ECTS - Theory of Continuous Media II

Theory of Continuous Media II (MDES679) Course Detail

Course Name Course Code Season Lecture Hours Application Hours Lab Hours Credit ECTS
Theory of Continuous Media II MDES679 Elective Courses 3 0 0 3 5
Pre-requisite Course(s)
Course Language English
Course Type Elective Courses Taken From Other Departments
Course Level Ph.D.
Mode of Delivery Face To Face
Learning and Teaching Strategies Lecture.
Course Coordinator
Course Lecturer(s)
Course Assistants
Course Objectives This course introduces the students with the theories of elasticity, thermoelasticity, viscoelasticity and plasticity in a unified manner.
Course Learning Outcomes The students who succeeded in this course;
  • Students will learn the basics of theory of elasticity and thermoelasticity. Students will learn the basics of theory of elasticity and thermoelasticity. Students will learn the basics of theory of elasticity and thermoelasticity.
Course Content Energy an virtual work equations, second law of thermodynamics, entropy, reversible and irreversible processes; theory of thermoelasticity, Gibbs relation; adiabatic and isothermal deformations; Clausius-Duhem inequality; constitutive equations, material symmetry restrictions; theory of viscoelasticity, theory of plasticity; applications.

Weekly Subjects and Releated Preparation Studies

Week Subjects Preparation
1 Energy an virtual work equations. Chapter 1: Preliminaries
2 Second Law of thermodynamics in continuum mechanics:entropy, reversible and irreversible processes, entropy in classical thermodynamics. Chapter 1
3 Second Law of thermodynamics in continuum mechanics: generalization of entropy inequality for continuum mechanics (Clausius-Duhem inequality). Chapter 1
4 Gibbs relation for a thermoelastic material: adiabatic and isothermal deformations, strain energy function. Chapter 2: Theory of Thermoelasticity
5 Lagrangian form of energy equation and Clausius-Duhem inequality, Linearization of the field equations of thermoelasticity, Positive definiteness of strain energy function. Chapter 2
6 Boundary conditions for thermoelastic bodies, Some illustrative examples in linear thermoelasticity. Chapter 2
7 Fundamental postulates. Chapter 3: Constitutive equations
8 Material symmetry restrictions Chapter 3:
9 Models for viscoelastic behaviours, experimental determination of complex modulus. Chapter 4: Theory of Viscoelasticity
10 Constitutive equations of a general viscoelastic material, Field equations of viscoelasticity. Chapter 4
11 Correspondence principle, Some illustrative examples. Chapter 4
12 Correspondence principle, Some illustrative examples. Chapter 5: Theory of Plasticity
13 Plastic potential theory Chapter 5
14 Some illustrative Applications. Chapter 5
15 Overall review -
16 Final exam -


Course Book 1. Malvern L. E., Introduction to Mechanics of Continuous Media, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey (1969)
Other Sources 2. Fung Y. C., A First Course in Continuum Mechanics, Prentice- Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey (1977)
3. Chung T. J., Continuum Mechanics, Prentice- Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey (1988)

Evaluation System

Requirements Number Percentage of Grade
Attendance/Participation - -
Laboratory - -
Application - -
Field Work - -
Special Course Internship - -
Quizzes/Studio Critics - -
Homework Assignments 6 30
Presentation - -
Project - -
Report - -
Seminar - -
Midterms Exams/Midterms Jury 1 30
Final Exam/Final Jury 1 40
Toplam 8 100
Percentage of Semester Work 60
Percentage of Final Work 40
Total 100

Course Category

Core Courses
Major Area Courses X
Supportive Courses
Media and Managment Skills Courses
Transferable Skill Courses

The Relation Between Course Learning Competencies and Program Qualifications

# Program Qualifications / Competencies Level of Contribution
1 2 3 4 5
1 Gains the ability to understand and apply knowledge in the fields of mathematics, science and basic sciences at the level of expertise.
2 Gains the ability to access wide and deep knowledge in the field of Engineering by doing scientific research with current techniques and methods, evaluate, interpret and implement the gained knowledge.
3 Being aware of the latest developments his/her field of study, defines problems, formulates and develops new and/or original ideas and methods in solutions.
4 Designs and applies theoretical, experimental, and model-based research, analyzes and interprets the results obtained at the level of expertise.
5 Gains the ability to use the applications, techniques, modern tools and equipment in his/her field of study at the level of expertise.
6 Designs, executes and finalizes an original work process independently.
7 Can work in interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary teams, lead teams, use the information of different disciplines together and develop solution approaches.
8 Pays regard to scientific, social and ethical values in all professional activities and acquires responsibility consciousness at the level of expertise.
9 Contributes to the literature by communicating the processes and results of his/her academic studies in written form or orally in national and international academic environments, communicates effectively with communities and scientific staff working in the field of specialization.
10 Gains the skill of lifelong learning at the level of expertise.
11 Communicates verbally and in written form using a foreign language at least at the European Language Portfolio B2 General Level.
12 Recognizes the social, environmental, health, safety, legal aspects of engineering applications, as well as project management and business life practices, being aware of the limitations they place on engineering applications.

ECTS/Workload Table

Activities Number Duration (Hours) Total Workload
Course Hours (Including Exam Week: 16 x Total Hours) 16 4 64
Special Course Internship
Field Work
Study Hours Out of Class 16 2 32
Presentation/Seminar Prepration
Homework Assignments 6 3 18
Quizzes/Studio Critics
Prepration of Midterm Exams/Midterm Jury 1 8 8
Prepration of Final Exams/Final Jury 1 10 10
Total Workload 132