ECTS - - Private Law Master's Program (Wİthout Thesis)

Compulsory Departmental Courses

ISL555 - Research Methods (3 + 0) 5

Research designs, probability theories, hypothesis tests, reliability and validity of measurement, model construction, multiple regression, multivariate variance analyses, correlation, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis and econometric models.

OZH598 - Term Project (0 + 0) 40

Term Project.

Elective Courses

KMH504 - Readings On General Public Law (3 + 0) 5

Within the scope of the course, basic works written on the state, the relationship between state and law will be read and discussed. In the light of these discussions, it will be analyzed how and to what extent the relevant works shape today's state and legal structures.

KMH524 - Rule of Law (3 + 0) 5

Differences between the concept of rule of law in common law system and concept of Rechtsstaat in continental Europe; the situation in Turkey, the court decisions in Turkey.

OZH511 - Contracts of Guarantee (3 + 0) 5

Legal character of guarantee contracts, rights and liabilities of the parties, legal consequences of contrardiction to liabilities.

OZH512 - Form of Legal Transaction (3 + 0) 5

General provisions about form of contracts, written form, official form, form of voluntary, scope of form, scope of conditions, signature.

OZH513 - Unjust Enrichment (3 + 0) 5

Conditions of unjust enrichment, performance of an unobligated debt, liability of prospered party, right to request expenses, inability to reclaim, the statute of limination.

OZH514 - Current Developments in Corporate Law (3 + 0) 5

Introduction to different types of companies, new developments in the field of corporate law within the context of latest amendments

OZH515 - Protection of Shareholders in Joint Stock Companies (3 + 0) 5

Current legal regulations in the light of theories explaining joint stock companies for the problems and needs of shareholders identified with examples from practice.

OZH516 - Banking Law (3 + 0) 5

The characteristics of bank joint stock companies and their legal banking transactions.

OZH518 - Press Labour Law (3 + 0) 5

The concepts of journalists, their legal status and working conditions; lacking points and the current problems of the press labour code; comparison of journalists and employees who fall in the scope of general labour law regulations.

OZH520 - Utilization Agreements (3 + 0) 5

The aim of this course is to explain the fundamental principles, the rights and obligations of the parties, and the consequences of breach of obligation of utilisation agreements, which are frequently encountered in Turkish legal practice.

OZH521 - Debt Enforcement with Judgement  (3 + 0) 5

Debt enforcement proceeding, writ and documents of the same nature, writs putting debt enforcement before becoming definite, writs not putting debt enforcement before becoming definite, adjournment of debt enforcements, restitution of debt enforcement and objection to commandment.

OZH522 - Temporary Legal Protection Measures  (3 + 0) 5

Precautionary measure, precautionary distraint, evidence determination, stoppage of debt enforcement by legal ways and adjournment of debt enforcement by enforcement court.

OZH524 - Current Issues in Competition Law (3 + 0) 5

Regulation and supervision carried out by competition authorities to maximize social welfare requires an understanding of Competition law and policy, as serious sanctions can be applied. However, the implementation of Competition legislation, which is described as the constitution of the economy, requires learning the laws of different countries under the influence of globalization, as well as combining the fields of law and economics.

OZH531 - Cheque Law and Applications (3 + 0) 5

Elements of cheque, transfer of cheque, discharge of cheque, dud cheque, void of cheque.

OZH532 - Trademark Law (3 + 0) 5

Definition of trademarks, types of trademarks, the registration process of trademark, legal transactions in relation with trademarks, law number of 556 pertaining to the protection of trademarks.

OZH541 - General Principles of Labor Law (3 + 0) 5

The characteristic of labor law, the resources of labor law, labor law`s sanctions, the notion of employee, the notion of employer and sub-contractor, the notion of representative of the employer, the notion of work place, working hours (cases adopted as working hours, short-time working, compensation working, overtime working), rest hours (halftim

OZH542 - Law of Labor Contract (3 + 0) 5

Sorts of labor contract, conclusion of labour contract, liability and obligations of employee, employer obligation of paying wages, employer obligation of surveillance of employee, employer obligation of equal treatment to employees and other obligation of employer, suspension of labor contract, sorts of termination of the labor contract and termin

OZH551 - The Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations (3 + 0) 5

The law applicable to substance, capacity and legal form, article 24 of the Law no.5718, the law applicable to contracts relating to rem, the law applicable to consumer contracts, the law applicable to employment contracts, the law applicable to contracts related to intellectual property rights, the law applicable to contracts related to carriage,

OZH552 - International Jurisdiction of Turkish Courts (3 + 0) 5

International jurisdiction of Turkish courts on the disputes with foreign element, the article 40 of the Law no. 5718, actions pertaining to the personal status of Turkish nationals, actions pertaining to the personal status of foreign nationals, actions on inheritance, actions on employment contracts and employment relationships, actions on consum

OZH561 - Intellectual Property (3 + 0) 5

The concept and the content of intellectual property, intellectual property and industrial property rights, work, the rights of the author.

SBE-OZH-T-AE1FA1 - Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 5

SBE-OZH-T-AE1FA2 - Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 5

SBE-OZH-T-AE1FA3 - Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 5

SBE-OZH-T-AE1FA4 - Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 5

SBE-OZH-T-AE1FA5 - Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 5

SBE-OZH-T-AE1FA6 - Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 5

SBE-OZH-T-AE1FA7 - Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 5

SBE-OZH-T-AE1FA8 - Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 5

SBE-OZH-T-GE1FA9 - Non-Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 5