamentarism , semi-presidentialim or dual executives? Defining properties of each regime type Nur Uluşahin, Saf Hükümet Sistemleri karşısında iki başlı Yürütme Yapılanması (Ankara: yetkin yayınları, 2007),s .25-60.
10 Shugart’s categories of regime types. Matthew Soberg Shugart and John m. Carey, Presidents and Assemblies: Constitutional Design and Electoral Dynamics (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press); Matthew Soberg Shugart, “Of presidents and Parliaments”, East European Constitutional Review, Vol. 2, No. 1.
11 From semi-presidentialism to dual-executives Maurice Duverger, “A New Political System Model: Semi-presidential Government”, European Jornal of Political Research, Vol. 8, No. 2, s. 165-187.
12 Diversities of dual-executives Nur Uluşahin, Saf Hükümet Sistemleri karşısında iki başlı Yürütme Yapılanması (Ankara: yetkin yayınları, 2007),s .63-183
13 The Performance of dual executive Bodies Nur Uluşahin, Saf Hükümet Sistemleri karşısında iki başlı Yürütme Yapılanması (Ankara: yetkin yayınları, 2007),s .189-219.
14 The transformation of Turkish system of government Türkiye’de Mevcut Hükümet Sisteminin Niteliği ve Rejimin Başkanlık Sistemine Kaymasının Getireceği Tehdit ve Tehlikeler, Hukuk ve İktisat Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2011 3(2), s. 29-38. “Cumhurbaşkanının Halk Tarafından Seçilmesinin Siyasal Sistemimize Etkileri: Türkiye'de Hükümet Sisteminin Geçirdiği Dönüşüm ve Geleceğe Yönelik Beklentiler,” Yeni Türkiye, Yıl 9, Sayı 51, Mart Nisan 2013, 319-332.
15 Turkish type of presidentialist regime "Kuvvetler Ayrılığı ve Yasama-Yürütme İlişkileri”, Türkiye’de Siyasal Yaşam: Dün, Bugün, Yarın, der. Mehmet Kabasakal ( İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2016), s. 39-67.
16 Turkish type of presidentialist regime “Kuvvetler Ayrılığı ve Yasama-Yürütme İlişkileri”, Türkiye’de Siyasal Yaşam: Dün, Bugün, Yarın, der. Mehmet Kabasakal ( İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2016), s. 39-67.


Course Book 1. Arend Lijphart, Çağdaş Demokrasiler: Yirmibir Ülkede Çoğunlukçu ve Oydaşmacı Yönetim Örüntüleri (çev. Ergun Özbudun ve Ersin Onulduran) (Ankara: Türk Demokrasi vakfı ve Siyasi ilimler Derneği Ortak yayını).
2. Montesquieu, Kanunların Ruhu Üzerine I (çev.) Fehmi Baldaş) (Ankara: Milli Eğitim Basımevi, 1963).
3. Nur Uluşahin, Anayasal Bir Tercih Olarak Başkanlık Sistemi (Ankara: Yetkin yayınları, 1998).

Evaluation System

Requirements Number Percentage of Grade
Attendance/Participation - -
Laboratory - -
Application - -
Field Work - -
Special Course Internship - -
Quizzes/Studio Critics - -
Homework Assignments - -
Presentation - -
Project - -
Report - -
Seminar - -
Midterms Exams/Midterms Jury 1 30
Final Exam/Final Jury 1 70
Toplam 2 100
Percentage of Semester Work
Percentage of Final Work 100
Total 100

Course Category

Core Courses X
Major Area Courses
Supportive Courses
Media and Managment Skills Courses
Transferable Skill Courses

The Relation Between Course Learning Competencies and Program Qualifications

# Program Qualifications / Competencies Level of Contribution
1 2 3 4 5
1 Improves the knowledge of concepts, institutions and methods in the field of Public Law at the level of expertise. X
2 Makes original definitions and qualifications about legal concepts and methods. X
3 To analyze and evaluate the problems of public law relations by using the information obtained, reaches new and original results and thoughts. X
4 Evaluates an existing or a new concept or institution in the field of Public Law with a new thought, approach and method. X
5 Have the ability to understand and process the national and international dimensions of law by following court jurisprudence and practices. X
6 Have the ability to diagnose and solve public law problems. X
7 Gains original perspective in the field of public law. X
8 Has the ability to conduct research in the field of Public Law and to produce an original scientific work. X
9 Gains the ability to make oral and written presentations in accordance with academic and ethical rules. X
10 Establishes an effective communication in defending his / her original views and showing his competence in the field of public law issues. X
11 Has the ability to solve current legal problems within the framework of contemporary legal approaches. X
12 It contributes to the establishment and implementation of legal and academic ethical rules. X
13 It contributes to the establishment of the awareness of law and justice in the society and the process of sustaining it. X
14 Students will have the ability to interact effectively by using strategic decision-making processes in solving problems arising from legal theory and practice and affecting social life. X
15 It contributes to the theory and practice of law by publishing at least one scientific article in the field of Public Law in national or international refereed and / or reputable journals. X

ECTS/Workload Table

Activities Number Duration (Hours) Total Workload
Course Hours (Including Exam Week: 16 x Total Hours) 14 3 42
Special Course Internship
Field Work
Study Hours Out of Class 10 3 30
Presentation/Seminar Prepration 10 3 30
Homework Assignments 1 10 10
Quizzes/Studio Critics
Prepration of Midterm Exams/Midterm Jury 1 10 10
Prepration of Final Exams/Final Jury 1 30 30
Total Workload 152