Compulsory Departmental Courses

ENG302 - English for Occupational Purposes II (3 + 0) 3

More detailed job-related communication skills;describing and organising meetings,developing communicational styles in various cultural settings,handling mistakes and apologizing,getting familiar with marketing styles and advertising,deciding how to adapt and market a product in different countries,

HIST221 - History of Civilization (3 + 0) 3

A chronological order of the rise of civilizations from Sumer until the Scientific Revolution.

KRY111 - Career Planning (1 + 0) 1

Being a student at Atilim University, Student-centered programs at Atilim University, Faculty, Department presentations, Career Planning and Coop Program, Erasmus, CV writing types, Interview techniques, Effective Communication and presentation techniques, Intelligence and Personality

MAN-GE4FA1-GirişimcilikHavuzu - Non-Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 4

MAN101 - Introduction to Behavioral Science (3 + 0) 5

Thinking critically with behavioral science, exploring the biology of mind, discription of human diversity, sensation and perception, learning process and conditioning, the phenomenon of memory and memory construction, thinking and language, motivation and work, emotions, personality.

MAN102 - Introduction to Law (3 + 0) 5

Basic concepts of law and preliminary matters, general legal concepts and institutions of law, overview of the Turkish Legal System, interaction of law and economics, interrelated areas, basic concepts of competition law.

MAN111 - Introduction to Business (3 + 0) 6.5

Fundamentals of business, global business, small business, forms of business, functions of business namely, management and organization, and information technology.

MAN112 - Introduction to Management (3 + 0) 6

Organization, teamwork, technology and information management, production, operations management, human resources, marketing, accounting and finance.

MAN122 - Quantitative Applications in Business (3 + 0) 5.5

Statistical data; application of various numerical methods and ways in business sector.

MAN203 - Principles of Accounting I (3 + 0) 6

Accounting concept, generally accepted accounting principles, accounting equation, accounting transaction, the accounts and recording process, balance sheet and income statement, all of the asset, equity, revenue and expense accounts transactions.

MAN204 - Principles of Accounting II (3 + 0) 6

Determination of quantity and value of all the assets and liabilities, month/year end transactions, trial balance, incorrect entries, detailed financial statements.

MAN206 - Organizational Behavior (3 + 0) 6

Organizational behavior in historical and global context, individuals in organizations, personality, motivation, groups, communication, leadership, conflict, organizational system, organizational structure, technology and job design, socio-technic system, organizational culture, organizational change and development.

MAN209 - Financial Mathematics (3 + 0) 6

Calculations on percentage, calculations related to cost, profit and sales, calculation of interest, annuities, debt repayment, internal and external discount, bond valuation, stock valuation and project evaluation.

MAN213 - Organization Theory (3 + 0) 5

Fundamental concepts of organization structure and design; the evolution of organization theory, organizational effectiveness, organizational structure and environment.

MAN214 - Quantitative Analysis (3 + 0) 5

Quantitative approaches to decision making; prior, posterior, pre posterior analysis; linear programming, transportation, assignment, network analysis, inventory models, queing models, Markov chains.

MAN217 - Business Law (3 + 0) 5

The concept of enterprise law, dealer concept, mercantile affair, tradename, unfair trade.

MAN241 - Principles of Marketing (3 + 0) 5

Main principles of marketing, strategies, marketing environment, marketing mix, market segmentation and product life cycle.

MAN242 - Marketing Management (3 + 0) 5

Definition and explanation of basic concepts, consumer products, product mix, new product development, product lifecycle, distribution channels, promotion, advertising, sales management, pricing, elasticity.

MAN292 - Turkish Tax System (3 + 0) 5

Definition of the tax law, general rules of tax law, tax criminal law, tax execution law, tax judgment law and tax administration.

MAN303 - Financial Management I (3 + 0) 6

The cash flow, ratio analysis, the time value of money, stock and bond valuation, capital budgeting, project analysis, operating leverage.

MAN304 - Financial Management II (3 + 0) 6

Risk and return, cost of capital, financial leverage, capital structure, short-term financial planning.

MAN308 - Cost Accounting (3 + 0) 6

Fundamentals of cost accounting within an industrial organization, the cost accounting functions relative to materials, labor, and factory overhead, job order and process cost systems, cost allocation, standard costing systems, activity-based costing systems.

MAN311 - Production Management (3 + 0) 6

Operation strategy, product and service design, production and inventory management, quality management and quality control.

MAN364 - Financial Statement Analysis (3 + 0) 5

The interpretation of the balance sheet and income statement, cash flow statement, statement of changes in stockholders? equity and conducting vertical analysis, trend analysis and ratio analysis.

MAN365 - Year End Accounting Procedures (3 + 0) 5

Preparation of the trial balances, year-end accounting transactions, closing entries and preparation of the main financial statements.

MAN401 - Managerial Accounting (3 + 0) 7

Theory and technique of cost determination under the job casting and process costing methods of cost finding, budgeting, cost-volume-profit analysis, analysis of financial statements, cost allocations, basics of accounting concepts.

MAN402 - Strategic Management (3 + 0) 7

Strategic planning of the business, scope, organization, coordination, application and control of activities of the business.

MAN448 - Marketing Research (3 + 0) 7

Definition and function of marketing research, marketing research process, identification of research problem and hypothesis proposal, data types and sources, identification of research models, exploratory research, descriptive research, causal research, sampling, measurement and scales, questionnaire design, descriptive data analysis, hypothesis

MAN453 - Investment Projects Analysis (3 + 0) 7

Conceptual basics of investment projects, main analysis in project development, project evaluation, risk analysis in project evaluation, other profitability and economic anaysis.

TURK401 - Turkish Language I (2 + 0) 2

Languages and their classification; history of Turkish language, its spread over the world and its place among other languages; Turkish language in the republic era; orthography; expressions; foreign words, suffixes and prefixes; punctuation; language and verbalism.

TURK402 - Turkish Language II (2 + 0) 2

Written expression and its genres; bibliography; sentence structure and types; misexpression; verbal expressions.

Elective Courses

ART201 - Introduction to Photography (3 + 0) 4

Definition of photography and the photographer, the uses of photography in life, camera and its parts (aperture, iso, shutter, lens), light and its use in photography, composition rules in photography, the works of photographers from the world and Turkey.

ART202 - Cartoon (3 + 0) 4

Basic information on cartoon; drawing techniques using simple rules; humor; career-oriented cartoon work.

ART221 - Annotated History of Music (3 + 0) 4

The evolution of music in history of humanity; music in the process of becoming an art, the authencities of music; the historical analysis of music, information exchange as well as the main distinctions between art and other cultural domains.

ART222 - History of Jazz (3 + 0) 4

The history of music before 1900`s; Blues and Ragtime music genres; the impacts of musical, social and cultural structures of jazz music in New Orleans before its emergence in the region; main jazz movements starting from the very first Dixieland music to Fusion jazz movement today.

ART223 - Performing Jazz (3 + 0) 4

Human voice in terms of its anatomy, physiology and its techniques.

ART224 - History of Argentine Tango (3 + 0) 4

Where does the tango come from; tango-culture relationship; the origin and the evolution of Argentine tango; spreading of the dance to Europe and the world; the effects of tango on economic crisis and political changes in the world.

ART225 - Introduction to Classical Guitar (3 + 0) 4

Fundamentals of music; notes, rhythm and fundamental music vocabulary; notes on the guitar, diagrams.

ART226 - World Music Cultures (3 + 0) 4

The characteristics of music in the major regions of the world and its handling in the context of geographical, cultural, religious, social, economic and political factors.

ART227 - Opera History (3 + 0) 5

The major operas with similar and different features in the music writing language of their composers; the messages of the operas in the context of geographical, cultural, religious, social, economic and political factors.

ART228 - Music in Business Life (3 + 0) 5

Making business life skills more effective through music

ART235 - Polyphonic Chorus (3 + 0) 4

In this course, correct breathing, voice production and dissemination are intended to gain the right skills.It aims to gain the habit of synchronized voice and choral works.

ART251 - Watercolour Painting (3 + 0) 4

Basic knowledge of watercolour painting art and its history; watercolour techniques, tools and materials; demonstration of some real watercolour painting samples; basic principles and practice of painting techniques.

ART252 - Free Ceramic Forming (3 + 0) 4

The ceramic clay; using clay for freehand forming; creating unique ceramic forms without restricting the individual creativity; creating two- or three-dimensional free-form designs using the ceramic clay.

ART260 - Short Film (3 + 0) 4

Information about writing script for a short film, shooting plan, budget, scenery, costumes, and directing.

ART261 - Screenplay (3 + 0) 4

Basic information about movie script and its theories; creating a synopsis treatman and a scenario based on original or adopted stories.

ART262 - Traditional Tile Decoration and Modern Interpretations (3 + 0) 4

Tile technique, traditional and modern motifs or figures, application of motifs on biscuit material.

ART263 - Diction (3 + 0) 4

How to speak fluently and effectively in front of an audience; elocution techniques; use of body language in the best possible way; developing self-confidence, strengthening communication skills.

ART264 - Interior Design of Sculpture (3 + 0) 4

Shape elements, point-line-surface relation, drawing techniques, form-shape, measure-ratio, light-dark, shadow-light, volume information, texture types and touch.

ART265 - Creativity in Business Life (3 + 0) 4

Methods of creativity; using creativity in business life; overview and critique of the sector; new approaches by means of art; innovation.

ART266 - Jewelry Design (3 + 0) 4

Shape elements, point-line-surface relation, drawing techniques, form-shape, measure-ratio, light-dark, shadow-light, volume information, texture types and touch; hand tools; production using simple modeling techniques; cutting and leveling techniques, assembly and skidding procedures; design preparation, metal and different material shaping and

ART267 - Theatre (3 + 0) 4

Play staging, play writing, analysis, dramaturgy, acting, stage design, play management.

ART268 - Theatrical Entrepreneurial Skills (3 + 0) 4

Developing entrepreneurial skills through the art of theater.

ART269 - Entrepreneurial World of Contemporary Art (3 + 0) 4

The function and global organisation of contemporary art, which are considered as one of the most important investment tools in the world by international institutions, the socio-economic dimension of the events and the relationship between the world of art: collector, sponsor, and entrepreunership.

ART270 - Entrepreneurship Inspired by Nature: Interdisciplinary Approaches (3 + 0) 5

Biomicicry; the natural processes of sustaining life on earth and using it as a model for social and economic innovations; the integration among the components of ecosystems: living organisms; climate, and the chemical environment;opportunities for innovative entrepreneurship practices with interdisciplinary approaches; the 21st century skills and nature?s principles for innovative and creative entrepreneurship opportunities.

ART271 - Creative Drama (3 + 0) 4

Games and exercises designed by Viola Spolin to stimulate action, relation, spontaneity and creativity of individuals in a group setting; techniques such as warming up games, improvisations, roleplay, writing, story telling etc.

ART280 - New Methods in the Preservation of Artifacts (3 + 0) 4

Description of general principles and assumptions about the preservation of the art work, protection of artifacts and materials and techniques used in this process

ART281 - The Healings of Art (1 + 2) 4

Contribution to the self's personal inner journey through art, artist's inner essential through art and healing techniques (breath, meditation etc.), discovery of the appropriate artistic space, the self through movement, body percussion, music, storytelling, visual arts (photography, collage, inspirational drawing, meditative painting, clay, etc).

ART282 - Voice Training, Solfage, Correpetition (3 + 3) 4

Correct usage techniques of breathing, diaphragm and voice, professional singing education, excercises of developing musical ear, theoretical knowledge of musical note and rhythm, dictation (be able to writing down on paper in the form of notes and rhythm the heared sound or music), excercises of developing musical ear, working accompanied with

ART283 - Garden and Landscape Art (3 + 0) 4

The concepts of garden and landscape art in a historical perspective from the beginning to the present.

ART284 - Stage Management of Theater and Movie Review (3 + 0) 4

Analysing theater plays that dominated the history of theater in philosophical theme; finding the substances and determine in search of theatric space at the world theater journey, discussion of the predeterminated movies that made the breakthrough in world history within the context of Sartre/Existentialist philosophy and Spinoza/Ethica.

ART285 - Innovative Visual Narrative (3 + 0) 4

Investigation of the visual narration processes through selected examples;preperation of a research report in line with the selected type of visual narration; information about the effectiveness of the visual material or visual narrative on thinking,decision making and personal communication;evaluation;effects of innovative approaches on visual

ART286 - Simple Restoration Techniques in Artworks (3 + 0) 4

General principles and assumptions about artifact repair, simple repairs using different modern materials.

ART287 - Couple Dances (3 + 0) 4

Education of basic music and rhythm, body awareness, movement, coordination, gesture, expression and tendency for couple harmony.

ART288 - Rhetoric: Beautiful and Effective Speaking Art (3 + 0) 4

Expressing thoughts and opinions in the best, most effective and most accurate manner, speaking effectively, and persuading communities.

ART289 - Art of Mosaic (3 + 0) 4

Information about mosaic art and mosaic construction techniques used as an ornamentation element for centuries.

ART290 - Museum and Museology (3 + 0) 4

The development of Museology in the West, in the Ottoman Period and in Turkey, Law of Protection of Cultural and Natural Properties, Museum Visits; Studies on art works at museum.

ART291 - Body Language and the Art of Persuasion (3 + 0) 4

Posture, mimic, gesture, a correct and accurate way of using the intonation of speech; leadership skills and abilities to convince or persuade someone to accept a desired way of thinking in the business and social environment; convincing others to adopt new ideas using body language.

ART292 - Sign Language (3 + 0) 4

Developing the ability to communicate daily with hearing disabilities.

ART293 - Architectural Photography (3 + 0) 4

Architectural dynamics in art of photography; photography techniques that are compatible with structures; equipment knowledge and usage techniques.

ART294 - Stage Makeup (3 + 0) 4

Plastic makeup; form working on model; coloration of silicon mold and placing on human face.

ART295 - Classical Turkish Music (3 + 0) 4

Classical Turkish Music; theory and application techniques in traditional, classical and modern periods.

ART296 - Methods of Exhibition (3 + 0) 4

The general principles and assumptions about different exhibition methods such as museums, galleries, fairs and expositions.

ART297 - Creative Presentation in Digital Arts (3 + 0) 4

3D modeling techniques suitable for 3D product presentation, workflows of multiple software design, scene lighting render and animation settings, editing presentation animation, using render passes layers in compositing and color correction process.

ART298 - Stage Makeup (3 + 0) 4

In line with the course objective and expected learning outcomes, the course will expose students to various aspects of theatrical makeup application for stage, such as historical context, products, tools and techniques.

CHIN201 - Chinese I (3 + 0) 4

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at beginners level; various topics such as countries, nationalities, jobs, family, feelings, food and drink, colors and clothes and daily routines

CHIN202 - Chinese II (3 + 0) 4

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at beginners level; various themes such as transport, travel, dates, holidays, money, and shopping.

CHIN301 - Chinese III (3 + 0) 4

More vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at elementary level; various themes such as occupations, hobbies, countries, and functions such as asking for and giving information, offering and responding.

CHIN302 - Chinese IV (3 + 0) 4

More vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at elementary level; various themes such as travel, places, appearance, plans, health, weather, phone conversations, and cultural elements.

ECON318 - Digital Economy (3 + 0) 6

Dynamics of the digital economy which has become inevitable in everyday transactions; the contemporary use of the predatory innovation and its essential component; algorithms; concrete examples of regulatory challenges in response to escalating tension from relevant markets from various countries.

ECON325 - Economic Indicators and Financial Markets Analysis (3 + 0) 5

Financial literacy, basic concepts of economic indicators, the impact of economic indicators on the financial markets, stock market structure and trading strategies.

FRE201 - French I (3 + 0) 4

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at beginners level; various topics such as countries, nationalities, jobs, family, feelings, food and drink, colors and clothes and daily routines.

FRE202 - French II (3 + 0) 4

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at beginners level; various themes such as transport, travel, dates, holidays, money, shopping, plans, and life changes.

FRE301 - French III (3 + 0) 4

More vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at elementary level; various themes such as occupations, hobbies, countries, and functions such as asking for and giving information, offering and responding.

FRE302 - French IV (3 + 0) 4

More vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at elementary level; various themes such as travel, places, appearance, plans, health, weather, phone conversations, and cultural elements.

FRE401 - French V (3 + 0) 4

Develop and practice more vocabulary, structure and communicative skills; reporting and passive structures; read newspapers, books, stories and talk about them.

FRE402 - French VI (3 + 0) 4

More vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at pre-intermediate level; various themes such as celebrations, hospital procedures, visiting museums, banks, libraries, and cultural elements.

GER201 - German I (3 + 0) 4

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at beginners level; various topics such as countries, nationalities, jobs, family, feelings, food and drink, colors and clothes and daily routines.

GER202 - German II (3 + 0) 4

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at beginners level; various themes such as transport, travel, dates, holidays, money, and shopping.

GER301 - German III (3 + 0) 4

More vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at elementary level; various themes such as occupations, hobbies, countries, and functions such as asking for and giving information, offering and responding.

GER302 - German IV (3 + 0) 4

More vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at elementary level; various themes such as travel, places, appearance, plans, health, weather, phone conversations, and cultural elements.

GER401 - German V (3 + 0) 4

More vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at elementary level; various themes such as travel, places, appearance, plans, health, weather, phone conversations, and cultural elements.

GER402 - German VI (3 + 0) 4

More vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at pre-intermediate level; various themes such as celebrations, hospital procedures, visiting museums, banks, libraries, and cultural elements.

HUM105 - Security, Espionage and Intelligence History (3 + 0) 4

The historical development of the concept of security, security problems and threats that differ according to periods, according to a new (critical) understanding; the restructuring of the transformation of espionage and intelligence activities in the history of the world and especially Turkey with globalization.

HUM201 - Social Responsibility Project (3 + 0) 4

Social and environmental problems; non-governmental organizations; cooperation with non-governmental organizations; team work.

HUM202 - Scientific Toy Design (3 + 0) 4

Developing students' using tools and skills in workshops; visiting science museums and science centers, observing large-scale scientific toys, and displaying all designed and produced scientific toys.

HUM203 - Popular Science (3 + 0) 4

Popular science description; the life of scientists; history of science and technology; visit to museums; poster preparation.

HUM204 - Volunteering Studies (1 + 0) 4

Participating voluntarily in the work of aid organizations established within public institutions, local governments and non-governmental organizations in order to support those who face difficulties, especially children, the elderly, the disabled and disadvantaged groups, and sharing what they acquired through the university education.

HUM211 - Gender Studies and Women Rights (3 + 0) 4

Introduction; gender perceptions; woman and health; woman and politics; woman and law; modernism, gender and women rights; types of violence against women and their prevention; woman and literature; woman labor in the global economy; worklife and woman; woman and entrepreneurship; woman and environment.

HUM212 - Gender Equality (3 + 0) 4

This course focused on examine main subjects and current issues of Gender Studies by precisely taking the principle of equality and discrimination at hand, Help students follow gender studies in Turkey and across the globe and develop abilities of students to examine and generate behavioral patterns in their daily social life in a gender-mainstrea

HUM310 - Introduction to Sociolinguistics (3 + 0) 4

Factors contributing to the emergence of social approach to language; language variation and the factors that are responsible for the formation of regional and social variation of languages; various patterns of societal multilingualism and power relationships between/among languages; global trends affecting multilingualism; various political and socio-cultural factors that contribute to language maintenance; various methods used in linguistics research; a fieldwork using research methods.

HUM312 - Studies in Masterpieces of World Literature (3 + 0) 4

Texts selected from major works of world literature such as English, Russian and French: one novel, two short stories, two poems, one play.

HUM316 - Selections from World Literature: The Short Story (3 + 0) 4

Short stories in English selected from a variety of cultures; texts handed out by the course instructor on literary materials and on literary appreciation methods

HUM319 - Introduction to Logic (3 + 0) 4

Basic logical concepts, reasoning, argument analysis, informal logic, language and definitions, fallacies, syllogistic logic, categorial propositions, syllogisms in ordinary language, modern symbolic logic, propositional logic, truth functions and arguments, methods of derivation, predicate logic.

HUM320 - Aesthetics (3 + 0) 4

Defining art, aesthetics, the beautiful and the ugly, and ethics; scrutinizing their contents; examining the place of aethetics in art and nature; discussing and comparing the views of the philosophers studied.

HUM321 - Introduction to the History of Philosophy (3 + 0) 4

A study of selected philosophers from the times of Ancient, Medieval and Modern Philosophy, 19th Century Philosophy and 20th Century Philosophy.

HUM322 - Introduction to Ethics (3 + 0) 4

Analysing and discussing the central topics of ethics, such as egoism, eudaimonism, utilitarianism, the moral law and the ethics of self-determinism; also, examining the ethical thinking of Plato, Aristotle, Hume, Kant, Mill, Bentham and Sartre.

HUM323 - Introduction to Critical Thinking (3 + 0) 4

Examining and discussing the themes of critical thinking, such as writing and thinking clearly, learning and analysing the types of reasonings and arguments, making rational decisions, learning the types of fallacies; also, exercises to make these topics more understandable.

HUM331 - Go (3 + 0) 4

General description of the game of Go, the rules of Go, the history of Go, Go culture and ethics, Go philosophy, Go in Turkey and in the rest of the world, the opening in Go, ingame strategies in Go.

HUM360 - History of Science (3 + 0) 4

The origins and historical deveopment of modern science and scientific method; the ways of knowing the world of different cultures and societies changed over time; the relationship between scientific knowledge to other enterprises, such as art and religion; the key aspects and issues in the advancement of science from ancient world to modern ages.

HUM412 - Work Accidents and Occupational Diseases (3 + 0) 4

Basic concepts of work accidents and occupational diseases, legal consequences and methods of protection from work accidents and occupational diseases.

IR423 - Energy Politics (3 + 0) 5

Global and regional energy topics; energy sources; energy geopolitics and energy security; Turkish energy policy and politics.

JAP201 - Japanese I (3 + 0) 4

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at beginners level; various topics such as countries, nationalities, jobs, family, feelings, food and drink, colors and clothes and daily routines.

JAP202 - Japanese II (3 + 0) 4

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at beginners level; various themes such as transport, travel, dates, holidays, money, shopping, plans, and life changes.

JAP301 - Japanese III (3 + 0) 4

More vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at elementary level; various themes such as occupations, hobbies, countries, and functions such as asking for and giving information, offering and responding.

JAP302 - Japanese IV (3 + 0) 4

More vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at elementary level; various themes such as travel, places, appearance, plans, health, weather, phone conversations, and cultural elements.

KOR201 - Korean I (3 + 0) 4

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at A1 level; countries, nationalities, jobs, family, feelings, food and drink, colors and clothes and daily routines.

KOR202 - Korean II (3 + 0) 4

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at A1 level; countries, nationalities, jobs, family, feelings, food and drink, colors and clothes and daily routines.

KOR301 - Korean III (3 + 0) 4

This course includes more vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at elementary level. The class activities are grouped around various themes such as occupations, hobbies, countries, and functions such as asking for and giving information, offering and responding.

MAN-AE3FA1 - Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 5

MAN-AE3FA2 - Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 5

MAN-AE3SP1 - Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 5

MAN-AE3SP2 - Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 5

MAN-AE4FA1 - Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 5

MAN-AE4FA2 - Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 5

MAN-AE4SP1 - Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 5

MAN-AE4SP2 - Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 5

MAN-GE4FA1 - Non-Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 4

MAN-GE4SP1 - Non-Departmental Elective (0 + 0) 4

MAN313 - Managerial Skills for the 21 st Century (3 + 0) 5

Self- Management, Personal Financial Management, Time and Stress Management and Organization Skills, Workplace Etiquette/Dress, Ethics, Politics and Diversity, Accountability and Workplace Relationships, Communication and Electronic Communication, Motivation, Leadership and Teams, Conflict and Negotiation, Networking, Job Search Skills, Resume Preparation, Interview Techniques, Career Management

MAN371 - Law of Obligations (3 + 0) 5

Concept of obligation, contracts as a source of debts, illicit act, unjust enrichment, fullfillments, responsibilities, types of contracts

MAN374 - Digital Age and Industry 4.0. (3 + 0) 5

Industry 4.0 components: big data, internet of things, augmented reality, robotic technologies, artificial intelligent, integrated systems, 3D Printer, cloud computing systems.

MAN408 - Introduction to Sustainability (3 + 0) 5

What is sustainability; sustainability and related polices; climate and global change; environmental and resource economics; sustainable business practices; sustainability: ethics, culture, and history; sustainable development; sustainability indicators.

MAN451 - Enterprise Resource Planning (3 + 0) 5

Introduction to ERP, ERP Modules, ERP Selection, ERP Project Management, ERP integration with Supply chain Management and Customer Relationship Management.

MAN454 - Services Marketing (3 + 0) 5

Differences between service products and manufactured goods, classification of services, positioning strategies and competition analysis, production perspective to service enterprises, place and capacity issues in service enterprises, service quality.

MAN477 - Business Simulations (3 + 0) 5

Designing a product, positioning, target market selection, capacity plans, process design, production planning, financing methods, financial table analysis, balanced scorecard

MAN479 - Management Information Systems (3 + 0) 5

Information systems in today's global businesses, information systems organizations and strategy, corporate practices, e-commerce: digital markets, digital products, decision making, information systems building, managing projects, managing global systems.

MAN480 - Third Sector-Cooperative Enterprises (3 + 0) 5

Definition of 3rd sector cooperative enterprises, their relationship with other branches of science, the classification of cooperatives, their difference from other enterprises, the reasons for establishing cooperatives and establishment studies, contemporary cooperative enterprises, the place and importance of cooperatives in the economic system, management, planning, financing, audit.

MAN481 - CO_OP Practice IV (3 + 0) 4


MAN483 - CO_OP Practice V (3 + 0) 4


MAN488 - Decentralized Finance and Crypto Assets (3 + 0) 5

Bitcoin and cryptoassets functioning, importance, effects on financial and economic structure, legal regulations, blockchain technology and crypto assets accounting.

MAN491 - CO_OP Practice I (3 + 0) 5


MAN493 - CO_OP Practice II (3 + 0) 5


MAN495 - CO_OP Practice III (3 + 0) 5


MATH102 - Calculus for Management and Economics Students (3 + 0) 5

Limits and continuity, derivative, applications of derivative, integration, applications of integral, functions of several variables, partial derivatives, extrema of functions of several variables.

MATH292 - Probability and Statistics II (3 + 0) 5

Sampling and sampling distributions, Central Limit Theorem, point estimation, confidence interval, hypothesis testing, regression and correlation, variance analysis.

PR413 - Leadership Theory and Practice I (3 + 0) 5

Historical and current applications of leadership theories, personal and organizational dimension of leadership, priorities, impacts of leadership on strategic decision making processes.

PR414 - Leadership Theory and Practice II (3 + 0) 5

Fundamental values and principles of education and training process, professional ethical principles and application of these principles in working life.

PR419 - Media Literacy (3 + 0) 4

This course covers the basic concepts and approaches related to sociology. In this sense, starting from the concept of media literacy, important theoretical approaches are examined. Then, violence, gender, representation of minorities are analyzed through different media materials.

RUS201 - Russian I (3 + 0) 4

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at beginners level; various topics such as countries, nationalities, jobs, family, feelings, food and drink, colors and clothes and daily routines.

RUS202 - Russian II (3 + 0) 4

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at beginners level; various themes such as transport, travel, dates, holidays, money, and shopping.

RUS301 - Russian III (3 + 0) 4

More vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at elementary level; various themes such as occupations, hobbies, countries, and functions such as asking for and giving information, offering and responding.

RUS302 - Russian IV (3 + 0) 4

More vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at elementary level; various themes such as travel, places, appearance, plans, health, weather, phone conversations, and cultural elements

RUS401 - Russian V (3 + 0) 4

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at pre-intermediate level; up to date topics on newspapers, magazines, and books.

RUS402 - Russian VI (3 + 0) 4

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at pre-intermediate level; up to date topics on newspapers, magazines, and books.

SPAN201 - Spanish I (3 + 0) 4

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at beginners level; various topics such as countries, nationalities, jobs, family, feelings, food and drink, colors and clothes and daily routines.

SPAN202 - Spanish II (3 + 0) 4

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at beginners level; various themes such as transport, travel, dates, holidays, money, shopping, plans, and life changes.

SPAN301 - Spanish III (3 + 0) 4

More vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at elementary level; various themes such as occupations, hobbies, countries, and functions such as asking for and giving information, offering and responding.

SPAN302 - Spanish IV (3 + 0) 4

More vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at elementary level; various themes such as travel, places, appearance, plans, health, weather, phone conversations, and cultural elements.

SPAN401 - Spanish V (3 + 0) 4

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at pre-intermediate level; up to date topics on newspapers, magazines, and books.

SPAN402 - Spanish VI (3 + 0) 4

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at pre-intermediate level; up to date topics on newspapers, magazines, and books.

Technical Elective Courses

MAN310 - Financial Markets and Institutions (3 + 0) 5

Financial markets, financial institutions, financial instruments and role of financial instruments in the economy.

MAN315 - Personality and Organizational Psychology (3 + 0) 5

Concepts of personality and organizational psychology; personality related issues such as attitude, motivation, perception; individuals within the work environment.

MAN317 - Human Resources Management (3 + 0) 5

Strategic human resource management, certain ethical, legal and social considerations, staffing, human resource development, compensation and benefits, safety and health, employee and labor relations.

MAN320 - Business and Social Security Law (3 + 0) 5

The fundamentals and application fields of business law, individual and collective business law subjects.

MAN323 - Quantitative Decision Making Techniques (3 + 0) 5

Analytical modelling which will help decision making process, statistical analyzing techniques and decision models.

MAN352 - Financial Literacy (3 + 0) 5

Important financial statements such as balance sheet and income statement as well as conducting basic analysis.

MAN354 - Worksheets and Computer Applications in Accounting (3 + 0) 5

Main computer applications in the issues such as budgeting, cost-volume- profit analysis, consolidation, capital budgeting and time value of money applications.

MAN403 - Organizational Power and Politics (3 + 0) 5

The political strategies within the organizational settings; relationship between power and politics.

MAN409 - Entrepreneurship (4 + 0) 5

The nature, importance and history of entrepreneurship, the entrepreneurial mind, creativity, innovation and the business idea, marketing and financial planning, franchising, entrepreneurial strategy and strategic management in operations, entrepreneurship background of Turkey, changes in Turkish entrepreneurial features and activities, characteri

MAN413 - Auditing (3 + 0) 5

The nature and objectives of audit in general as well as audit procedures and techniques practiced today; the audit risks involved in various situations; how to audit the risk area of financial statements.

MAN415 - Contemporary Management Approaches (3 + 0) 5

This course is designed to provide deep knowledge regarding the ways organizations use different and contemporary managerial approaches and practices in order to gain, manage and sustain certain resources and compete within an uncertain environmental conditions.

MAN416 - International Marketing (3 + 0) 5

Topics related to international marketing, definition of international markets, international marketing strategy and market entry methods, planning, implementing and controlling of product, price, place and promotion strategies for global marketplace

MAN419 - International Business (3 + 0) 5

Instrumental concepts for understanding international business literature; globalization of markets and the internationalization of the firm; organizational participants that make international business happen; cultural environment of international business; ethics and international business; theories of international trade and investment; politic

MAN421 - Public Finance (3 + 0) 5

The concept and the definiton of the public finance, the relatioship between public finance and management, public income definition and arms, public income types, tax theory and its application.

MAN425 - International Finance (3 + 0) 5

International monetary system, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), international liquidity, foreign exchange market, currency and interest rate derivative products, trade finance and international banking concepts.

MAN427 - Risk Management (3 + 0) 5

Financial risk and the sources of risk, calculation and management of portfolio risk, exchange rate, interest rate and credit risk, traditional risk management methods, risk management instruments.

MAN428 - Brand Management (3 + 0) 5

Definition of a brand, brand name, brand attributes, brand positioning, image building, the difference between brand image and brand identity, sources of brand identity, methods to build brand awareness, brand loyalty, brand association, the relationship between brand equity and customer equity.

MAN436 - Supply Chain Management (3 + 0) 5

The basic SCM concepts include purchasing, manufacturing flow management, production, marketing, sales, distribution, customer relationship and service management, demand management, order fulfilment, supplier relationship management, IT, product development and commercialization, returns management from functional and process perspective.

MAN438 - Securities Law (3 + 0) 5

Definition and properties of securities, securities law, legal attributes of securities, payment and demonstration, limitation.

MAN440 - Dijital Pazarlama (3 + 0) 5

The aspects of Internet, social media and mobile marketing that are most relevant to the marketing mix for 'Business to Business' (B2B), 'Business to Consumer' (B2C) and 'Not-for-Profit' marketing, communications and PR.

MAN441 - Interorganizational Relations (3 + 0) 5

This course focuses on the relationships between the organizations and explains how these relationships may help organizations to increase their effectiveness within the competition. Also, the course will focus on the effect of such relations on the creation of networks among the organizations.

MAN442 - Seminar (3 + 0) 5

Main aspects of business research; the scientific approach and alternative approaches to research; the broad problem area and defining the problem statement; the critical literature review; theoretical framework and hypothesis development; elements of research design; data collection methods: introduction and interviews, observation,questionnaires

MAN446 - Investment Analysis (3 + 0) 5

Risk and return relationship, portfolio theories and portfolio management, asset pricing models, derivative instruments.

MAN449 - Consumer Behaviour (3 + 0) 5

Consumer actions, experiences, feelings, and judgement processes; consumer buying behavior and the theories concerning the factors affecting the consumer behavior process such as perception, motivation, demographics, culture, etc.