Entrepreneurship (IKT443) Course Detail

Course Name Course Code Season Lecture Hours Application Hours Lab Hours Credit ECTS
Entrepreneurship IKT443 General Elective 3 0 0 3 6
Pre-requisite Course(s)
Course Language Turkish
Course Type Elective Courses
Course Level Bachelor’s Degree (First Cycle)
Mode of Delivery Face To Face
Learning and Teaching Strategies Lecture, Demonstration, Discussion, Question and Answer, Drill and Practice, Problem Solving, Team/Group, Brain Storming, Role Play, Project Design/Management.
Course Coordinator
Course Lecturer(s)
  • Dr. Dr. Öğr. Üyesi
Course Assistants
Course Objectives The course explores the idea of entrepreneurial activity, the characteristics of an entrepreneur, the business idea/strategy development; the context (environment) surrounding the business idea; and the activities undertaken to weave the entrepreneur/ business idea. Techniques are presented to students for developing their entrepreneurial skills and abilities. Students are required to join a team comprised of 3 to 4 members to complete the semester-long course project. Students have a chance to experience a multi-disciplinary team environment since the formation of the teams will be based on individuals from different faculties.
Course Learning Outcomes The students who succeeded in this course;
  • The student can appreciate the option of entrepreneurship as a career
  • The student can tell the difference between invention and entrepreneurship
  • . The student can work in a team
  • The student can take a business idea develop it into a business plan
Course Content The nature and importance of entrepreneurship, history of entrepreneurship, the entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial mind, creativity, innovation and the business idea, marketing and financial planning, franchising, entrepreneurial strategy and strategic management in operations, and presentation to business angels.

Weekly Subjects and Releated Preparation Studies

Week Subjects Preparation
1 The Foundations of Entrepreneurship Müftüoğlu ve Haliloğlu chapter 1
2 Inside the Entrepreneurial Mind: From Ideas to Reality Müftüoğlu ve Haliloğlu chapter 2
3 Characteristics of an entrepreneur Müftüoğlu ve Haliloğlu chapter 3
4 Spotting opportunities Müftüoğlu ve Haliloğlu chapter 4
5 Significance of Thinking Strategically Müftüoğlu ve Haliloğlu chapter 5
6 Alternatives of setting up a startup Müftüoğlu ve Haliloğlu chapter 6
7 Midterm
8 Main sections of a business plan Müftüoğlu ve Haliloğlu chapter 7
9 TArget Customer description and Competitor analysis Müftüoğlu ve Haliloğlu chapter 8
10 Marketing Mix, Product Definition and Product Life Cycle Müftüoğlu ve Haliloğlu chapter 9
11 Pricing strategies and cost Müftüoğlu ve Haliloğlu chapter 10
12 Workshop Filling out the relevant sections of the KOSGEB business plan
13 Workshop Filling out the relevant sections of the KOSGEB business plan
14 Workshop Filling out the relevant sections of the KOSGEB business plan
15 Workshop Filling out the relevant sections of the KOSGEB business plan
16 Final Exam


Course Book 1. NasılGirişimciOlunur?”, Prof. Dr. Tamer Müftüoğlu, NeclaHaliloğlu, TurhanKitabevi, 2. baskı 2011, Ankara
Other Sources 2. Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, Norman M. Scarborough, 6th edition, Pearson, 2011, New Jersey.

Evaluation System

Requirements Number Percentage of Grade
Attendance/Participation 1 10
Laboratory - -
Application - -
Field Work - -
Special Course Internship - -
Quizzes/Studio Critics - -
Homework Assignments - -
Presentation 1 10
Project 1 40
Report - -
Seminar - -
Midterms Exams/Midterms Jury 1 10
Final Exam/Final Jury 1 30
Toplam 5 100
Percentage of Semester Work 70
Percentage of Final Work 30
Total 100

Course Category

Core Courses X
Major Area Courses
Supportive Courses
Media and Managment Skills Courses
Transferable Skill Courses

The Relation Between Course Learning Competencies and Program Qualifications

# Program Qualifications / Competencies Level of Contribution
1 2 3 4 5
1 Acquires Art and Design culture and aesthetic knowledge, theoretical and applied knowledge about the discipline.
2 Knows the legal regulations and processes about Art and Design.
3 Has knowledge about interdisciplinary interaction associated with the relevant field of Art and Design.
4 Describes the concepts, ideas, facts, and problems related with the field; perceives, designs, and applies them multi-dimensionally.
5 Evaluates interaction with sub-disciplines related with the field, uses the information creatively.
6 Works, undertakes responsibility, and carries out plans individually and as a group member.
7 Identifies the learning requirements about the field, and directs his learning within a lifelong sense of social conscience. X
8 Uses information and communication technologies required by the field at least at an advanced level of Europe Computer Literacy License.
9 Follows new information relevant with the field and communicates with colleagues using a foreign language (Europe Language Portfolio General Level: B1 Level).
10 Creates projects supporting solution suggestions to problems in his field with qualified and quantified data; shares them with experts and non-experts.
11 Converts concrete and abstract concepts into creative thinking, innovative and original products, analyzes the acquired information and skills with a critical approach.
12 Is aware of national and international values of art and design, and acts in accordance with ethical values.
13 Has knowledge, equipment, and aesthetic awareness about art culture and history that is necessary for carrying out successful studies related with the discipline.
14 Has enough awareness about the universality of social rights, social justice, quality culture, and protection of cultural values and environment, occupational health and safety.

ECTS/Workload Table

Activities Number Duration (Hours) Total Workload
Course Hours (Including Exam Week: 16 x Total Hours) 16 3 48
Special Course Internship
Field Work
Study Hours Out of Class 16 6 96
Presentation/Seminar Prepration
Homework Assignments
Quizzes/Studio Critics
Prepration of Midterm Exams/Midterm Jury 1 2 2
Prepration of Final Exams/Final Jury 1 3 3
Total Workload 149