ECTS - - Doctoral (PhD) Program in Private Law
Compulsory Departmental Courses
Elective Courses
OZH542 - Law of Labor Contract (3 + 0) 5
Sorts of labor contract, conclusion of labour contract, liability and obligations of employee, employer obligation of paying wages, employer obligation of surveillance of employee, employer obligation of equal treatment to employees and other obligation of employer, suspension of labor contract, sorts of termination of the labor contract and termin
OZH602 - Absolute Liability (3 + 0) 5
The reasons of liability, liability depends on negligence, the reason why we have absolute liability in our codes, strict liability, different types of damages which must be compensated in absolute liability, people who will compensate for the damage, statute of limitations.
OZH605 - International Family Law (3 + 0) 5
Foreign element of family law, classification of family law, law applicaple to engagement, law applicaple to marriage and general provisions thereof, law applicaple to divorce and separation, law applicable to matrimonial property, law applicable to establishment of parentage, law applicable to effects of parentage, law applicable to adoption,law
OZH606 - Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments (3 + 0) 5
Enforcement of foreign decrees, jurisdiction and competency, request for enforcement of court decrees, documents to be attached to the petition, conditions of enforcement, notification and objection, court decision, execution and appeal, recognition, final judgment and definitive evidence effect.
OZH607 - Pledges on Movable Property for Commercial Transactions (3 + 0) 5
General principles of pledges on movable property in commercial transactions; subject of pledges on movable property in commercial transactions; establishment of pledges on movable property in commercial transactions;scope of pledges on movable property in commercial transactions; provisions of pledges on movable property in commercial transaction
OZH609 - The Contracts Signed Between the Bank and Consumers (3 + 0) 5
The consumer?s credit contracts, credit card contracts, housing finance credit contract, contract of bailment and pledge, distance contracts related to financial services, the contract of safety deposit box and general transaction conditions.
OZH613 - Annulment of the Employment Contract and Employment Security (3 + 0) 5
Reasons of annulment of employment contracts and its legal consequences; rules and consequences which are to be borne by the employee and employer; annulment terms; employment security; annulment due to fundamental change of working conditions; rightful annulment; restriction of right to annul;rules and consequences of the annulment of employment
OZH614 - Occupational Health and Safety Law (3 + 0) 5
As one of the primal obligations for occupational health and security, obligation to protect and safeguard the employee and its breach; the organisation of working conditions, hours of work, overtime periods of work and off-days; the protection of child and woman employees, workplace inspections and public sanctions; the State?s and employer?s
OZH615 - The Partners/Shareholders Claim in Company Law (Actio Pro Socio) (3 + 0) 5
Historical development of partner/shareholders lawsuits; parties of partner/shareholders lawsuits; subject of partner/shareholders lawsuits; conditions of partner/shareholders lawsuits; partner/shareholders lawsuits in practice.
OZH618 - Publicly Held Joint-Stock Companies (3 + 0) 5
In this course after evaluating publicly held joint stock companies as a specific type of joint stock companies subject to special provisions, will be examined their operations within the scope of special regulations in Capital Market Regulations.