ECTS - IT Portfolio Management and IT Standards
IT Portfolio Management and IT Standards (ISE512) Course Detail
Course Name | Course Code | Season | Lecture Hours | Application Hours | Lab Hours | Credit | ECTS |
IT Portfolio Management and IT Standards | ISE512 | Area Elective | 3 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 5 |
Pre-requisite Course(s) |
N/A |
Course Language | English |
Course Type | Elective Courses |
Course Level | Natural & Applied Sciences Master's Degree |
Mode of Delivery | Face To Face |
Learning and Teaching Strategies | Lecture. |
Course Lecturer(s) |
Course Objectives | This course teaches the essential executive skills of portfolio and project management. The course incorporates real life case studies that span the product life cycle as well as the related standards. |
Course Learning Outcomes |
The students who succeeded in this course;
Course Content | Processes for the integrated project life (approval, identifying and planning, implementation, management and tracking, assessment and improvement); prioritizing IT projects; resource allocation; managing risks and costs; assessment and governance; standard metrics for measuring ROI. ITIL, COBIT, Val IT, Sarbanes Oxley, related IEEE and ISO standar |
Weekly Subjects and Releated Preparation Studies
Week | Subjects | Preparation |
1 | Overview | Ch.1 (Maizlish, Handler), Ch. 1 (Bonham) |
2 | Overview | Ch.1 (Maizlish, Handler) |
3 | Planning for IT portfolio management | Ch. 2 (Maizlish, Handler) |
4 | Planning for IT portfolio management | Ch. 2 (Maizlish, Handler) |
5 | People and governance | Ch. 3 (Maizlish, Handler), Ch. 8-10 (Bonham) |
6 | People and governance | Ch. 3 (Maizlish, Handler) , Ch. 8-10 (Bonham) |
7 | IT Portfolios and their content | Ch. 4 (Maizlish, Handler) |
8 | IT Portfolios and their content | Ch. 4 (Maizlish, Handler) |
9 | Building the IT portfolio | Ch. 5 (Maizlish, Handler), Ch. 3-5 (Bonham) |
10 | Building the IT portfolio | Ch. 5 (Maizlish, Handler), Ch. 3-5 (Bonham) |
11 | Related Standards | Ch. 6-10 (Rozemeijer, Van Bon, & Verheijen) |
12 | Related Standards | Ch. 11-15 (Rozemeijer, Van Bon, & Verheijen) |
13 | Related Standards | Ch. 16-20 (Rozemeijer, Van Bon, & Verheijen) |
14 | Related Standards | Ch. 20-31 (Rozemeijer, Van Bon, & Verheijen) |
15 | Final Examination Period | Review of topics |
16 | Final Examination Period | Review of topics |
Course Book | 1. Maizlish, B., Handler, R., IT Portfolio Management: Unlocking the Business Value of Technology, Wiley, 2005. |
2. Bonham, S., IT Project Portfolio Management, Artech House Publishers, 2004. | |
Other Sources | 3. The Standard for Portfolio Management, PMI, 2008. |
4. Blokdijk, G., Menken, I., IT Services Portfolio Management Best Practice Handbook: Planning, Implementing, Maximizing Return on Investment of Strategic IT Portfolio Management - Ready to use bringing Theory into Action, Emereo Pty Ltd, 2008. | |
5. Kaplan, J., Strategic IT Portfolio Management: Governing Enterprise Transformation, Jeff Kaplan, 2009. | |
6. Fitzpatrick, E. W., Planning and Implementing IT Portfolio Management: Maximizing the Return on Information Technology Investments, IT Economics Corp., 1. baskı, 2005. | |
7. Rozemeijer, E., Van Bon, J., Verheijen, T., Frameworks for IT Management: A Pocket Guide, Van Haren Publishing; 1. baskı, 2007. |
Evaluation System
Requirements | Number | Percentage of Grade |
Attendance/Participation | - | - |
Laboratory | - | - |
Application | - | - |
Field Work | - | - |
Special Course Internship | - | - |
Quizzes/Studio Critics | - | - |
Homework Assignments | 3 | 30 |
Presentation | - | - |
Project | - | - |
Report | - | - |
Seminar | - | - |
Midterms Exams/Midterms Jury | 1 | 30 |
Final Exam/Final Jury | 1 | 40 |
Toplam | 5 | 100 |
Percentage of Semester Work | |
Percentage of Final Work | 100 |
Total | 100 |
Course Category
Core Courses | X |
Major Area Courses | |
Supportive Courses | |
Media and Managment Skills Courses | |
Transferable Skill Courses |
The Relation Between Course Learning Competencies and Program Qualifications
# | Program Qualifications / Competencies | Level of Contribution | ||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | ||
1 | An ability to apply advanced knowledge of computing and/or informatics to solve software engineering problems. | |||||
2 | Develop solutions using different technologies, software architectures and life-cycle approaches. | |||||
3 | An ability to design, implement and evaluate a software system, component, process or program by using modern techniques and engineering tools required for software engineering practices. | |||||
4 | An ability to gather/acquire, analyze, interpret data and make decisions to understand software requirements. | |||||
5 | Skills of effective oral and written communication and critical thinking about a wide range of issues arising in the context of working constructively on software projects. | X | ||||
6 | An ability to access information in order to follow recent developments in science and technology and to perform scientific research or implement a project in the software engineering domain. | |||||
7 | An understanding of professional, legal, ethical and social issues and responsibilities related to Software Engineering. | X | ||||
8 | Skills in project and risk management, awareness about importance of entrepreneurship, innovation and long-term development, and recognition of international standards of excellence for software engineering practices standards and methodologies. | X | ||||
9 | An understanding about the impact of Software Engineering solutions in a global, environmental, societal and legal context while making decisions. | |||||
10 | Promote the development, adoption and sustained use of standards of excellence for software engineering practices. | X |
ECTS/Workload Table
Activities | Number | Duration (Hours) | Total Workload |
Course Hours (Including Exam Week: 16 x Total Hours) | |||
Laboratory | |||
Application | |||
Special Course Internship | |||
Field Work | |||
Study Hours Out of Class | 16 | 5 | 80 |
Presentation/Seminar Prepration | |||
Project | |||
Report | |||
Homework Assignments | 3 | 15 | 45 |
Quizzes/Studio Critics | |||
Prepration of Midterm Exams/Midterm Jury | 1 | 20 | 20 |
Prepration of Final Exams/Final Jury | 1 | 30 | 30 |
Total Workload | 175 |