1. Semester

Program Competencies

Course Code Course Name 1 2 3 4 5 6
ENG101 English For Academic Purposes I - - 3 - - 5
MATH151 Calculus I 2 5 - - - 2
PHYS101 General Physics I 4 4 - - - 2
PLT101 Flight and Gorund Safety Management Systems 3 3 - - - -
KRY111 Career Planning - - - - - 4
CMPE105 Introduction to Computers and Information Systems - - - - - -
HIST101 Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish Revolution I - - - - - -
APM108 Basic Aerodynamics (Module 8) - - - - - -
ATU100 Orientation - - - - - -

2. Semester

Program Competencies

Course Code Course Name 1 2 3 4 5 6
ENG102 English for Academic Purposes II - - 3 - - 5
PLT102 PPL (A) Air Law Knowledge (010) 4 - - - 3 5
PLT104 PPL (A) Aircraft General Knowledge (020) 4 2 - - - -
PLT106 PPL (A) Flight Performance & Planning (030) 5 2 - - - -
PLT108 PPL (A) Human Performance (040) - - - 5 4 -
PLT110 PPL (A) Meteorology (050) 4 - - - 4 -
PLT112 PPL (A) Navigation (060) 5 3 - - - -
PLT114 PPL (A) Operational Procedures (070) 3 3 - - - -
PLT116 PPL (A) Flight Principles (080) - 5 - - - 5
PLT118 PPL (A) Communication (090) - - 5 - - -
PLT120 PPL (A) Flight Applications 5 - - - - -
HIST102 Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish Revolution II - - - - - -

3. Semester

Program Competencies

Course Code Course Name 1 2 3 4 5 6
ENG201 English for Academic Purposes III - - 3 - - 5
HIST221 History of Civilization - - - - 3 4
MATH152 Calculus II 2 5 - - - 2
PHYS102 General Physics II 4 4 - - - 2
PLT207 Multi-Crew Coordination - - 5 4 - -
PLT399 PPL Control - 4 - - - -
Departmental Elective - - - - - 3

4. Semester

Program Competencies

Course Code Course Name 1 2 3 4 5 6
PLT201 ATPL Air Law Knowledge (010) - 5 - - - -
PLT203 ATPL AGK-Airframe, Systems and Powerplant (021) - 5 - - - -
PLT205 ATPL AGK-Flight Instruments (022) - 5 - - - -
PLT204 ATPL Mass and Balance (031) - 5 - - - 3
PLT206 ATPL Performance (032) 2 4 - - - -
PLT210 Night Flight Applications 5 3 - - - -
PLT212 Pilot in Command Flight Applications I 5 3 - - - -
ENG202 English for Academic Purposes IV - - 3 - - 5

5. Semester

Program Competencies

Course Code Course Name 1 2 3 4 5 6
PLT208 ATPL Flight Planning and Monitoring (033) 2 2 - - - 5
PLT214 Pilot in Command Flight Applications II 5 3 - - - -
PLT301 ATPL Human Performance (040) - - - 5 4 -
PLT305 ATPL General Navigation (061) 4 4 - - - -
PLT307 ATPL Radio Navigation (062) 5 3 - - - -
AVM311 Aviation Terminology I - - - - - -

6. Semester

Program Competencies

Course Code Course Name 1 2 3 4 5 6
PLT303 ATPL Meteorology (050) 5 3 - - - -
PLT309 ATPL Operational Procedures (070) 4 - - - 3 5
PLT311 ATPL Principles of Flight (081) 5 5 - - - -
PLT304 Instrument Rating Applications 3 5 2 - - 5
PLT306 CPL(A) Flight Applications 4 3 - - - -
PLT308 Multi-Engine Flight Applications 5 3 - - - -
Departmental Elective - - - - - 3
Departmental Elective - - - - - 3
PLT312 ATPL IRF Communications (092) 5 5 - - - -
PLT310 ATPL VFR Communications (091) - - 5 - - -
AVM312 Aviation Terminology II - - - - - -

7. Semester

Program Competencies

Course Code Course Name 1 2 3 4 5 6
PLT403 Airline Flight Crew Techniques and Procedures 4 4 - - - -
Departmental Elective - - - - - 3
Departmental Elective - - - - - 3
Departmental Elective - - - - - 3
Non-Departmental Elective - - - - - 3
Non-Departmental Elective - - - - - 3
TURK401 Turkish Language I - - - - - 5
PLT499 ATPL Control 3 - 4 - - 5
Departmental Elective - - - - - 3
Non-Departmental Elective - - - - - 3
Non-Departmental Elective - - - - - 3
Non-Departmental Elective - - - - - -

8. Semester

Program Competencies

Course Code Course Name 1 2 3 4 5 6
PLT402 Airline Dispatch Operations 4 - - 2 - 3
Departmental Elective - - - - - 3
Departmental Elective - - - - - 3
Non-Departmental Elective - - - - - 3
Non-Departmental Elective - - - - - 3
TURK402 Turkish Language II - - - - - 5
Departmental Elective - - - - - 3
Departmental Elective - - - - - 3
Departmental Elective - - - - - 3
Non-Departmental Elective - - - - - 3
Non-Departmental Elective - - - - - 3
Departmental Elective - - - - - 3
Non-Departmental Elective - - - - - 3

Area Elective

Program Competencies

Course Code Course Name 1 2 3 4 5 6
PLT404 Crew Resource Management 4 3 - - - -
AVM305 Aviation English 2 3 - - - -
AVM416 Customer Relationship Management 2 - - 4 - -
AVM417 Decision Analysis 4 - - - 5 -
AVM418 Aviation Economics and Policy - - 3 - 3 -
AVM419 Transportation Politics - - - - - 4
AVM420 Strategic Management in Airlines - 4 - - - -
AVM421 Aviation Maintenance Management 4 - - 3 - -
AVM422 Service Systems Management - - 4 4 - -
AVM423 Revenue Management in Aviation 2 - - - - 2
AVM424 Project Management 5 - 3 - - -
AVM425 Air Cargo Management 5 - - 4 - -
AVM426 Management Information Systems 4 - - 1 - -
AVM427 Airport Master Planning 5 - 3 - 2 -
PLT421 Accident Investigation Analysis 4 - 3 - - -
APM405 Maintenace and Reliablity Management - - 5 - - 5
APM409 Helicopter Structures - - 5 - - 5
AVM429 Quality Management Systems - 2 - 4 - -
AVM428 Risk Management in Aviation 5 - 4 - 4 -
AVM430 The Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air 2 - 5 - - -
PLT413 Aviation Psychology 4 - - - 2 4
ATU400 Participation in a Research Project - - - - - -
PLT423 Airline Fleet Planning and Network Management - - - - - -
PLT428 Airline Recruitment Preparation - - - - - -
PLT426 Air Traffic Management (ATM) - - - - - -
PLT424 Introduction to Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Systems - - - - - -
PLT425 Aviation Maintenance and Reliability - - - - - -

General Elective

Program Competencies

Course Code Course Name 1 2 3 4 5 6
MAN328 Financial Literacy and Legislation for Entrepreneurs - - - - - 5
MAN414 Entrepreneurship and Business Plan 3 3 - - - -
MAN412 Product Development and Brand Management - - - - 4 3
MAN437 Entrepreneurship and Innovation Seminars 3 3 - - - -
ART265 Creativity in Business Life - - - - - 4
ART268 Theatrical Entrepreneurial Skills - - - - - 4
ART269 Entrepreneurial World of Contemporary Art - - - - - 4
ART270 Entrepreneurship Inspired by Nature: Interdisciplinary Approaches - - - - - 4
FRE401 French V - - - - - 5
PR413 Leadership Theory and Practice I - 3 - 4 - -
PR414 Leadership Theory and Practice II - 3 - 4 - -
PR492 Journalism II - - - - - 3
E300 Popüler Bilim - - - - - 3
GER201 German I - - - - - 5
RUS201 Russian I - - 3 - - 2
SPAN201 Spanish I - - 4 - - 2
FRE201 French I - - - - - 5
JAP201 Japanese I - - - - - 5
CHIN201 Chinese I - - - - - 5
CHIN202 Chinese II - - - - - 5
GER202 German II - - - - - 5
RUS202 Russian II - - 3 - - 2
SPAN202 Spanish II - - 4 - - 2
FRE202 French II - - - - - 5
JAP202 Japanese II - - - - - 5
GER301 German III - - - - - 5
RUS301 Russian III - - 3 - - 2
SPAN301 Spanish III - - 4 - - 2
FRE301 French III - - - - - 5
JAP301 Japanese III - - - - - 5
TURK301 Turkish III - - - - - 5
CHIN301 Chinese III - - - - - 5
GER302 German IV - - - - - 5
RUS302 Russian IV - - 3 - - 2
SPAN302 Spanish IV - - 4 - - 2
FRE302 French IV - - - - - 5
JAP302 Japanese IV - - - - - 5
GER401 German V - - - - - 5
GER402 German VI - - - - - 5
FRE402 French VI - - - - - 5
AVM490 History of Aviation 3 - - - 2 1
PR491 Journalism I - - - - - 3
HUM312 Studies in Masterpieces of World Literature - - - - - 3
HUM316 Selections from World Literature: The Short Story - - - - - 2
HUM320 Aesthetics - - - - - 1
HUM321 Introduction to the History of Philosophy - - - - - 2
HUM331 Go 1 - - - - 3
HUM360 History of Science - - - - - 5
CHIN302 Chinese IV - - - - - 5
IR423 Energy Politics - - 2 - - -
ART285 Innovative Visual Narrative - - - - - 4
RUS401 Russian V - - 3 - - 2
SPAN401 Spanish V - - 4 - - 2
RUS402 Russian VI - - 3 - - 2
SPAN402 Spanish VI - - 4 - - 2
KOR201 Korean I - - - - - 5
KOR202 Korean II - - - - - 5
ART297 Creative Presentation in Digital Arts - - - - - 1
MAN313 Managerial Skills for the 21 st Century 3 3 - - - -
MAN374 Digital Age and Industry 4.0. 4 4 - - - -
KOR301 Korean III - - - - - 5
HUM310 Introduction to Sociolinguistics - - - - - 4
ART226 World Music Cultures - - - - - 4
HUM108 The History of Early Modern Mediterranean (1450-1789) 1 - - - - 4
ART227 Opera History - - - - - 4
MAN408 Introduction to Sustainability - - - - 4 -
HUM322 Introduction to Ethics - - - - 5 -
HUM323 Introduction to Critical Thinking - 2 - - 5 -
HUM412 Work Accidents and Occupational Diseases - - - - 5 -
HUM105 Security, Espionage and Intelligence History 1 - - - - 4
ART228 Music in Business Life - - - - - 4
PR419 Media Literacy - - - - - 5
TURK302 Turkish IV - - - - - 5
HUM319 Introduction to Logic - - - - - -
ENG395 Advanced English Speaking Skills - - - - - -
ART272 International Sign Language - - - - - -
ART273 Art of Manga and Anime - - - - - -