ECTS - - Industrial Engineering (English)

 The Department of Industrial Engineering offers undergraduate and graduate degrees.

The overriding goal of undergraduate Industrial Engineering Program is to raise graduates that are

  1. Having knowledge of system design and optimization approaches and methods to meet the requirements of the production and service sectors,
  2. Keeping up to date with all aspects of Industrial Engineering and its application areas, having awareness and continuously increasing knowledge accumulation,
  3. Informing the industry about the application areas of Industrial Engineering, emphasizing its importance and increasing its awareness.

Our carefully prepared Undergraduate Lecture Program, not only provides skills and knowledge that every. Industrial engineer should gain, but also prepares students for the sector in which they desire to develop their career with many elective courses such as E-Commerce and ERP, Reliability, Scheduling, Business Processes Reengineering and Industrial Engineering Applications in the Energy Sector.

In order to enable our students to experience the closest simulation of business life, two semester lasting graduation project is embedded, in which real life problem in a real company is solved by the overall knowledge gathered during undergraduate program and both industry experience and a wide communication network is gained.