ECTS - - Physiotheraphy and Rehabilitation

The Relationship between the Qualifications Framework for Higher Education in Turkey and Programme Competencies Program Competencies
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Knowledge 1 - Based on qualifications earned in high school; acquire at undergraduate level concepts related to the field of health and relations between the concepts; have advanced theoretical and practical knowledge supported by textbooks with up-to-date information in the health field, application tools and other resources. X X X
2 - Have knowledge of assessment of nature, source, boundaries, correctness, reliability and validity of information. X X
Skills 1 - Uses advanced theoretical and factual knowledge that is specific to the field at the undergraduate level. X X
2 - Interpret and evaluate scientifically proven data using advanced knowledge and skills in the field of health, identify and analyze problems, share information, makes teamwork. X X X X
3 - Use computer programs, related technologies and educational tools related to the health field. X X
Competences Working Independently and Taking Responsibility 1 - Carry out a study independently using advanced knowledge of the health field; take responsibility as a team member in cooperation with other occupational groups working in this area. X X
2 - Take responsibility as individual and team member to solve complex and unforeseen problems encountered in health field related applications. X X X
3 - Plans and directs activities for the development of employees under their responsibility in the framework of the project; monitors and evaluate the process. X X X
Learning Competence 1 - Evaluates advanced knowledge and skills in the field of health with a critical approach. X X X
2 - Identify learning needs and learning resources; directs learning to use resources effectively. X X
3 - Develop a positive attitude towards lifelong learning and transform it into behavior. X X
Communication and Social Competence 1 - Informs the persons and institutions concerned about health field issues; pass on ideas and suggestions for solutions to problems in writing and orally, receive the opinions, requests and expectations of the persons and institutions concerned. X X
2 - Shares ideas with healthcare professionals and those who are experts and non-experts in teamwork and as a continuous process assistant, supporting quantitative and qualitative solutions to suggestions for solutions to problems. X X
3 - Organize and apply projects and activities in cooperation with other professional groups for the social environment with social responsibility consciousness. X X X
4 - Tracks information in the field using a foreign language at least on the European Language Portfolio B1 Level and communicates with colleagues. X X X
5 - Use at least the European Computer Use License Advanced level of computer software required by the field and information and communication technologies. X
6 - Monitors and evaluates the events / developments in the health community and the world's agenda. X X
7 - Expresses himself/herself effectively both verbally and in writing. X X
Field Specific Competence 1 - Cooperate with the relevant disciplines in the process of collecting, interpreting, implementing, announcing results related to the health field and behaves in accordance with social, scientific, cultural and ethical values. X X X X X
2 - Behave and participate in accordance with quality management and processes. X X X
3 - Have sufficient awareness of work safety, individual and public health, environmental protection issues and apply them. X X
4 - As an individual, behave in accordance with laws, regulations, legislation related to duties, rights, responsibilities and professional ethics rules. X X
5 - Be an example to the community by outward appearance, attitude, attitude and behavior. X X
6 - Have an advanced understanding of the structure of the healthy and ill individual, their physiological functions and behavior, and the relationship between health and the physical and social environment. X
7 - Has the ability to participate in practice training on health personnel and has experience working with this staff. X X
9 - Have experience working with other health disciplines. X
10 - Use professional vocational autonomy in international standards for proper program, planning, execution, evaluation and have sufficient experience to make clinical practice. X X X X X
11 - Has adequate clinical experience by conducting clinical applications in places planned by the qualified and competent authorities in the field, planned in accordance with the program's purpose. X X X