ECTS - - Public Law Master's (Without Thesis) Program
Compulsory Departmental Courses
Elective Courses
KMH504 - Readings On General Public Law (3 + 0) 5
Within the scope of the course, basic works written on the state, the relationship between state and law will be read and discussed. In the light of these discussions, it will be analyzed how and to what extent the relevant works shape today's state and legal structures.
KMH511 - Main Topics in Modern State Theory (3 + 0) 5
Historical stages in the development of the modern state (i.e. feudalism, policy of estates, absolutism and constitutional liberal state, the emergence of the system of states), sovereignty and nationalism, liberalism, conservatism, socialism, development of the modern state in Turkey.
KMH513 - Constitutional Law I (3 + 0) 5
General principles of constitutional law, the notion of constitution (types of constitutions, the methods of constitution making and changing etc.), theories on sovereignty and political power; forms of the state; legislative, executive powers and the relations between them, government systems (parliamentary, presidential etc.); judicial review of
KMH515 - Main Politics and Law in International Relations (3 + 0) 5
Introduction, conceptualization of international relations as ?politics among nation-states?, conceptualization of international relations as ?trans-national politics?, ?three different conceptions of politcs and two concepts of law?.
KMH518 - Gender Equality: Norms and Policies (3 + 0) 5
The course content will be useful for Judge, public prosecutor, defendant, defense attorney, private prosecutor and intervener to become more qualified when they face with gender discriminations, gender based violence or gender prejudice and inequalities embedded within codes, criminal procedures, trial procedures, appeals and court verdict studied in this course.
KMH521 - Administrative Law (3 + 0) 5
Administrative law as a discipline of public law, the concept of public administration, historical development and different systems, principles in organization of public administration, the concept of administrative transaction, public service, public order, civil servants.
KMH523 - Tax Disputes, Policy and Law (3 + 0) 5
General information about taxes and tax administration; description of the tax dispute and source of the administrative act; administrative remedies used to solve tax disputes and functioning; methods for the resolution of tax disputes judicial systems; tax disputes of administrative cases, functioning, procedure, legal remedies and the results of
KMH528 - Economic Criminal Law (3 + 0) 5
The historical development of economic criminal law as a separate sub-domain of criminal law, the historical development of economic criminal law in the Turkish legal system, related scientific works in the area; economic crimes, white collar criminality in criminological terms; economic characteristics of the economic criminal law, common charact
KMH530 - Tax Law II (3 + 0) 5
The interaction between the tax law-constitutional law relationship and tax law (constitutional taxation principles, the legality of taxes, ability-to-pay principle of taxation, and other constitutional principles, Decrees of the Council of Ministers having force of Law, the legal status of special regulatory acts of the Council of Ministers), the
KMH531 - Individual Application to Constitutional Court (3 + 0) 5
Conceptual framework concerning individual application;definition and specification of individual application in the light of litigation theories; comparative aspect of constitutional complaint (individual application to Constitutional Court);the provisions of the Constitution and ?Code on Establishment and Rules of Procedures of the Constitutional Court?and Internal Regulations of the Constitutional Court; rules on admissibility criteria; the types of decisions of the Constitutional Court
KMH532 - Financial Responsibility of Public Administration (3 + 0) 5
Constitutional foundations, situation established by case law, judicial and administrative activity of the public administration, the concept of ?public administrations own actions and acts?, its meaning, extent and the problems encountered.
KMH540 - Contemporary Issues of Environmental Law (3 + 0) 5
The concepts of environment and environmental problems; the development of environmental law and the principles that dominate environmental law; the place of the right to environment in the system of rights; international documents and national legislation that include the right to environment; the perspectives of the European Court of Human Rights and the Constitutional Court on the environmental right.
MLY503 - Resolution of Disputes and Tax Jurisdiction (3 + 0) 5
Basic concepts and institutions of tax law, the elimination of tax receivables, durations, tax offenses and penalties, remedies, tax jurisdiction, the development of tax jurisdiction in Turkey, the structure and functioning of the tax judiciary institutions, tax judicial procedure and functioning.
MLY509 - Financial Crimes Law (3 + 0) 5
The definition and framework of the concept of financial crime, financial crimes in the Turkish Penal Code, the crime of laundering the assets resulting from the crime, tax crimes, banking crimes, capital market crimes, foreign exchange crimes, financial management crimes, terrorism financing crimes, financial crimes in terms of new commercial law.