Development Policies (KAM413) Course Detail

Course Name Course Code Season Lecture Hours Application Hours Lab Hours Credit ECTS
Development Policies KAM413 Area Elective 3 0 0 3 5
Pre-requisite Course(s)
Course Language Turkish
Course Type Elective Group B
Course Level Bachelor’s Degree (First Cycle)
Mode of Delivery Face To Face
Learning and Teaching Strategies Lecture, Discussion, Question and Answer, Drill and Practice, Brain Storming.
Course Coordinator
Course Lecturer(s)
  • Dr. Asuman Özgür Keysan
Course Assistants
Course Objectives Development is an important issue that shapes not only developed countries but also underdeveloped and developing countries and the daily life practices of their citizens. When we define development as limiting the economic meaning and increasing the welfare level of the countries, other dimensions of the concept are overlooked. The main aim of the course is to present alternative approaches to neoliberal development understanding after analyzing the close relationship between the concept of development and the capitalist system and the market. In addition, the course will focus on the example of Turkey by examining international organizations such as the IMF and the World Bank, which play an active role in determining development policies. The relationship between development and gender and environmental policies is one of the topics covered in the course.
Course Learning Outcomes The students who succeeded in this course;
  • Can compare views on different development models.
  • Will be able to identify the role of international organizations in development policies.
  • Can analyze the development policies implemented in Turkey.
Course Content The fundamental concepts and principles of development policies; transition to planning after 1961.

Weekly Subjects and Releated Preparation Studies

Week Subjects Preparation
1 Introduction
2 What is development? Ercan, F. (2003) “Giriş”, Modernizm, Kapitalizm ve Azgelişmişlik, Ankara: Bağlam Yayıncılık, 15-24. Yanar R. (2014) “Kalkınma Ekonomisinin Kapsamı Kalkınma Sürecinin Ölçülmesi ve Kalkınma Sürecini Belirleyen Etkenler”, icinde Farklı Boyutlarıyla Türkiye’de Kalkınma, Ed S. Bekmez, Ankara: Efil Yayınları, 1-16.
3 Capitalist Development and Modernism Ercan, F. (2003) “Kapitalizm diğer Toplumlarla İlişkiye Giriyor ve Evrimci Teorinin Tanımladığı Öteki”, Modernizm, Kapitalizm ve Azgelişmişlik, Ankara: Bağlam Yayıncılık, 63-97. Toksoz, G. (2011). Kalkınmada Kadın Emeği. İstanbul: Varlık Yayınları, 11-47.
4 Capitalist Development, Neoliberalism and the Market Ercan, F. (2003) “Gelişme Yazınının Üçüncü Aşaması Neoliberal Pazar Yönelimli bir Dünya”, Modernizm, Kapitalizm ve Azgelişmişlik, Ankara: Bağlam Yayıncılık, 109-124. Toksoz, G. (2011). Kalkınmada Kadın Emeği. İstanbul: Varlık Yayınları, 11-47.
5 Criticisms of Capitalist Development Literature: The Dependency School and the World System Approach Ercan, F. (2003) “Gelişme Yazınının Üçüncü Aşaması Neoliberal Pazar Yönelimli bir Dünya”, Modernizm, Kapitalizm ve Azgelişmişlik, Ankara: Bağlam Yayıncılık, 125-144.
6 Criticisms of Capitalist Development Literature: Alternative Development Approaches Ercan, F. (2003) “”, Modernizm, Kapitalizm ve Azgelişmişlik, Ankara: Bağlam Yayıncılık, 183-227. Toksoz, G. (2011). Kalkınmada Kadın Emeği. İstanbul: Varlık Yayınları, 23-47.
7 Neoliberalism, Globalization and Underdevelopment Şenses F. (2004). “Neoliberal Küreselleme Kalkınma için Bir Fırsat mı, Engel mi?”, ERC Working Paper in Economic, 1-27.
8 Midterm
9 International Organizations' Perspective on Development
10 Development and Gender Yücel, Y. (2016). “Ekonomik Kalkınma ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet”, içinde Toplumsal Cinsiyet Tartışmaları, Editor: F. Saygılıgil, Ankara: Dipnot Yayınları. Coleman, I. (2004). “The Payoff from Women’s Rights”. Foreign Affairs. pp. 80-95. Toksoz, G. (2011). Kalkınmada Kadın Emeği. İstanbul: Varlık Yayınları, 48-85.
11 Development and Environmental Policies: Sustainable Development Approaches in Turkey Ozmehmet, D. E. (2008). “Dünyada ve Tükiye Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Yaklaşımları”, Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi, 3 (12), 1853-1876.
12 Development Agencies in Turkey Berber, M., & Çelepçi, E. (2005). “Türk bölgesel kalkınma politikalarında yeni arayışlar: Kalkınma ajansları ve Türkiye’de uygulanabilirliği”. Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesel Kalkınma Sempozyumu, 1-14. Ertugal E. (2017). ‘Challenges for Regional Governance in Turkey: The Role of Development Agencies’, METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture 34(2): 203-224.
13 Evaluation and Conclusion


Course Book 1. Ercan, F. (2003) “Giriş”, Modernizm, Kapitalizm ve Azgelişmişlik, Ankara: Bağlam Yayıncılık, 15-24.
2. Yanar R. (2014) “Kalkınma Ekonomisinin Kapsamı Kalkınma Sürecinin Ölçülmesi ve Kalkınma Sürecini Belirleyen Etkenler”, icinde Farklı Boyutlarıyla Türkiye’de Kalkınma, Ed S. Bekmez, Ankara: Efil Yayınları, 1-16.
3. Ercan, F. (2003) “Kapitalizm diğer Toplumlarla İlişkiye Giriyor ve Evrimci Teorinin Tanımladığı Öteki”, Modernizm, Kapitalizm ve Azgelişmişlik, Ankara: Bağlam Yayıncılık, 63-97.
4. Toksoz, G. (2011). Kalkınmada Kadın Emeği. İstanbul: Varlık Yayınları, 11-47.
5. Ercan, F. (2003) “Gelişme Yazınının Üçüncü Aşaması Neoliberal Pazar Yönelimli bir Dünya”, Modernizm, Kapitalizm ve Azgelişmişlik, Ankara: Bağlam Yayıncılık, 109-124.
6. Şenses F. (2004). “Neoliberal Küreselleme Kalkınma için Bir Fırsat mı, Engel mi?”, ERC Working Paper in Economic, 1-27.
7. Yücel, Y. (2016). “Ekonomik Kalkınma ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet”, içinde Toplumsal Cinsiyet Tartışmaları, Editor: F. Saygılıgil, Ankara: Dipnot Yayınları.
8. Coleman, I. (2004). “The Payoff from Women’s Rights”. Foreign Affairs. pp. 80-95.
9. Ozmehmet, D. E. (2008). “Dünyada ve Tükiye Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Yaklaşımları”, Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi, 3 (12), 1853-1876.
10. Berber, M., & Çelepçi, E. (2005). “Türk bölgesel kalkınma politikalarında yeni arayışlar: Kalkınma ajansları ve Türkiye’de uygulanabilirliği”. Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesel Kalkınma Sempozyumu, 1-14.
11. Ertugal E. (2017). ‘Challenges for Regional Governance in Turkey: The Role of Development Agencies’, METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture 34(2): 203-224.

Evaluation System

Requirements Number Percentage of Grade
Attendance/Participation 1 10
Laboratory - -
Application - -
Field Work - -
Special Course Internship - -
Quizzes/Studio Critics - -
Homework Assignments - -
Presentation 1 15
Project - -
Report - -
Seminar - -
Midterms Exams/Midterms Jury 1 30
Final Exam/Final Jury 1 45
Toplam 4 100
Percentage of Semester Work 55
Percentage of Final Work 45
Total 100

Course Category

Core Courses
Major Area Courses
Supportive Courses X
Media and Managment Skills Courses
Transferable Skill Courses

The Relation Between Course Learning Competencies and Program Qualifications

# Program Qualifications / Competencies Level of Contribution
1 2 3 4 5
1 Have an advanced level of basic theoretical knowledge on the field of public finance in order to obtain the practical gains. X
2 Identify the issues related to the field of public finance by dealing with it within the framework of the methodological approach, and report and evaluate it from an analytical point of view. X
3 Understand, interpret and analyse economic and financial events, equipped with knowledge of certain disciplines, especially economics, business and law. X
4 Develop policies and strategies for solving the problems by establishing the cause-effect relationship related to fiscal and economic issues through theoretical information and the discussions. X
5 Establish the relationship of public financial management and budget theory with public policies, he/she makes strong budget analysis, develop analysis on public finance and makes a link with the policy implementation X
6 Understand the tax theory, learning the legal structure, following the legal and financial developments and gaining a professional competence in tax matters effectively develop it. X
7 Have knowledge of accounting systems in private and public institutions and businesses, analyze and interpret the financial and financial structure of institutions with the knowledge and competence gained. X
8 Gain knowledge of macroeconomic framework and growth theory, including theoretical and country examples, evaluates economic developments from a theoretical perspective. X
9 Use foreign language in financial and economic fields, follow international literature, communicate on professional issues. X
10 Benefit from technological developments in studies specific to its field by using information technologies, digital developments and common software. X
11 Use qualitative and quantitative methods for the analysis of economic, financial, social and institutional events. X
12 While fulfilling its academic and professional responsibilities, develop an approach that respects s United Nations sustainable development goals, freedoms, rights of the disadvantaged groups, environment, cultural and moral values. X

ECTS/Workload Table

Activities Number Duration (Hours) Total Workload
Course Hours (Including Exam Week: 16 x Total Hours) 14 3 42
Special Course Internship
Field Work
Study Hours Out of Class 14 3 42
Presentation/Seminar Prepration 1 10 10
Homework Assignments
Quizzes/Studio Critics
Prepration of Midterm Exams/Midterm Jury 1 11 11
Prepration of Final Exams/Final Jury 1 20 20
Total Workload 125