ECTS - - Electrical-Electronics Engineering MSc. (without Thesis)

Compulsory Departmental Courses

EE500 - Graduation Project (0 + 0) 40

Realization of literature survey and the typical phases of the system development life cycle, project documentation, presentation of project?s progress.

EE504 - Introduction to Systems Analysis (3 + 0) 5

Review of linear algebra concepts, classifications of systems and system representations, continuous and discrete time systems, state space realizations, analysis techniques: frequency domain, Laplace and z-domain analyses, solutions of linear systems, stability analysis; assessment of the techniques by a computational tool such as MATLAB.

EE506 - Computational Methods in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (3 + 0) 5

Root finding and numerical integration, fixed and floating point arithmetic and error standards, one and multidimensional interpolation and extrapolation, numerical optimization techniques, least squares, statistical methods (Monte Carlo), computational approaches to linear transformations (Karhunen-Loeve, discrete Fourier).

MDES600 - Research Methodology and Communication Skills (3 + 0) 5

Rigorous, scholarly research, particularly theses or dissertations. Literature review, surveys, meta-analysis, empirical research design, formulating research questions, theory building, qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis methods, validity, reliability, triangulation, building evidences, writing research proposal

Elective Courses

CE566 - Advanced Mathematical Methods in Civil Engineering (3 + 0) 5

First-, second- and higher-order linear ordinary differential equations, system of differential equations, power series solution of differential equations, Laplace transforms, partial differential equations, numerical integration and derivation, numerical solution of differential equations.

CMPE225 - Object-Oriented Programming (3 + 2) 8

Data types, expressions and statements, functions and scope rules, class definitions, inheritance, polymorphism, name overloading, templates, exception handling; input/output; object oriented principles using the UML and C++ programming language.

CMPE323 - Algorithms (3 + 0) 7

Design and analysis of algorithms, O-notation, divide and conquer algorithms, dynamic programming, backtracking and branch and bound, lower bound theory, complexity of sorting and searching algorithms, graph algorithms, NP-hard and NP-complete problems, basic NPC problems, proving problems to be NPC, analysis of some string processing algorithms.

CMPE462 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (3 + 0) 5

Agent Paradigm, Problem Solving by Searching, Informed/Uninformed Search Methods, Genetic Algorithms, Simulated Annealing, Constraint Satisfaction Problems, Adversarial Search, Ant Colony Optimization, Particle Swarm Optimization, Artificial Bee Colony Optimization, Multi-Agent Systems & Intelligent Agents, Multi-Agent Interactions, Philosophical Foundations & Ethics.

CMPE464 - Digital Image Processing (3 + 0) 5

Introduction to signal and image processing, introduction to digital image processing, sampling, reconstruction, and quantization, digital image representation, image transforms, enhancement, restoration, segmentation and description.

CMPE538 - Advanced Computer Networks (3 + 0) 5

Advanced concepts of TCP/IP computer networks, routing principles and routing algorithms in TCP/IP networks, wireless-networking, multimedia networks, network security, network management.

CMPE543 - Big Data Analytics (3 + 0) 5

Infrastructure as a Service(IaaS), Hadoop framework, hive infrastrucure, data visualization, MapReduce model, NoSQL databases, large-scale data workflows, clustering, using R.

CMPE555 - Introduction to Recommender Systems (3 + 0) 5

Basic Concepts of recommender systems, collaborative filtering algorithms, content-based recommendation algorithms, knowledge-based recommendation algorithms, and hybrid recommendation algorithms, evaluating recommender systems, a case study to generate personalized recommendations.

CMPE568 - Advanced Artificial Intelligence (3 + 0) 5

Intelligent agents, problem solving by searching, informed/uninformed search methods, exploration, constraint satisfaction problems, knowledge and reasoning, first-order logic, knowledge representation, learning, selected topics: neural networks, natural computing.

CMPE572 - Fundamentals of the Theory of Computation (3 + 0) 5

Models of computation, Church-Turing thesis, decidability and undecidability, recursive enumerability, time complexity, classes P and NP, space complexity, LOGSPACE, PSPACE-completeness.

EE222 - Microcontrollers (3 + 2) 7

Basic microcontroller structure, memory organisation and addressing, addressing modes, assembly language programming, C programming, interrupts, interrupt programming, interfacing with input and display devices, timers, capture, compare and PWM operations, serial communication, I2C interface, A/D conversion.

EE401 - Digital Communications (2 + 2) 5

Introducing digital communication systems, digitization process in communication systems, baseband and bandpass transmission/modulation techniques, performance analysis of digital modulation schemes under Gaussian noise, evaluation of digital communication techniques.

EE402 - Wireless Communications (2 + 2) 5

Introduction to wireless systems and standards, radio propagation effects, coverage and statistical channel modeling, time-varying channels, fading effects, various bandpass modulation schemes and detection systems, channel capacity, spread spectrum communications, diversity and combining in cellular systems.

EE403 - Communication Networks (3 + 0) 5

Introduction. Architecture, OSI layer, topologies. Communication interface and data link control, error detection and correction. Circuit and packet switching, ATM and Frame relay, congestion control. Ethernet, token ring and FDDI, wireless LANs. Internet protocols (IP), internetwork operation, transport protocol (TCP), network security, ISDN and b

EE404 - Radar Systems (2 + 2) 5

Radar principles and operation. Radar equation and detection systems. CW and FM radars, pulse and MTI radars. Search and tracking operations. Analysis of radar systems: channel, antennas, transmitter and receiver structures. Current and future trends in radar systems.

EE405 - Antennas and Propagation (3 + 0) 5

Review of Maxwell?s equation and radiation. Basic antennas and parameters. Array theory, broadband antennas, aperture antennas, microstrip antennas, and design concepts. Measurement techniques, measurement of antenna parameters. Wave propagation over spherical earth, electromagnetic waves in atmosphere, space and urban and indoor environments. Path

EE406 - Optical Communication Systems (3 + 0) 5

Optical fiber structures, waveguiding and fabrication, attenuation, signal distortion, mode coupling, LEDs and LASERs, power launching and coupling, photo detectors, optical receivers, point- to ?point links, line coding, coherent optical systems, photonic switching, unguided optical communication systems.

EE408 - Satellite Communications (3 + 0) 5

Introduction to communication using satellites. Orbits and launching methods. Propagation characteristics. Orbit perturbations. Geostationary orbit. The space segment. The earth segment. Interference. Satellite acess. Modulation techniques and coding.

EE410 - Communication Electronics (3 + 0) 5

Communication systems overview. System blocks; transmitters and receivers, modulation and modulator circuits. Oscillators, filters and Phase Lock Loop (PLL) circuits, frequency synthesizer and amplifier design for communication systems of a broad range of frequencies. Project assignments on the design of communications circuits and/or subcircuits.

EE421 - Digital Image Processing (2 + 2) 5

2-D systems and transforms, image acquisition, sampling and quantization, linear and non-linear techniques for image enhancement and restoration and image compression, differential pulse code modulation, vector quantization, wavelets, subband coding, still and video compression coding standards.

EE422 - Statistical Signal Processing (3 + 0) 5

Introduction to random process, detection and estimation theory, maximum variance unbiased estimation, Cramer-Rao lower bound, general minimum variance unbiased estimation, best linear unbiased estimation, maximum likelihood estimation, Least square methods of estimation, method of moments: second moments analysis, Bayesian philosophy and Bayesian

EE423 - Neural Networks and Applications (3 + 0) 5

An introduction to basic neurobiology, the main neural network architectures and learning algorithms, and a number of neural network applications, McCulloch Pitts Neurons, Single Layer Perceptrons, Multi-Layer Perceptrons, Radial Basis Function Networks, Committee Machines, Kohonen Self-Organising Maps, and Learning Vector Quantization

EE424 - Adaptive Systems and Signal Processing (3 + 0) 5

Applications of adaptive filtering, autoregressive and moving average processes, linear prediction, lattice filters, Least Mean Square (LMS) algorithm, least squares filtering, convergence analysis, Recursive Least Squares Estimation(RLS), Kalman Filters

EE425 - Advanced Digital Design with HDL (2 + 2) 5

Behavioural, dataflow and structural modelling of digital circuits with Verilog HDL. Language constructs of Verilog. Design of finite state machines with data path using Verilog. Introduction to modern CAD tools. Simulation and verification of digital circuits.

EE426 - Real Time Signal Processing (3 + 0) 5

Architecture, instruction set, and hardware and software development tools associated with the Texas Instruments TMS320C6x family of fixed and floating processors. Signal processing applications such as waveform generation, FIR and IIR digital filtering, and DFT and FFT based spectral analysis and filtering. Requires an extensive DSP project of the

EE428 - Biomedical Signals and Instrumentation (3 + 0) 5

Introduction to biomedical instrumentation and physiological measurement, the nature of biomedical signals, the origin of biopotentials and other biological signals, biopotential electrodes,tissue equivalent circuits, principles and operation of basic transducers and sensors, sources and characteristics of biological and instrumentation noise,

EE431 - Semiconductor Devices and Modelling (3 + 0) 5

Review of semiconductor electronics. Fundamental equations for semiconductor devices. P-N junctions. Shockley-Hall-Read Model. Bipolar transistors. MOS systems. MOSFET. CMOS. Discretization of the basic drift-diffusion equations. Hydrodynamic models for device simulation.Monte Carlo models for device simulation. Numerical simulation of PN Junction

EE432 - VLSI Design (3 + 0) 5

Sequential circuits, pipelining. Interconnects: Effects of capacitive and resistive parasitics and solutions. Timing of digital circuits, clock skew and jitter, Clock distribution techniques. Design of arithmetic blocks: Adder, Shifter, Comparator, Multiplier. Designing memory and array structures. Design Methodology and tools. Testing and verifica

EE433 - RF Microelectronics (3 + 0) 5

RF Design Basics. Review of modulation and multiple access techniques, Transceiver architectures and design considerations. LNA and Mixer design, monolithic implementation of oscillators, frequency synthesizers and power amplifiers

EE434 - Microwave Circuit Design (3 + 0) 5

Active microwave circuits, detectors and mixers. Microwave integrated circuits. Microwave amplifiers and oscillators. Broadband transistor amplifier design. Microwave oscillator design.

EE435 - Optoelectronics (3 + 0) 5

Nature of light. Basic optical laws and definitions. Photodetectors. Solar cells. Light emitting diodes. LASER and applications. Homojunction, heterojunction, quantum well, and advanced structure lasers. Fiber types. Light propagation in optical fibers. Modulators. Display devices. Compact discs.

EE445 - Introduction to Robotics (3 + 0) 5

Basic components of robotic systems: selection of coordinate frames; homogeneous transformations; solutions to kinematics equations; velocity and force/torque relations; manipulator dynamics in Lagranges formulation; digital simulation of manipulator motion; motion planning; obstacle avoidance; controller design using the computed torque method.

EE448 - Pattern Recognition (3 + 0) 5

Introduction to the theory of pattern recognition, Bayesian decision theory, Maximum likelihood estimation, Nonparametric estimation, Linear discriminant functions, Support vector machines, Neural networks, Unsupervised learning and Clustering, Applications such as handwriting recognition, lipreading, geological analysis, medical data processing, d

EE449 - Pattern Classification and Sensor Applications for Engineers (3 + 0) 5

Sensors, general information about sensor types and sensor working principles; what is a pattern; pattern classification applications; theory and methods of pattern classification; feature extraction and selection; MATLAB Classification Learner Tool; analysis and performance of classifiers; RFID basics.

EE451 - Power System Analysis (3 + 0) 5

Basic concepts in power systems, current and voltage relations on a transmission line, the single-line diagram, per-unit quantities, impedance and reactance diagrams, the admittance model and network calculations, the impedance model and network calculations, power flow analysis, symmetrical faults, symmetrical components, unsymmetrical faults, pow

EE452 - High-Voltage Techniques (3 + 0) 5

Mechanisms of electrical breakdown in gases, in solid and liquid dielectrics and practical aspects, vacuum insulation, standard impulse voltages, discharge time, breakdown due to pollution.

EE454 - Power Electronics (3 + 2) 5

Power electronic semiconductor devices, calculation of losses in power semiconductor devices, snubber design, heat sink design, design of snubber circuits, gate drive circuits and isolation, AC choppers, single-phase and three-phase rectifiers, switch mode power supply topologies., inverters.

EE503 - Linear System Theory (3 + 0) 5

Review of linear algebra concepts, linear system representations, existence of solutions, state transition matrices, canonical realizations, controller designs, observer designs, introduction to multi-input multi-output systems.

EE505 - Neural Networks and Applications (3 + 0) 5

An introduction to basic neurobiology, the main neural network architectures and learning algorithms, and a number of neural network applications, McCulloch Pitts neurons, single-layer perceptrons, multi-layer perceptrons, radial basis function networks, committee machines, Kohonen self-organising maps, and learning vector quantization.

EE519 - Speech Processing and Its Applications (3 + 0) 5

Features of the speech signal; time-domain and frequency-domain analysis techniques; speech coding fundamentals; speech processing applications, speech recognition, speech synthesis, speaker verification.

EE525 - Embedded System Design with Field Programmable Gate Arrays (3 + 0) 5

Language constructs of Verilog, behavioral models of combinational and sequential logic; logic, RTL, and high-level synthesis of combinational and sequential logic; datapath controllers; programmable logic and storage devices, HDL architectures for basic digital processing implementations.

EE531 - Antennas and Radiowave Propagation (3 + 0) 5

Properties of electromagnetic waves; basic antennas and parameters; array theory, broadband, aperture, microstrip antennas, and antenna design concepts; propagation mechanism; wave propagation over spherical earth, electromagnetic waves in atmosphere, space and urban and indoor environments; computer aided design for antennas and propagation.

EE533 - Wireless Networks (3 + 0) 5

Wireless network planning, capacity and SIR, mobility, and power management; security in wireless networks; mobile data networks; CDPD, GPRS and other data services; mobile ad hoc networks; IEEE 802;11 and WLANs, ATM and HIPERLAN; WPAN, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and HomeRF, interference issues; wireless geolocation systems.

EE539 - Optical Communications (3 + 0) 5

Optical fiber structures, waveguiding and fabrication, attenuation, signal distortion, mode coupling, LEDs and LASERs, power launching and coupling, photo detectors, optical receivers, point-to-point links, line coding, coherent optical systems, photonic switching, unguided optical communication systems.

EE542 - Electronic Warfare Systems (3 + 0) 5

Electronic warfare components, operation of radar and infrared sensors, main weapon systems, electronic intercept systems and electronic countermeasures, electronic counter-countermeasures, new technologies and trends in electronic warfare systems.

EE543 - Communication Network Design (3 + 0) 5

Introduction to Petri nets and colored Petri nets; introduction to Omnet++; congestion management, throughput, task scheduling and resource allocation in communication networks; network architectures and topologies, OSI and TCP/IP reference models.

EE545 - Radar Signal Processing (3 + 0) 5

Operation of radar systems and main design parameters; radar signaling and waveforms; analysis of radar waveforms for various operations including MTI, pulse Doppler and SAR, design and simulation tools for radar systems; current and future trends in radar signaling and systems.

EE551 - Power Transmission Line Engineering (3 + 0) 5

Transmission line planning, overhead lines as system components, lightning protection, earthing, mechanical design, selection of conductors, insulators, overhead line fittings, conductor vibrations, foundations, sag and tension calculations, route selection, construction.

EE553 - Dynamics of Electrical Machines (3 + 0) 5

Magnetic circuits, MMF, flux distribution, induced voltage and torque, reference frame theory, Park equations, modeling of transformers, DC, induction, synchronous machines and PMSM, DC drive systems, synchronous generator transients, unbalanced conditions of induction machines, single-phase induction motors, solid-state induction motor drives.

EE571 - Digital Signal Analysis (3 + 0) 5

Mathematical methods for signal processing, spectrum estimation, discrete Karhunen-Loeve transform, detection of a signal in noise, multiple signal classification (MUSIC), least mean square algorithm, classification systems, Kalman filters.

EE572 - Applications of Communications and Signal Processing (3 + 0) 5

Selected topics from the areas of communications and signal processing including mobile/radio communications and signal processing techniques, information/communication systems, radio transmissions systems, signal processing techniques and algorithms in radars, information and electronic intelligence.

EE573 - Computer Vision (3 + 0) 5

Human vision, geometric camera models, image segmentation, object recognition, video signals and standards, vision system design, computer vision and digital video applications.

EE574 - Advanced Engineering Electromagnetics (3 + 0) 5

Fundamental concepts and theorems; wave equations and their solution; scattering of waves by conducting and dielectric objects, cross sections and scattering amplitude, radar equations, Rayleigh scattering, Born approximation, physical optics approximation; integral equations; method of moments; inverse scattering.

EE575 - RF Integrated Circuit Design (3 + 0) 5

Fundamentals of RF integrated circuit design; design of high-frequency analog CMOS integrated circuits, including low-noise amplifies, voltage-controlled oscillators, mixers and power amplifiers.

EE585 - Special Topics (3 + 0) 5

To be prepared by the instructor and approved by the departmental board.

EE606 - Special Topics (3 + 0) 5

Content of each special course will be announced prior to the term.

EE611 - Detection and Estimation (3 + 0) 5

Neyman-Pearson detector, hypothesis testing, maximum likelihood estimator, MAP, Kalman filtering, Wiener filtering, detection and estimation performance evaluation.

EE612 - Nonlinear Systems (3 + 0) 5

Nonlinear models and nonlinear phenomena, qualitative behaviour of second order systems, Lyapunov stability, passivity, Poincaré and Bendixon theorems, frequency response of nonlinear systems and describing functions, applications of Lyapunov theory, advanced nonlinear phenomena such as bifurcations.

EE621 - Computational Electromagnetics (3 + 0) 5

Finite difference time domain (FDTD), Finite Element (FE), geometric theory of diffraction (GTD) and method of moments (MoM) applied to antennas and scattering.

EE623 - Radar Cross Section Reduction Techniques (3 + 0) 5

Understanding of Radar Cross Section (RCS) analysis and RCS reduction, including formulation and implementation of several specific methods and enabling students to identify interesting and important research topics for Ph.D. work.

ENE308 - Solar Energy Technology (3 + 1) 5

Introduction to solar energy conversions, fundamentals of solar radiation, methods of solar collection and thermal conversion, solar heating systems, solar thermal power, capturing solar energy through biomass.

ENE421 - Hydrogen Technology (3 + 0) 5

Properties of hydrogen, production of hydrogen from fossil fuels and biomass, hydrogen as fuel, electrolysis, hydrogen storage, applications.

ENE428 - Power Plant Engineering (3 + 0) 5

Analysis and design of steam supply systems, electrical generating systems, and auxiliary systems; nuclear, fossil, hydraulic and renewable energy sources, power plant efficiency and operation.

ENE430 - Energy Sytems in Buildings (3 + 0) 5

Building structure, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, the calculation of heat loss and insulation surfaces, water, fuel and electricity consumption in buildings, the national andinternational standards and regulations on energy efficiency in buildings.

ISE424 - Distance Education and E-Learning (3 + 0) 5

Definitions, history, and theories of distance education and e-learning, instructional design, tools and technologies for distance education, multimedia learning, computer-supported collaborative learning, learning management systems, new directions and developments.

ISE501 - Foundations in IT Management (3 + 0) 5

Computing infrastructure overview; introduction to IT Services: event and fault management; problem management; change management; configuration management; asset management (inventory and software distribution); performance and capacity management;security management; network management; storage management; workload management; backup and recover

ISE502 - Organizational Management and Change (3 + 0) 5

Organizational behavior and management; personality and learning; perception, attribution and judgment of others; values, attitudes and work behavior, theories of work motivation, motivation in practice; groups and teamwork; leadership; communication; decision making, conflict and stress; organizational structure, change management principles: spon

ISE511 - IT Strategy Planning and Governance (3 + 0) 5

The IT strategic planning process; structuring the strategic planning process, analyzing the business environment; identifying the mission and competencies of your organization; assigning value and weight to enterprise objectives; reviewing established IT portfolios; measuring your IT governance maturity; aligning IT to your business objectives, de

ISE543 - Internet Security and Ethical Hacking (3 + 0) 5

Data encryption techniques and algorithms; public-key encryption, hash functions; digital signatures, authentication; network security; web security; system security, intruders, viruses, firewalls; the algorithms and data security tools; ethical hacking.

MATE462 - Nanomaterials (3 + 0) 5

Nanotechnology fundamentals, history, applications and novel materials; synthesis and application of nanomaterials and their application in industry in relation to existing technology applications; future trends and emerging technologies.

MDES618 - Probabilistic Methods in Engineering (3 + 0) 5

Basic notions of probability theory, reliability theory, notion of a stochastic process, Poisson processes, Markov chains, statistical inference.

MDES620 - Numerical Solution of Differential Equations (3 + 0) 5

Numerical solution of initial value problems; Euler, multistep and Runge-Kutta methods; numerical solution of boundary value problems; shooting and finite difference methods; stability, convergence and accuracy; numerical solution of partial differential equations; finite difference methods for parabolic, hyperbolic and elliptic equations; explic

MDES621 - Numerical Linear Algebra (3 + 0) 5

Floating point computations, vector and matrix norms, direct methods for the solution of linear systems, least squares problems, eigenvalue problems, singular value decomposition, iterative methods for linear systems.

MDES631 - Engineering Decision and Risk Analysis (3 + 0) 5

Basic notions of probability, random variables, functions of random variables distributions, moments; first and second-order approximations; probability models for engineering analysis; Bernoulli sequence, binomial distribution, Poisson and related distributions, normal and related distributions, extreme-value distributions, other distributions us

MDES650 - Advanced System Simulation (3 + 0) 5

Discrete simulation models for complex systems, input probability distributions, random variable generation, statistical inferences, variance reduction, continuous processes, verification and validation, advanced models.

MDES654 - Decision Making Analysis (3 + 0) 5

Conflicting objectives in decision making; decision problems under certainty; utility theory for single-attribute and multi-attribute problems in decision analysis; individual versus group decisions.

MDES655 - Linear Optimization (3 + 0) 5

Sets of linear equations, linear feasibility and optimization, local and global optima, the Simplex method and its variants, theory of duality and the dual-Simplex method, network-Simplex algorithms, computational complexity issues and interior-point algorithms.

ME601 - Advanced Mathematics for Engineers (3 + 0) 5

The objective of this course is to improve the skills of students in mathematics in advanced topic such as linear spaces and operators, matrix algebra, tensor fields, complex analysis and calculation of variations.

MECE521 - Control Engineering I (3 + 0) 5

State space analysis of systems, state feedback, observers, Lyapunov stability theory, phase portraits, and the describing function analysis.

MECE522 - Control Engineering II (3 + 0) 5

Fundamentals of state observers, regulator and control systems design, stochastic systems, Kalman filtering, MatLab-Simulink utilization; projects and laboratory studies about modeling and control of dynamical systems in mechatronic systems laboratory.

MECE574 - Industrial Automation and Robotics Technology (3 + 0) 5

Principles of industrial automation systems, system approach for automated machinery and plants; advanced topics in pneumatic and hydraulic components and systems, design of pneumatic and hydraulic systems; principles of industrial robots and their role in industrial automation, mobile robots, robot arms, AS/RS; design issues in industrial automati

PHYS502 - Electromagnetic Theory (3 + 0) 5

Vector analysis and vector algebra; electrostatics, the electric field, electric potential, conductors; potentials, Laplace?s Equation, method of images, multipole expansion; polarization; magnetostatics, magnetic vector potential, magnetic fields in matter; electrodynamics, Maxwell?s equations, conservation laws; electromagnetic waves, waves in

PHYS515 - Condensed Matter Theory (3 + 0) 5

Crystals and three-dimensional lattices, scattering and structures, surfaces and interfaces, beyond crystals, the Fermi gas and single electron model, non-interacting electrons in a periodic potential, nearly free and tightly bound electrons, electron-electron interactions, cohesion of solids, phonons, electronic properties of metals and semicondu

PHYS516 - Physics of Semiconductor Devices (3 + 0) 5

Energy bands and carrier concentration in thermal equailibrium, carrier transport phenomena, p-n junction, bipolar transistors and related devices, MOS capacitor and MOSFET; MESFET and related devices, light emitting diodes and lasers, photodetectors and solar cells

PHYS517 - Modern Applied Optics (3 + 0) 5

Historical mile stones of light and optics, Newton?s light particles, Huygens? light waves, Planck?s and Einstein?s hypothesis of light quanta, basics of the classical description of light, quantum mechanical understanding of light (Quantum Optics), light detectors, light absorption, introduction to lasers, stimulated emission,population inversion

SE422 - Introduction to Data Science (3 + 0) 5

Python programming language for data science, data scraping, data manipulation, data visualization, use of vectors and matrices in data science, review of statistical concepts for data science, conditional probability, Bayes?s theorem, normal distribution, prediction, regression, classification and clustering.

SE544 - Cognitive Aspects of Software Engineering (3 + 0) 5

Introduction to cognitive science and its methods; cognitive processes related to software engineering (memory, expertise, attention, decision making and problem solving, team cognition); basic experimental design; case studies on cognitive aspects of software engineering research.

SE546 - Decision Support in Health Informatics (3 + 0) 5

Choosing the correct information for different decisions and communicate its meanings to users; evaluation of statistical and other methods and tools; the difference between research databases and operational databases; techniques to effectively communicate quantitative healthcare data using tables and graphs; methods for choosing the right medium.

SE550 - Software Engineering (3 + 0) 5

Introduction to software engineering and related topics; software process and project metrics; project planning; scheduling and tracking; configuration management; software quality assurance; requirement analysis; data flow diagrams and related topics; design concepts and methods; implementation; testing methods and test strategies; object-oriented

SE558 - Software Architecture (3 + 0) 5

Introduction to software architecture; architecture business cycle; creating an architecture; introducing a case study; understanding and achieving quality; design, document and reconstruct software architecture; methods for architecture evaluation; quantitative approach to architecture design decision making; software product lines; middleware, mo

SE571 - Agile Software Development Approaches (2 + 2) 5

Introduction to agile methods; extreme programming (XP); Lean, Scrum; Crystal; feature-driven development (FDD); Kanban; dynamic systems development method (DSDM); architecture and design issues in agile software methods.

SE573 - Applied Machine Learning in Data Analytics (3 + 0) 5

Data statistics; linear discriminant analysis; decision trees; artificial neural networks; Bayesian learning; distance measures; instance-based and reinforcement learning; clustering; regression; support vector machines.