Compulsory Departmental Courses

APM108 - Basic Aerodynamics (Module 8) (5 + 0) 5

Physics of the Atmosphere, Aerodynamics, Theory of Flight, Flight Stability and Dynamics

ATU100 - Orientation (1 + 0) 1

President's Speech; Life at Atılım (Presentations by Administrative Units); Library Seminars; Book Borrowing-Returning Session; Department Promotion Meetings; Promotion of Sports Activities; Visits to Kiosks of Student Clubs and Communities; Informative Presentation on Education Technologies; participation in events organized within the scope of ATU 100.

AVM311 - Aviation Terminology I (3 + 0) 3

Terminology and abbreviations related to general aviation practices, airports, aircraft and aircraft systems, documentation, aerodynamics and maintenance practices

AVM312 - Aviation Terminology II (0 + 3) 3

Course Content: Terminology and abbreviations related to general aviation practices, airport operations, aircraft and aircraft systems, aviation regulations and standards, safety and emergency procedures and weather

CMPE105 - Introduction to Computers and Information Systems (1 + 2) 3

Fundamentals of information systems, system and application software; input, processing, storage, output and communication; exploring the windows environment; learning management systems; internet applications; use of applications software: word processing, spreadsheets and creating presentations, integrating and sharing information between applica

ENG101 - English For Academic Purposes I (4 + 0) 3.5

English language skills, especially academic skills, such as reading comprehension, vocabulary building and critical analysis of texts; listening and note-taking, class discussions, presentations, writing, research assignments and use of technology.

ENG102 - English for Academic Purposes II (4 + 0) 3.5

Academic skills such as reading comprehension, class discussions, use of academic vocabulary and critical analysis of texts; research assignments and review of the English language structure; skills such as listening and note-taking, analysis of written products, writing, presentation and use of technology.

ENG201 - English for Academic Purposes III (3 + 0) 3

Advanced reading and writing skills, applying critical reading skills and strategies, identifying the organization of a reading text, main ideas of the texts, and the author?s main purpose, summarizing a given text, outlining and writing an argumentative essay.

ENG202 - English for Academic Purposes IV (3 + 0) 3

Preparing and writing research reports and delivering effective oral/written informative and persuasive presentations; gathering information, organizing data, outlining, using appropriate techniques in presentation and delivering for a maximum impact, using visual aids and citation effectively.

HIST101 - Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish Revolution I (2 + 0) 2

French Revolution; structure and geopolitic positioning of Ottoman Empire, reasons of its decline; Westernization movements, First and Second Constitutional Monarchy declarations; Libya and Balkan wars; First World War; period before the War of Independence, congresses, National Pact, establishment of Turkish Grand National Assembly.

HIST102 - Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish Revolution II (2 + 0) 2

War of Independence; Lausanne Treaty; declaration of the Republic; removal of sultanic rule and caliphate; Atatürk`s revolutions; establishment of national economy; Second World War, before and after; Turkish Republic after 1960.

HIST221 - History of Civilization (3 + 0) 3

A chronological order of the rise of civilizations from Sumer until the Scientific Revolution.

KRY111 - Career Planning (1 + 0) 1

Being a student at Atilim University, Student-centered programs at Atilim University, Faculty, Department presentations, Career Planning and Coop Program, Erasmus, CV writing types, Interview techniques, Effective Communication and presentation techniques, Intelligence and Personality

MATH151 - Calculus I (4 + 2) 7

Preliminaries, limits and continuity, differentiation, applications of derivatives, L`Hopital's Rule, integration, applications of integrals, integrals and transcendental functions, integration techniques and improper integrals, squences.

MATH152 - Calculus II (4 + 2) 7

Infinite series, vectors in the plane and polar coordinates, vectors and motions in space, multivariable functions and their derivatives, multiple integrals: double integrals, areas, double integrals in polar coordinates, triple integrals in rectangular, cylindrical and spherical coordinates, line integrals, Independence of path,Green's theorem.

PHYS101 - General Physics I (3 + 2) 6

Measurement, motion along a straight line, vectors, motion in two and three dimensions, force and motion I, force and motion II, kinetic energy and work, potential energy and conservation of energy, center of mass and linear momentum, rotation, rolling, torque, and angular momentum, equilibrium and elasticity.

PHYS102 - General Physics II (3 + 2) 6

Electric charge, electric fields, Gauss` law, electric potential, capacitance, current and resistance, circuits, magnetic fields, magnetic fields due to currents, induction and inductance.

PLT-AE2FA1 - Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 5

PLT-AE4FA4 - Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 5

PLT-AE4SP3 - Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 5

PLT-AE4SP5 - Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 5

PLT-AE4SP6 - Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 5

PLT-AE4SP7 - Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 5

PLT-GE4FA1-EntrepreneurshipCourses - Non-Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 4

PLT-GE4FA1-Girişimcilik Havuzu - Non-Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 4

PLT-GE4FA1-GirişimcilikHavuzu - Non-Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 4

PLT-GE4SP1 - Non-Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 4

PLT-GE4SP3 - Non-Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 4

PLT-GE4SP4 - Non-Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 4

PLT101 - Flight and Gorund Safety Management Systems (3 + 0) 3.5

General concept of flight and ground safety, main factors in flight and ground safety, main factors of incedent and accident, reasons of aircraft and ground incedents and accidents, SHEL model, analysis of incedents and accidents, human factors, environment factors, aircraft and maintenance factors, risk and risk management, flight safety training

PLT102 - PPL (A) Air Law Knowledge (010) (1 + 0) 2

History of Internatıonal Air and Space Law, agreements and rules; SHGM, JAA, EASA, FAA and ICAO rules.

PLT104 - PPL (A) Aircraft General Knowledge (020) (2 + 0) 2

Systems and sub-systems of the fix wing aircrafts.

PLT106 - PPL (A) Flight Performance & Planning (030) (2 + 0) 2

Performance characteristics of aircraft powerplants, take-off performance, climbing performance, cruise performance, descent and landing performance, flight maneouvers, airplane weights, importance of balance, mean aerodynamic chord, theory of weight and balance, effects on airplane performance of overload, effects on airplane performance loading

PLT108 - PPL (A) Human Performance (040) (1 + 0) 1

Effects of pressure, vision, hearing, flight sickness, flying and health, toxic hazards; central decision channel, stress, decision and decision taking.

PLT110 - PPL (A) Meteorology (050) (2 + 0) 2

Atmospheric pressure, temperature, wind, humidity; data collection and analysis, prediction procedures; risk factors (icing, turbulance, mountain wave, wind break, fog etc).

PLT112 - PPL (A) Navigation (060) (2 + 0) 2

Air navigation systems of aircraft such as ADF, VOR, ILS, MLS, INS, transponder, radar, etc.

PLT114 - PPL (A) Operational Procedures (070) (1 + 0) 1

General information about operating procedures.

PLT116 - PPL (A) Flight Principles (080) (2 + 0) 2

Basic aerodynamic definitions, subsonic aerodynamics, basics about airflow, continuity equation, Bernoulli?s equation, airspeeds, viscous flows, boundary layer, flow separation and drag, shape and scale effects on drag, airfoil sections, generation of lift, airfoil properties, wing geometry, airflow about finite wings, airflow about aircraft,

PLT118 - PPL (A) Communication (090) (1 + 0) 2

ATC conversation, numbers and phonetic alphabet, expressing special terms, definitions and shortenings, Q codes, message categories, emergency situation messages, meteorological messages, aviation information messages, VFR conversation patterns, position reports.

PLT120 - PPL (A) Flight Applications (0 + 9) 8.5

Checklist procedure, take-off, climb, cruise, cruise at different speeds and configurations, power settings, speed changes, turns, constant vario manoeuvres, radio communication techniques, trimming, usage of altitude indicator, power changes and effects, cross-check technique, instrument delays, climb-at-best rate of climb (VY), acceleration,

PLT201 - ATPL Air Law Knowledge (010) (4 + 0) 4

History of Internatıonal Air and Space Law, agreements and rules; SHGM, JAA, EASA, FAA and ICAO rules.

PLT203 - ATPL AGK-Airframe, Systems and Powerplant (021) (6 + 0) 4

Systems and sub-systems of the fix wing aircrafts.

PLT204 - ATPL Mass and Balance (031) (3 + 0) 3

Mass and balance definition; calculating the center of gravity (CG) before takeoff and during flight; mass, CG, reference point, moment and moment arm, fuel and CG moment calculation.

PLT205 - ATPL AGK-Flight Instruments (022) (3 + 0) 3

The instruments of performance, navigation, and flight control systems; analog and glass cockpits, auxiliary systems, failures of the systems and precautions.

PLT206 - ATPL Performance (032) (8 + 0) 3

Flying the aircraft safely and cost-effectively by calculating the performance values as take-off and landing distances, climb ratios, glide ratios, fuel consumptions in different load, altitude and air conditions (wind, temperature, atmospheric pressure).

PLT207 - Multi-Crew Coordination (3 + 0) 6

Human error, air safety, interpersonal communication, leadership, decision making.

PLT208 - ATPL Flight Planning and Monitoring (033) (4 + 0) 3

The point to point flight planning about fuel, time, altitude, alternate airfield, etc; following the flight plan during cruise; determining the deviation from the plan and making an alternate flight plan when necessary.

PLT210 - Night Flight Applications (1 + 1) 2

Flying after sunset by using related IR (Instrument Rating) procedures.

PLT212 - Pilot in Command Flight Applications I (1 + 4) 8

Flying from main airfield to another (at least 300 NM far from each other) and application of related navigation procedures.

PLT214 - Pilot in Command Flight Applications II (1 + 4) 8

Flying from main airfield to another (at least 300 NM far from each other) and application of related navigation procedures.

PLT301 - ATPL Human Performance (040) (4 + 0) 4

The circulatory system, oxygen andrespiration, hypoxia, hyperventilation, decompression, cabin pressurization, flying and diving, the nervous system, ear, hearing and balance, alcohol and flying, motion sickness, the eye and vision, flying and health, stress, stress factors, coping with stress, behaviour and motivation, situational awareness.

PLT303 - ATPL Meteorology (050) (6 + 0) 5

Atmospheric pressure, temperature, wind, humidity; data collection and analysis, prediction procedures; risk factors (icing, turbulance, mountain wave, wind break, fog etc).

PLT304 - Instrument Rating Applications (0 + 4) 7

Flight using related IR (Instrument Rating) procedures.

PLT305 - ATPL General Navigation (061) (6 + 0) 5

Air navigation systems of aircraft such as; ADF, VOR, ILS, MLS, INS, transponder, radar, etc.

PLT306 - CPL(A) Flight Applications (0 + 1) 5

Checklist procedure, take-off, climb, cruise, cruise at different speeds and configurations, power settings, speed changes, turns, constant vario manoeuvres, radio communication techniques, trimming, usage of altitude indicator, power changes and effects, cross-check technique, instrument delays, climb-at-best rate of climb (VY), acceleration, deceleration.

PLT307 - ATPL Radio Navigation (062) (7 + 0) 7

Air navigation with radio aids.

PLT308 - Multi-Engine Flight Applications (0 + 1) 5

Multi-engine flight practices.

PLT309 - ATPL Operational Procedures (070) (3 + 0) 2

Operating an air vehicle under the rules determined by an authority (such as a management, SHGM, JAR, EASA,FAA, and ICAO); procedures to be obeyed with the materials and equipment needed in the normal conditions, in low visibility, instrument and equipment conditions, communication hardware conditions, aircraft maintenance, avoiding noise, over ocean/poles, icing conditions, improper meteorological conditions, emergency conditions in carrying hazardous materials.

PLT310 - ATPL VFR Communications (091) (2 + 0) 0.5

The terms, codes, talks and approvals techniques, the isues to be repated all used in avaiation communication; communication procedures to be used in case of wireless malfunction and emergencies.

PLT311 - ATPL Principles of Flight (081) (3 + 0) 2

Principles underlying the practical flying training; theoretical and practical aspects of low and high speed flight, flying controls, lift augmentation, aeroplane stability and design, aerodynamic aspects of propellers; fundamental laws.

PLT312 - ATPL IRF Communications (092) (2 + 0) 0.5

The terms, codes, talks and approvals techniques, the isues to be repated all used in avaiation communication; communication procedures to be used in case of wireless malfunction and emergencies.

PLT399 - PPL Control (0 + 0) 6.5

Control of PPL flight check by General Directorate of Civil Aviation.

PLT402 - Airline Dispatch Operations (3 + 0) 5

Operational control, licensing and certification, legal responsibility, load planning, flight following.

PLT403 - Airline Flight Crew Techniques and Procedures (3 + 0) 5

Human error, air safety, interpersonal communication, leadership, decision making.

PLT404 - Crew Resource Management (3 + 0) 5

Effective communication in the cockpit, situational awareness, problem solving processes, stress management, cockpit management and leadership.

PLT499 - ATPL Control (0 + 0) 6.5

Control of ATPL flight check by General Directorate of Civil Aviation

TURK401 - Turkish Language I (2 + 0) 2

Languages and their classification; history of Turkish language, its spread over the world and its place among other languages; Turkish language in the republic era; orthography; expressions; foreign words, suffixes and prefixes; punctuation; language and verbalism.

TURK402 - Turkish Language II (2 + 0) 2

Written expression and its genres; bibliography; sentence structure and types; misexpression; verbal expressions.

Elective Courses

APM405 - Maintenace and Reliablity Management (3 + 0) 5

Basic navigational terms and principles, principles of magneti compasses, short-range NavaIds, long-range NavaIds, approach landing NavaIds, satellite navigation, surveillance systems, data transmission protocols.

APM409 - Helicopter Structures (3 + 0) 5

Theory of flight, rotary wing aerodynamics, flight control systems, blade tracking and vibration analysis, transmissions, airframe structures, equipment and furnishings, landing gear.

ART226 - World Music Cultures (3 + 0) 4

The characteristics of music in the major regions of the world and its handling in the context of geographical, cultural, religious, social, economic and political factors.

ART227 - Opera History (3 + 0) 5

The major operas with similar and different features in the music writing language of their composers; the messages of the operas in the context of geographical, cultural, religious, social, economic and political factors.

ART228 - Music in Business Life (3 + 0) 5

Making business life skills more effective through music

ART265 - Creativity in Business Life (3 + 0) 4

Methods of creativity; using creativity in business life; overview and critique of the sector; new approaches by means of art; innovation.

ART268 - Theatrical Entrepreneurial Skills (3 + 0) 4

Developing entrepreneurial skills through the art of theater.

ART269 - Entrepreneurial World of Contemporary Art (3 + 0) 4

The function and global organisation of contemporary art, which are considered as one of the most important investment tools in the world by international institutions, the socio-economic dimension of the events and the relationship between the world of art: collector, sponsor, and entrepreunership.

ART270 - Entrepreneurship Inspired by Nature: Interdisciplinary Approaches (3 + 0) 5

Biomicicry; the natural processes of sustaining life on earth and using it as a model for social and economic innovations; the integration among the components of ecosystems: living organisms; climate, and the chemical environment;opportunities for innovative entrepreneurship practices with interdisciplinary approaches; the 21st century skills and nature?s principles for innovative and creative entrepreneurship opportunities.

ART272 - International Sign Language (3 + 0) 4

The importance of international sign language in communica-tion is discussed. Students are provided with infor-mation on understanding hearing-impaired individu-als and effectively communicating with them. Basic skills required for using international sign language are taught.

ART273 - Art of Manga and Anime (3 + 0) 4

Information on the fundamental principles of manga and anime will be provided and complementary studies will be carried out on the process of manga and anime production. The studies and/or researches will be interpreted to further improve the design, visual storytelling and animation skills.

ART285 - Innovative Visual Narrative (3 + 0) 4

Investigation of the visual narration processes through selected examples;preperation of a research report in line with the selected type of visual narration; information about the effectiveness of the visual material or visual narrative on thinking,decision making and personal communication;evaluation;effects of innovative approaches on visual

ART297 - Creative Presentation in Digital Arts (3 + 0) 4

3D modeling techniques suitable for 3D product presentation, workflows of multiple software design, scene lighting render and animation settings, editing presentation animation, using render passes layers in compositing and color correction process.

ATU400 - Participation in a Research Project (2 + 0) 6

Preparation of project proposals, Fulfillment of duties and responsibilities within the project work packages.

AVM305 - Aviation English (3 + 0) 5

International aviation terms, air transport and airport sectors, air cargo industry, airline alliances.

AVM416 - Customer Relationship Management (3 + 0) 5

Customer relationship management (CRM), the CRM value chain, information technology for CRM, customer portfolio analysis, customer intimacy, creating and managing customer networks, creating value for customers, managing the customer lifecycle (customer acquisition, customer retention and development).

AVM417 - Decision Analysis (3 + 0) 5

Decision making in uncertain environments; element of decision problems, structuring of decision problems, solving decision problems, sensitivity analysis, expert judgment, multi-criteria decision models.

AVM418 - Aviation Economics and Policy (3 + 0) 5

Strategic and economic structures models of airlines, the structure of demand in airlines, models of airline fees, capacity and cost management.

AVM419 - Transportation Politics (3 + 0) 5

Basic concepts related to transport and transport policy, transportation modes, transport policies in turkey and in the world.

AVM420 - Strategic Management in Airlines (3 + 0) 5

The basic concepts of strategic management, strategic management process, SWOT analysis in airlines, system approach in air transportation, airline companies and their strategic positioning, strategy development process in airlines, economic regulations related to air transport, network structure of airlines, environmental analysis of airlines, cos

AVM421 - Aviation Maintenance Management (3 + 0) 5

General concepts related to aircraft maintenance, technical regulations related to aircraft maintenance, classification of aircraft maintenance activities, forming aircraft maintenance activities, basic maintenance methods, basic maintenance program development, examination of the aircraft maintenance section in a typical airline, aircraft maintena

AVM422 - Service Systems Management (3 + 0) 5

Introduction to service management, building the service system, operating the service system, tools and techniques for managing service operations.

AVM423 - Revenue Management in Aviation (3 + 0) 5

Airline reservations and product distribution, passenger demand, pricing, booking class assignment, seat inventory control, scheduling and capacity management, revenue management organization.

AVM424 - Project Management (3 + 0) 5

Phases of project management, project functions (planning, staffing, scheduling, monitoring, and controlling), project management techniques (CPM, PERT, etc.), project management tools, cost control of projects, time/resource management, risk management.

AVM425 - Air Cargo Management (3 + 0) 5

The concept of air cargo, classification of air cargo companies involved in the market, evaluation of expectations for the future of air cargo market.

AVM426 - Management Information Systems (3 + 0) 5

Organizations, management and the networked enterprise, information technology infrastructure, key system applications for the digital age, building and managing systems.

AVM427 - Airport Master Planning (3 + 0) 5

Airport strategic planning, forecasting demand, terminal capacity management, airside capacity planning and management, passenger terminal design and capacity management, airport operations support and security systems, facilitation and security, passenger baggage systems.

AVM428 - Risk Management in Aviation (3 + 0) 5

Essential basics and limitations of aviation risk management, theoretical background of aviation risk management, practical implications of aviation risk management, implementation and optimization of aviation risk management.

AVM429 - Quality Management Systems (3 + 0) 5

Introduction to Quality, Lean Enterprise, Six Sigma, Statistical Process Control, Control Charts for Variables, Acceptance Sampling, Reliability, Management and Planning Tools, Experimental Design.

AVM430 - The Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air (3 + 0) 5

Basic definitions and classifications, limitations, packing, labelling and marking, responsibilities of shippers and operators, reporting and security.

AVM490 - History of Aviation (3 + 0) 4

Historical view and introduction, flight in mythology, pioneers of lighter than air vehicles, parameters of heavier than air flight, progress of aviation up to World War One, establishment of Ottoman/Turkish aviation, the great war in the air (1914 ? 1918), golden age of aviation (1919-1939), development of aviation in Turkish Republic, the great

CHIN201 - Chinese I (3 + 0) 4

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at beginners level; various topics such as countries, nationalities, jobs, family, feelings, food and drink, colors and clothes and daily routines

CHIN202 - Chinese II (3 + 0) 4

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at beginners level; various themes such as transport, travel, dates, holidays, money, and shopping.

CHIN301 - Chinese III (3 + 0) 4

More vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at elementary level; various themes such as occupations, hobbies, countries, and functions such as asking for and giving information, offering and responding.

CHIN302 - Chinese IV (3 + 0) 4

More vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at elementary level; various themes such as travel, places, appearance, plans, health, weather, phone conversations, and cultural elements.

E300 - Popüler Bilim (3 + 0) 4

Data not provided

ENG395 - Advanced English Speaking Skills (3 + 0) 4

This course provides students with a various range of activities aimed at refining their existing skills to engage effectively in various communicative contexts. During the course students will be supported via emphasizing the acquisition of appropriate register and expressions, and thus join in academic or professional environments orally.

FRE201 - French I (3 + 0) 4

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at beginners level; various topics such as countries, nationalities, jobs, family, feelings, food and drink, colors and clothes and daily routines.

FRE202 - French II (3 + 0) 4

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at beginners level; various themes such as transport, travel, dates, holidays, money, shopping, plans, and life changes.

FRE301 - French III (3 + 0) 4

More vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at elementary level; various themes such as occupations, hobbies, countries, and functions such as asking for and giving information, offering and responding.

FRE302 - French IV (3 + 0) 4

More vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at elementary level; various themes such as travel, places, appearance, plans, health, weather, phone conversations, and cultural elements.

FRE401 - French V (3 + 0) 4

Develop and practice more vocabulary, structure and communicative skills; reporting and passive structures; read newspapers, books, stories and talk about them.

FRE402 - French VI (3 + 0) 4

More vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at pre-intermediate level; various themes such as celebrations, hospital procedures, visiting museums, banks, libraries, and cultural elements.

GER201 - German I (3 + 0) 4

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at beginners level; various topics such as countries, nationalities, jobs, family, feelings, food and drink, colors and clothes and daily routines.

GER202 - German II (3 + 0) 4

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at beginners level; various themes such as transport, travel, dates, holidays, money, and shopping.

GER301 - German III (3 + 0) 4

More vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at elementary level; various themes such as occupations, hobbies, countries, and functions such as asking for and giving information, offering and responding.

GER302 - German IV (3 + 0) 4

More vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at elementary level; various themes such as travel, places, appearance, plans, health, weather, phone conversations, and cultural elements.

GER401 - German V (3 + 0) 4

More vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at elementary level; various themes such as travel, places, appearance, plans, health, weather, phone conversations, and cultural elements.

GER402 - German VI (3 + 0) 4

More vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at pre-intermediate level; various themes such as celebrations, hospital procedures, visiting museums, banks, libraries, and cultural elements.

HUM105 - Security, Espionage and Intelligence History (3 + 0) 4

The historical development of the concept of security, security problems and threats that differ according to periods, according to a new (critical) understanding; the restructuring of the transformation of espionage and intelligence activities in the history of the world and especially Turkey with globalization.

HUM108 - The History of Early Modern Mediterranean (1450-1789) (3 + 0) 4

The description of the early modern Mediterranean in general terms from the geographical discoveries to the French Revolution; political, social, historical and economic developments and transformations in the early modern Mediterranean; wars and trade in the axis of Ottoman-Spanish hegemony struggle in the Mediterranean basin.

HUM310 - Introduction to Sociolinguistics (3 + 0) 4

Factors contributing to the emergence of social approach to language; language variation and the factors that are responsible for the formation of regional and social variation of languages; various patterns of societal multilingualism and power relationships between/among languages; global trends affecting multilingualism; various political and socio-cultural factors that contribute to language maintenance; various methods used in linguistics research; a fieldwork using research methods.

HUM312 - Studies in Masterpieces of World Literature (3 + 0) 4

Texts selected from major works of world literature such as English, Russian and French: one novel, two short stories, two poems, one play.

HUM316 - Selections from World Literature: The Short Story (3 + 0) 4

Short stories in English selected from a variety of cultures; texts handed out by the course instructor on literary materials and on literary appreciation methods

HUM319 - Introduction to Logic (3 + 0) 4

Basic logical concepts, reasoning, argument analysis, informal logic, language and definitions, fallacies, syllogistic logic, categorial propositions, syllogisms in ordinary language, modern symbolic logic, propositional logic, truth functions and arguments, methods of derivation, predicate logic.

HUM320 - Aesthetics (3 + 0) 4

Defining art, aesthetics, the beautiful and the ugly, and ethics; scrutinizing their contents; examining the place of aethetics in art and nature; discussing and comparing the views of the philosophers studied.

HUM321 - Introduction to the History of Philosophy (3 + 0) 4

A study of selected philosophers from the times of Ancient, Medieval and Modern Philosophy, 19th Century Philosophy and 20th Century Philosophy.

HUM322 - Introduction to Ethics (3 + 0) 4

Analysing and discussing the central topics of ethics, such as egoism, eudaimonism, utilitarianism, the moral law and the ethics of self-determinism; also, examining the ethical thinking of Plato, Aristotle, Hume, Kant, Mill, Bentham and Sartre.

HUM323 - Introduction to Critical Thinking (3 + 0) 4

Examining and discussing the themes of critical thinking, such as writing and thinking clearly, learning and analysing the types of reasonings and arguments, making rational decisions, learning the types of fallacies; also, exercises to make these topics more understandable.

HUM331 - Go (3 + 0) 4

General description of the game of Go, the rules of Go, the history of Go, Go culture and ethics, Go philosophy, Go in Turkey and in the rest of the world, the opening in Go, ingame strategies in Go.

HUM360 - History of Science (3 + 0) 4

The origins and historical deveopment of modern science and scientific method; the ways of knowing the world of different cultures and societies changed over time; the relationship between scientific knowledge to other enterprises, such as art and religion; the key aspects and issues in the advancement of science from ancient world to modern ages.

HUM412 - Work Accidents and Occupational Diseases (3 + 0) 4

Basic concepts of work accidents and occupational diseases, legal consequences and methods of protection from work accidents and occupational diseases.

IR423 - Energy Politics (3 + 0) 5

Global and regional energy topics; energy sources; energy geopolitics and energy security; Turkish energy policy and politics.

JAP201 - Japanese I (3 + 0) 4

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at beginners level; various topics such as countries, nationalities, jobs, family, feelings, food and drink, colors and clothes and daily routines.

JAP202 - Japanese II (3 + 0) 4

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at beginners level; various themes such as transport, travel, dates, holidays, money, shopping, plans, and life changes.

JAP301 - Japanese III (3 + 0) 4

More vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at elementary level; various themes such as occupations, hobbies, countries, and functions such as asking for and giving information, offering and responding.

JAP302 - Japanese IV (3 + 0) 4

More vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at elementary level; various themes such as travel, places, appearance, plans, health, weather, phone conversations, and cultural elements.

KOR201 - Korean I (3 + 0) 4

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at A1 level; countries, nationalities, jobs, family, feelings, food and drink, colors and clothes and daily routines.

KOR202 - Korean II (3 + 0) 4

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at A1 level; countries, nationalities, jobs, family, feelings, food and drink, colors and clothes and daily routines.

KOR301 - Korean III (3 + 0) 4

This course includes more vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at elementary level. The class activities are grouped around various themes such as occupations, hobbies, countries, and functions such as asking for and giving information, offering and responding.

MAN313 - Managerial Skills for the 21 st Century (3 + 0) 5

Self- Management, Personal Financial Management, Time and Stress Management and Organization Skills, Workplace Etiquette/Dress, Ethics, Politics and Diversity, Accountability and Workplace Relationships, Communication and Electronic Communication, Motivation, Leadership and Teams, Conflict and Negotiation, Networking, Job Search Skills, Resume Preparation, Interview Techniques, Career Management

MAN328 - Financial Literacy and Legislation for Entrepreneurs (3 + 0) 5

Tax legislation, business law information and obligations related to legal legislation in start ups, different company and business types and selection principles, interpretation of financial statements (balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement).

MAN374 - Digital Age and Industry 4.0. (3 + 0) 5

Industry 4.0 components: big data, internet of things, augmented reality, robotic technologies, artificial intelligent, integrated systems, 3D Printer, cloud computing systems.

MAN408 - Introduction to Sustainability (3 + 0) 5

What is sustainability; sustainability and related polices; climate and global change; environmental and resource economics; sustainable business practices; sustainability: ethics, culture, and history; sustainable development; sustainability indicators.

MAN412 - Product Development and Brand Management (3 + 0) 5

Concepts of product and brand, classification of products, product strategies, new product development, strategic brand management, brand equity, branding strategies.

MAN414 - Entrepreneurship and Business Plan (3 + 0) 5

Fundamental concepts of entrepreneurship, personal characteristics of entrepreneurs, innovative thinking techniques and types, strategic management and planing, alternative ways of launching a business, business plan and fundamental elements of busines plan, techniques of preparing a business plan, from planning to practice, marketing, production

MAN437 - Entrepreneurship and Innovation Seminars (3 + 0) 5

Fundamental concepts of entrepreneurship, personal characteristics of entrepreneurs, innovative thinking techniques, barriers of innovation, internal and external factors of entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship, strategic management and planing, alternative ways of launching a business, business plan and fundamental elements of busines plan

PLT-AE3SP1 - Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 5

PLT-AE3SP2 - Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 5

PLT-AE4FA1 - Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 5

PLT-AE4FA2 - Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 5

PLT-AE4FA3 - Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 5

PLT-AE4SP1 - Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 5

PLT-AE4SP2 - Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 5

PLT-GE4FA1 - Non-Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 4

PLT-GE4FA2 - Non-Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 4

PLT-GE4SP1 - Non-Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 4

PLT-GE4SP2 - Non-Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 4

PLT413 - Aviation Psychology (3 + 0) 5

Introduction, definition and concepts, aviation physiology, individual differences and interpersonal relationship, decision making and risk, culture, organization and leadership, crew resource management(CRM), communication and co-operation, aviation safety, aircraft accidents and error models.

PLT421 - Accident Investigation Analysis (3 + 0) 5

Basics of accident investigation, initiating the investigation, documenting the accident scene, conducting effective interviews, event analysis, cause analysis.

PLT423 - Airline Fleet Planning and Network Management (3 + 0) 5

1. Principles of airline fleet planning and network management 2. Fleet selection processes and criteria 3. Flight schedule planning and development 4. Market share and route profitability analysis 5. Aircraft operating cost analysis and sensitivity analysis 6. Impact of technological innovations on fleet and network planning

PLT424 - Introduction to Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Systems (3 + 0) 5

1. Introduction to UAV Systems: Overview of UAV history, evolution, and significance in various sectors. 2. Types and Classifications of UAVs: Examination of different UAV categories, including fixed-wing, rotarywing, and hybrid systems, along with their specific use cases.3. Technical Components of UAVs: Detailed analysis of UAV structures, propulsion systems, sensors, and payloads.4. UAV Flight Principles: Fundamental aerodynamics, stability, and control mechanisms specific to UAV operations.

PLT425 - Aviation Maintenance and Reliability (3 + 0) 5

1. Aviation Maintenance Management: Introduction tomaintenance management principles, including regulatory frameworks such as SHT-145 and SHT-CAM.2. Minimum Equipment List (MEL): Examination of MEL regulations and their application in aviation operations.3. Technical Logbook: Understanding the purpose, structure, and usage of technical logbooks in maintenance tracking.4. Pre-Flight and Post-Flight Inspections: Overview of inspection procedures to ensure flight readiness and

PLT426 - Air Traffic Management (ATM) (3 + 0) 5

1. History of the ATM concept 2. Functions of ATM: Planning, control, coordination, and organization 3. Components of ATM: Air Traffic Services (ATS), Air Traffic Flow and Capacity Management (ATFCM), Airspace Management (ASM) 4. Definitions and challenges of capacity 5. European and U.S. airspace systems 6. Cost Index concept and applications 7. International rules and regulations

PLT428 - Airline Recruitment Preparation (3 + 0) 5

1. Overview of airline interview processes 2. Practice with real exam questions for technical English 3. Scenario-based behavioral interview applications 4. Development of aviation English vocabulary and communication strategies 5. Acquisition of fundamental skills for IELTS and TOEFL

PR413 - Leadership Theory and Practice I (3 + 0) 5

Historical and current applications of leadership theories, personal and organizational dimension of leadership, priorities, impacts of leadership on strategic decision making processes.

PR414 - Leadership Theory and Practice II (3 + 0) 5

Fundamental values and principles of education and training process, professional ethical principles and application of these principles in working life.

PR419 - Media Literacy (3 + 0) 4

This course covers the basic concepts and approaches related to sociology. In this sense, starting from the concept of media literacy, important theoretical approaches are examined. Then, violence, gender, representation of minorities are analyzed through different media materials.

PR491 - Journalism I (0 + 3) 5

Definitions and the functions of the concepts and the tools of the journalism; writing texts such as news, articles and interviews; commenting on articles; creating images that will complete the texts; preparing three issues of Atılım Newspaper.

PR492 - Journalism II (0 + 0) 5

Definitions and the functions of the concepts and the tools of the journalism; writing texts such as news, articles and interviews; commenting on articles; creating images that will complete the texts; preparing three issues of Atılım Newspaper.

RUS201 - Russian I (3 + 0) 4

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at beginners level; various topics such as countries, nationalities, jobs, family, feelings, food and drink, colors and clothes and daily routines.

RUS202 - Russian II (3 + 0) 4

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at beginners level; various themes such as transport, travel, dates, holidays, money, and shopping.

RUS301 - Russian III (3 + 0) 4

More vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at elementary level; various themes such as occupations, hobbies, countries, and functions such as asking for and giving information, offering and responding.

RUS302 - Russian IV (3 + 0) 4

More vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at elementary level; various themes such as travel, places, appearance, plans, health, weather, phone conversations, and cultural elements

RUS401 - Russian V (3 + 0) 4

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at pre-intermediate level; up to date topics on newspapers, magazines, and books.

RUS402 - Russian VI (3 + 0) 4

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at pre-intermediate level; up to date topics on newspapers, magazines, and books.

SPAN201 - Spanish I (3 + 0) 4

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at beginners level; various topics such as countries, nationalities, jobs, family, feelings, food and drink, colors and clothes and daily routines.

SPAN202 - Spanish II (3 + 0) 4

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at beginners level; various themes such as transport, travel, dates, holidays, money, shopping, plans, and life changes.

SPAN301 - Spanish III (3 + 0) 4

More vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at elementary level; various themes such as occupations, hobbies, countries, and functions such as asking for and giving information, offering and responding.

SPAN302 - Spanish IV (3 + 0) 4

More vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at elementary level; various themes such as travel, places, appearance, plans, health, weather, phone conversations, and cultural elements.

SPAN401 - Spanish V (3 + 0) 4

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at pre-intermediate level; up to date topics on newspapers, magazines, and books.

SPAN402 - Spanish VI (3 + 0) 4

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at pre-intermediate level; up to date topics on newspapers, magazines, and books.

TURK301 - Turkish III (3 + 0) 4

More vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at elementary level; various themes such as occupations, hobbies, countries, and functions such as asking for and giving information, offering and responding.

TURK302 - Turkish IV (3 + 0) 4

More vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at elementary level; various themes such as travel, places, appearance, plans, health, weather, phone conversations, and cultural elements.