ECTS - - Manufacturing Engineering Master of Science Program without Thesis

Compulsory Departmental Courses

MDES600 - Research Methodology and Communication Skills (3 + 0) 5

Rigorous, scholarly research, particularly theses or dissertations. Literature review, surveys, meta-analysis, empirical research design, formulating research questions, theory building, qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis methods, validity, reliability, triangulation, building evidences, writing research proposal

MFGE500 - Graduation Project (0 + 0) 40

Conducting literature survey on the project topic, realizing the analysis and (preliminary) design of the component/process/experiment and documentation in an acceptable engineering format, presentation of the project progress.

Elective Courses

AE414 - Active and Passive Automobile Safety (3 + 1) 5

Introduction to automobile safety subject; crash types; brake systems; traction and stability systems; passenger restraint systems; energy absorbing; intrusion resistance; safety in hybrid, electric and alternative fuel vehicles; autonomous vehicles; developing safety technologies.

AE417 - Introduction to Finite Element Analysis (2 + 2) 5

Solving partial differential equations of mechanics numerically; fundamentals of the finite element method including weak form, shape functions, iso-parametric approximation, Gauss quadrature, element types, assembly operation, sparsity pattern with application to 2D problems; self-written finite element code in MATLAB; computational simulations of elastic materials and stress analysis using the MATLAB code; domain discretization, pre-processing and post-processing aspects.

AE419 - Internal Combustion Engine Design (2 + 2) 5

Introduction to basic concepts of engine design; critical index; indicated and effective power, pressure, torque; crank-connecting rod mechanism.

AE421 - Electric and Hybrid Vehicles (3 + 1) 5

Electric vehicle components; history of electric vehicles; types of electric vehicles; batteries and battery modeling; alternative energy sources and stores (photovoltaics, flywheels, capacitors, fuel cells); DC and AC electric motors, brushed DC motors, and brushless electric motors; power electronics and motor drives; electric vehicle drivetrain.

AE423 - Automotive Control Systems (3 + 1) 5

Concept of feedback; mathematical model of dynamic systems; transfer functions (Laplace transform) and state-space representations; frequency domain design techniques; root locus, Nyquist, and Bode diagrams; vehicle stability control, active suspension control, and autonomous steering applications.

AE426 - Design And Manufacturing Of Armored Vehicles (3 + 1) 5

Armored vehicle survivability concepts; threat types; basics of armor materials; penetration mechanics; metallic, ceramic and composites used in armor design; protection against blast; high strain-rate test methods for deriving constitutive and failure behavior of materials; specialized test methods for verification of protection levels; computational techniques used to predict structural failure.

APM444 - Rocket and Missile Technology (3 + 0) 5

Entry information for rocket and missile design, problems of full-scale effects by the atmosphere, rocket fuel, solid fuel rockets, liquid fuel rocket and missiles, fuel composition, combustion, fuel grain, rocket engines, nozzle flow, rocket performance parameters, propulsion, propulsion coefficient, characteristic exhaust output velocity,impulse

CE425 - Construction Planning and Cost Estimating (3 + 0) 6

Introduction to construction project management, tendering process, public procurement law, public procurement contract law, tender documents, cost engineering and quantity surveying, contractor`s bid price, progress payments, and taking-over and performance certificates.

CE521 - Applied Solid Mechanics (3 + 0) 5

Analysis of stress and strain, stress-strain relations, plane strain and plane stress problems, yield and failure criteria, unsymmetrical bending of beams, energy methods, buckling of columns, plastic behavior of structural members.

CEAC442 - Environmental Pollution (3 + 0) 5

Assessing environmental impact, risk analysis, water pollution, wastewater treatment, air pollution, air pollution control, solid wastes, hazardous wastes.

ENE404 - Energy and Environment (3 + 0) 5

Energy resources, processes, environmental effects, air pollution, sustainability, global warming, climate change.

IE322 - Industrial Engineering Practices in Energy Sector (3 + 0) 5

The impact of energy in today?s world; principles of energy planning and utilization; the drives of energy supply and demand; the role of an engineer in energy industries for management, resource planning and utilization; sustainability as a driving force for energy planning; common concepts in energy management; a paradigm of decision making: conventional versus new energy resources including nuclear and renewable energy; economical evaluation of energy investments,

IE503 - System Analysis and Design (3 + 0) 5

Requirements engineering and modeling, structural modeling, system architecture and user interface design, documentation, testing and installation, traceability, project planning and management.

IE509 - Production Systems (3 + 0) 5

Management and control of production function in organizational systems, concepts of materials management, master production scheduling and production planning from different perspectives, aggregate planning, lot sizing, scheduling in manufacturing systems, scheduling in service systems, design and operation of scheduling systems, material requirem

MATE462 - Nanomaterials (3 + 0) 5

Nanotechnology fundamentals, history, applications and novel materials; synthesis and application of nanomaterials and their application in industry in relation to existing technology applications; future trends and emerging technologies.

MATE464 - Surface Processing of Materials (3 + 0) 5

Characterization of surfaces, interaction of surfaces, theory of contact mechanics, surface hardening methods, carburizing, conversion coatings, surface coating methods: gaseous, solution and molten state deposition processes, principles of physical and chemical vapor deposition, electrochemical deposition, spray coatings.

MATE506 - Advanced Microscopy Tecniques (3 + 0) 5

Scanning electron microscope and its modes of operation, generation of X-rays in SEM, EDS, WDS, stereology, statistical analysis, fundamentals of digital imaging and image analysis, measurement of structural gradients, grain size, particle size and shape, spacing, structure-property relations.

MATE541 - Advanced Glass Science and Technology (3 + 0) 5

Nucleation, Crystal growth, Glass formation, Melting of ceramic powders, Structure of glasses, Viscosity of glass forming, Density, Thermal expansion, Mechanical properties, Optical properties

MDES620 - Numerical Solution of Differential Equations (3 + 0) 5

Numerical solution of initial value problems; Euler, multistep and Runge-Kutta methods; numerical solution of boundary value problems; shooting and finite difference methods; stability, convergence and accuracy; numerical solution of partial differential equations; finite difference methods for parabolic, hyperbolic and elliptic equations; explic

MDES621 - Numerical Linear Algebra (3 + 0) 5

Floating point computations, vector and matrix norms, direct methods for the solution of linear systems, least squares problems, eigenvalue problems, singular value decomposition, iterative methods for linear systems.

MDES650 - Advanced System Simulation (3 + 0) 5

Discrete simulation models for complex systems, input probability distributions, random variable generation, statistical inferences, variance reduction, continuous processes, verification and validation, advanced models.

MDES651 - Boundary Element Method Programming (3 + 0) 5

Vector calculus; boundary value problems in mechanics; general outline of boundary element formulation; direct and indirect formulations; discretization-elements and integration; assembly and solution techniques; advanced techniques-dual reciprocity and multiple reciprocity, substructuring and boundary element-finite element coupling; parallel prog

MDES654 - Decision Making Analysis (3 + 0) 5

Conflicting objectives in decision making; decision problems under certainty; utility theory for single-attribute and multi-attribute problems in decision analysis; individual versus group decisions.

MDES655 - Linear Optimization (3 + 0) 5

Sets of linear equations, linear feasibility and optimization, local and global optima, the Simplex method and its variants, theory of duality and the dual-Simplex method, network-Simplex algorithms, computational complexity issues and interior-point algorithms.

MDES674 - Supply Chain Management (3 + 0) 5

Supply chain management purposes and processes; supply chain design, evaluation and measurement models; trends in strategic operations, procurement, and logistics applications within the supply chain.

ME408 - Thermal Systems Design (3 + 0) 6

Sistem tasarım kavramları, matematiksel modelleme, optimizasyon metotları, büyük sistemlerin kararlı hal simülasyonu, fan, pompa, ısı değiştirgeçleri, lüleler ve difüzörler, kanallardaki akış, ısıl sistemlerin dinamik davranışı.

ME411 - Metal Forming (3 + 1) 5

Plasticity theory and metal forming, metalurgical considerations; cold, warm and hot forming; extrusion, forging, wire drawing and deep drawing.

ME413 - Tool and Die Design (2 + 2) 5

Introduction, definitions of jigs and fixtures, types of fixtures, design and manufacturing of jigs and fixtures, FE analysis of loading and stress analysis of jigs during processes.

ME417 - Joining Technologies (3 + 0) 5

Stress analysis, static and fatigue failure criteria for joined structures; design methods for mechanical fastening, welding and adhesive bonding; manufacturing of joints (i.e. installation of fasteners, application on adhesive on substrates); maintenance of joints (e.g. corrosion protection, inspection, etc.).

ME421 - Polymer Processing (3 + 0) 5

Introduction to hydrocarbons and macromolecular structures, homopolymers, copolymers, elastomers, blends and thermosets, morphology of polymers, semicrystalline and amorhous states, polymer additives, mechanical properties, differential scanning calorimetry and dilatometry, rheological properties, non Newtonian flow, viscoelasticity, melt flow index and rheometers, melting and mixing; die forming, extrusion based processes, molding processes, manufacture of tires and other rubber products.

ME425 - Mechanical Vibrations (3 + 0) 5

Temel tanımlar, tek serbestlik dereceli sistemler, titreşim yalıtımı, iki serbestlik dereceli sistemler: hareket denklemleri, koordinat dönüşümleri, temel koordinatlar, titreşim modları, torsiyonel titreşim, çoklu serbestlik dereceli sistemler, koordinat dönüşümler ve normal koordinatlar, modal analiz, harmonik zorlamalı sistemlerin çözümü.

ME426 - Dynamics of Machinery (3 + 0) 5

Knematic influence coefficients, equation of motion of single degree of freedom systems, analytical and numerical solution methods, effects of dry and viscous friction, force analysis and power flow in simple and planetary gear trains, rotating mass balancing, balancing of inertia-variant machines, analysis of unbalance in multi-cylinder engines

ME427 - Kinematic Synthesis (3 + 0) 5

Introduction to synthesis, graphical and analytical methods in dimensional synthesis. Two, three and four positions of a plane. Correlation of crank angles. Classical transmission angle problem. Optimization for the transmission angle. Chebyshev theorem. Current topics in mechanism synthesis.

ME430 - Finite Element Analysis for Manufacturing (2 + 2) 5

Direct approach, plane strain, plane stress and axisymmetric problems, principle of virtual work based formulation for 2D problems, FEM for heat transfer problems.

ME437 - Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics (3 + 0) 5

Hesaplamalı akışkanlar mekaniğine giriş, akışkanlar mekaniğinin temel denklemleri, temel hesaplamalı teknikler, sayısal şemaların özellikleri, sonlu farklar yöntemi, sonlu elemanlar yöntemi, denklem sistemlerinin çözüm yöntemleri, ağ (mesh) oluşturma.

ME451 - Quality Management and Quality Engineering (3 + 1) 5

Quality of engineering material and products, quality in design, quality in manufacturing, quality control, inspection and testing, non-conformities and failure modes in material and products, quality management, quality improvement techniques, quality related engineering practices.

ME478 - Production Plant Design (3 + 0) 5

Introduction, fundamantals of design and CAD, manufacturing systems (CAD/CAM, FMS, CIM), market survey and plant location, plant layout, process analysis, quantity and quality planning and controlling for production, process and machine selection, materials handling, storage types, safety regulations, maintenance, environmental factors and R&D.

ME482 - Introduction to CAD/CAM (2 + 1) 5

Introduction to CAD, overview of geometric modeling techniques (wireframes, boundary representation, constructive solid geometry and hybrid modelers), parametric and variation modeling, parametric modeling of curves and surfaces (Bezier, B-spline and NURBS), introduction to CAM, CNC part programming, machining strategies, cutting tool selection, tool path generation, post-processing.

ME601 - Advanced Mathematics for Engineers (3 + 0) 5

The objective of this course is to improve the skills of students in mathematics in advanced topic such as linear spaces and operators, matrix algebra, tensor fields, complex analysis and calculation of variations.

ME661 - Theory of Continuous Media I (3 + 0) 5

Review of tensor analysis and integral theorems; kinematics of deformation, strain tensor, compatibility condition; material derivative, deformation rate, spin and vorticity tensor; external and internal loads, Cauchy?s principle and stress tensors; basic laws of continuum mechanics (conservation of mass, continuity equation, principle of linear a

ME667 - Theory of Plasticity (3 + 0) 5

Vector and tensor calculus; general concepts about mechanics of materials - stress and strain concept; continuum deformation: displacement, strain and compatibility conditions; mechanics of continuous bodies: stress and stress equation of motion; elastic constitutive relations; inelastic constitutive relations; yield criteria, flow rules and hardening.

ME683 - Boundary Element Method (3 + 0) 5

Introduction; preliminary concepts: vector and tensor algebra, indicial notation; divergence theorem, Dirac delta function; singular integrals; Cauchy principal value integrals in 1 and 2D; boundary element formulation for Laplace equation; Laplace equation: discretization; boundary element formulation for elastostatics; elastostatics: discretization.

ME684 - Finite Element Analysis of Solids and Fluids I (3 + 0) 5

Concepts of finite element analysis such as principle of virtual work, finite element solution procedures, heat transfer analysis, finite element analysis of solids, fluids and structures.

MECE445 - Robot Vision (3 + 0) 5

An introduction to the algorithms and mathematical analysis associated with the visual process; binary image processing, regions and segmentation, edge detection, photometric stereo, stereo and calibration, introduction to dynamic vision and motion.

MECE521 - Control Engineering I (3 + 0) 5

State space analysis of systems, state feedback, observers, Lyapunov stability theory, phase portraits, and the describing function analysis.

MECE522 - Control Engineering II (3 + 0) 5

Fundamentals of state observers, regulator and control systems design, stochastic systems, Kalman filtering, MatLab-Simulink utilization; projects and laboratory studies about modeling and control of dynamical systems in mechatronic systems laboratory.

MECE574 - Industrial Automation and Robotics Technology (3 + 0) 5

Principles of industrial automation systems, system approach for automated machinery and plants; advanced topics in pneumatic and hydraulic components and systems, design of pneumatic and hydraulic systems; principles of industrial robots and their role in industrial automation, mobile robots, robot arms, AS/RS; design issues in industrial automati

MFGE403 - Tool and Die Design (2 + 0) 5

Introduction, definitions of jigs and fixtures, types of fixtures, design and manufacturing of jigs and fixtures, FE analysis of loading and stress analysis of jigs during processes.

MFGE404 - Computer Integrated Manufacturing (3 + 0) 5

Introduction, computer aided design (CAD) systems, computer aided graphical modeling, CAD databases, computer aided manufacturing (CAM) systems, computer aided process Planning (CAPP) systems, robotic systems, group technology and cellular manufacturing systems, automated material handling systems, automated inspection systems, flexible manufacturi

MFGE418 - Advanced Strength of Materials (3 + 0) 5

Analysis of stress and strain, principle stresses and strains, generalized Hooke?s law, strain energy, yield and failure criteria, plane strain and plane stress problems, airy stress function, unsymmetrical bending of beams and shear center, torsion of noncircular cross sections, Prandtl?s membrane analogy, energy methods, plastic deformation and r

MFGE420 - Project Management in Manufacturing (3 + 0) 5

Project management standards;project,portfolio,program and operation management concepts; managing participation,teamwork, and conflict;need identification and assessment,problem definition; creativity and idea generation;methods and tools of functional/physical/task decomposition;mind mapping;planning methods; cost estimation and budgeting;time management and scheduling;project quality management;resource allocation; project risk management techniques; project execution, monitoringtechniques

MFGE432 - Polymer Processing (3 + 0) 5

Introduction to hydrocarbons and macromolecular structures, homopolymers, copolymers, elastomers, blends and thermosets, morphology of polymers, semicrystalline and amorhous states, polymer additives, mechanical properties, differential scanning calorimetry and dilatometry, rheological properties, non Newtonian flow, viscoelasticity, melt flow index and rheometers, melting and mixing; die forming, extrusion based processes, molding processes, manufacture of tires and other rubber products.

MFGE478 - Production Plant Design (3 + 0) 5

Introduction, fundamantals of design and CAD, manufacturing systems (CAD/CAM, FMS, CIM), market survey and plant location, plant layout, process analysis, quantity and quality planning and controlling for production, process and machine selection, materials handling, storage types, safety regulations, maintenance, environmental factors, research an

MFGE481 - Nanofabrication (3 + 0) 5

Fabrication of metallic nanomaterials, manufacturing of carbon based nanostructures, nanostructured systems from low-dimensional building blocks, characterization techniques and manufacturing methods, proximity effect.

MFGE482 - Introduction to CAD/CAM (2 + 1) 5

Introduction to CAD,overview of geometric modeling techniques (wireframes, boundary representation, constructive solid geometry and hybrid modelers), parametric and variation modeling, parametric modeling of curves and surfaces (Bezier, B-spline and NURBS), introduction to CAM, CNC part programming,machining strategies, cutting tool selection, tool path generation, post-processing.

MFGE484 - Plastic Injection Moulding Technology (3 + 1) 5

Main properties of plastics, design of injection moulds, types of injection moulds, injection moulding process; filling packing, and cooling stages, computer aided analysis of injection moulding process, introducing, using, and evaluating of a simulation software, and its analysis results, different types of injection moulds, new developed processes of injection moulding.

MFGE505 - Practical Finite Elements (Linear Finite Element) (3 + 0) 5

Background and application of FE, direct approach, strong and weak forms, weight functions and Gauss quadrature, FE formulation for 1D problems, plane strain/stress and axisymmetric problems, displacement based FE formulation, isoparametric elements, performance of displacement based elements and volumetric locking; reduced selective integration.

MFGE508 - Boundary Element Method (3 + 0) 5

Introduction, preliminary concepts, vector and tensor algebra, indicial notation, divergence theorem, Dirac delta function; singular integrals, Cauchy principal value integrals in 1 and 2D, boundary element formulation for Laplace equation, Laplace equation; discretization, boundary element formulation for elastostatics, elastostatics, discretizati

MFGE509 - Theory of Continuous Media (3 + 0) 5

Introduction, vector and tensor algebra and integral identities; stress vector and stress components, principal stresses and directions, rate-of-deformation tensor, spin tensor, Eulerian and Lagrangian formulations, rotation and stretch tensors, compatibility conditions, conservation of mass, linear momentum, angular momentum, first law of thermody

MFGE534 - Distortion Engineering (3 + 0) 5

Distortion, distortion potential, distortion potential carriers, compensation potential, production step based solutions, intelligent process chain design, predictive methods, use of in-situ measurement techniques and adaptive process control.

MFGE541 - Theory of Metal Cutting (3 + 0) 5

Introduction, machine tools and machining operations ?turning, drilling and milling, abrasive machining, mechanics of metal cutting; tool life and tool wear, economics of metal cutting operations, chip control, machine tool vibrations, grinding.

MFGE542 - Theory of Metal Forming (3 + 0) 5

Elements of the theory of plasticity, fundamentals of metal working, forging process, rolling process, extrusion process, drawing of rods, wires and tubes, sheet metal forming process, high energy rate forming.

MFGE543 - Theory of Sheet Metal Forming and Die Design (3 + 0) 5

Material properties, sheet deformation processes, deformation of sheet in plane stress, simplified stamping analysis, load instability and tearing, bending of sheet, simplified analysis of circular shells, cylindrical deep drawing, stretching of circular shells, combined bending and tension of sheets, hydroforming, introduction to finite element an

MFGE544 - Advanced Tool Design (3 + 0) 5

Tool design; tool materials; cutting tool design; workholding principles; jig design; fixture design; power presses; metal cutting, forming and drawing; tool design for inspection and gauging; tool design for joining processes; modular and automated tool handling; the computer in tool design; geometric dimensioning and tolerancin

MFGE545 - Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (3 + 0) 5

Integration Definition diagrams (IDEF), Unified Modeling Language (UML), Ontology Modelling (using Protégé software), Agent based systems, Java Agent Development Environment (JADE)

MFGE547 - Mechanical Characterization of Metals I (3 + 0) 5

Introduction, background and application of mechanical characterization metals, review of the mechanical behavior metals, review of mechanical testing equipment, tensile test, compression test, hydraulic bulge test, high temperature mechanical testing, determination of elastic properties, flow curves and planar anisotropy for sheets.

MFGE549 - Experimental Stress Analysis (3 + 0) 5

Review of elasticity fundamentals, strain measurement methods, gauge selection, bonding surface preparation, strain gauge circuits, sources of error, strain gauge excitation levels, force, torque and pressure measurements, special-purpose gauges, rosette analysis, corrections for transverse effects, industrial applications.

MFGE560 - Pre-Stress Engineering (3 + 0) 5

Residual stresses, measurement techniques, effect of residual stresses, residual stress control, pre-stressing techniques.

MFGE561 - Surfaces and Interfaces (3 + 0) 5

Interfacial forces, thermodynamics of interface, study of solid surfaces, interfaces between liquid and solid, surface cleaning methods, surface wear, plating and coating methods, marine biofouling, advances in anti-fouling marine and biomaterial surfaces, smart surfaces.

MFGE576 - Nonlinear Finite Element Method (3 + 0) 5

Review of the linear FE-concepts, solution of nonlinear equations, one-dimensional nonlinear problems, two/there-dimensional rigid-plastic finite element solution, two/three-dimensional large-strain elasto-plastic FE-solutions.

MFGE577 - Quality Control and Metrology (3 + 0) 5

Elementary metrology, linear-angular and comparative measurement, instruments and gauges for testing straightness, flatness, squareness, parallelism, limits, fits and gauges, inspection, quality function in industry, fundamentals of statistical concept in quality control, control charts in SQC, sampling inspection, operation characteristics (OC) cu

SE571 - Agile Software Development Approaches (2 + 2) 5

Introduction to agile methods; extreme programming (XP); Lean, Scrum; Crystal; feature-driven development (FDD); Kanban; dynamic systems development method (DSDM); architecture and design issues in agile software methods.