ECTS - - Management (English)
Compulsory Departmental Courses
ATU100 - Orientation (1 + 0) 1
President's Speech; Life at Atılım (Presentations by Administrative Units); Library Seminars; Book Borrowing-Returning Session; Department Promotion Meetings; Promotion of Sports Activities; Visits to Kiosks of Student Clubs and Communities; Informative Presentation on Education Technologies; participation in events organized within the scope of ATU 100.
HIST101 - Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish Revolution I (2 + 0) 2
French Revolution; structure and geopolitic positioning of Ottoman Empire, reasons of its decline; Westernization movements, First and Second Constitutional Monarchy declarations; Libya and Balkan wars; First World War; period before the War of Independence, congresses, National Pact, establishment of Turkish Grand National Assembly.
HIST102 - Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish Revolution II (2 + 0) 2
War of Independence; Lausanne Treaty; declaration of the Republic; removal of sultanic rule and caliphate; Atatürk`s revolutions; establishment of national economy; Second World War, before and after; Turkish Republic after 1960.
KRY111 - Career Planning (1 + 0) 1
Being a student at Atilim University, Student-centered programs at Atilim University, Faculty, Department presentations, Career Planning and Coop Program, Erasmus, CV writing types, Interview techniques, Effective Communication and presentation techniques, Intelligence and Personality
MAN101 - Introduction to Behavioral Science (3 + 0) 5
Thinking critically with behavioral science, exploring the biology of mind, discription of human diversity, sensation and perception, learning process and conditioning, the phenomenon of memory and memory construction, thinking and language, motivation and work, emotions, personality.
MAN206 - Organizational Behavior (3 + 0) 6
Organizational behavior in historical and global context, individuals in organizations, personality, motivation, groups, communication, leadership, conflict, organizational system, organizational structure, technology and job design, socio-technic system, organizational culture, organizational change and development.
MAN448 - Marketing Research (3 + 0) 7
Definition and function of marketing research, marketing research process, identification of research problem and hypothesis proposal, data types and sources, identification of research models, exploratory research, descriptive research, causal research, sampling, measurement and scales, questionnaire design, descriptive data analysis, hypothesis
TURK401 - Turkish Language I (2 + 0) 2
Languages and their classification; history of Turkish language, its spread over the world and its place among other languages; Turkish language in the republic era; orthography; expressions; foreign words, suffixes and prefixes; punctuation; language and verbalism.
Elective Courses
ART269 - Entrepreneurial World of Contemporary Art (3 + 0) 4
The function and global organisation of contemporary art, which are considered as one of the most important investment tools in the world by international institutions, the socio-economic dimension of the events and the relationship between the world of art: collector, sponsor, and entrepreunership.
ART270 - Entrepreneurship Inspired by Nature: Interdisciplinary Approaches (3 + 0) 5
Biomicicry; the natural processes of sustaining life on earth and using it as a model for social and economic innovations; the integration among the components of ecosystems: living organisms; climate, and the chemical environment;opportunities for innovative entrepreneurship practices with interdisciplinary approaches; the 21st century skills and nature?s principles for innovative and creative entrepreneurship opportunities.
ART272 - International Sign Language (3 + 0) 4
The importance of international sign language in communica-tion is discussed. Students are provided with infor-mation on understanding hearing-impaired individu-als and effectively communicating with them. Basic skills required for using international sign language are taught.
ART273 - Art of Manga and Anime (3 + 0) 4
Information on the fundamental principles of manga and anime will be provided and complementary studies will be carried out on the process of manga and anime production. The studies and/or researches will be interpreted to further improve the design, visual storytelling and animation skills.
ART285 - Innovative Visual Narrative (3 + 0) 4
Investigation of the visual narration processes through selected examples;preperation of a research report in line with the selected type of visual narration; information about the effectiveness of the visual material or visual narrative on thinking,decision making and personal communication;evaluation;effects of innovative approaches on visual
ART297 - Creative Presentation in Digital Arts (3 + 0) 4
3D modeling techniques suitable for 3D product presentation, workflows of multiple software design, scene lighting render and animation settings, editing presentation animation, using render passes layers in compositing and color correction process.
ECON318 - Digital Economy (3 + 0) 6
Dynamics of the digital economy which has become inevitable in everyday transactions; the contemporary use of the predatory innovation and its essential component; algorithms; concrete examples of regulatory challenges in response to escalating tension from relevant markets from various countries.
ECON381 - Analysis and Design of Algorithms (3 + 0) 5
Review of algorithm analysis; divide and conquer algorithms; graphs; dynamic programming; greedy algorithms; randomized algorithms; P and NP; approximate algorithms for NP-hard problems or polynomial algorithms for subproblems of NP-hard problems; partial recursive functions; computations and undecidable problems.
ECON425 - Enviromental Economics (3 + 0) 6
The relation between environment and economics; the problems of environment and the micro and macro effects of the policies regarding these problems; the preventive policies regarding the enviromental policies at domestic and international levels and the effects of these policies on developing and developed countries.
ECON426 - Financial Economics (3 + 0) 6
Functions and structure of the financial system, financial instruments, the risk management and control, issues in corporate finance and capital budgeting, the real economy and the financial markets: macroeconomic activity and financial markets; monetary policy and financial markets; banking sector and the financial markets.
ECON484 - Machine Learning (3 + 0) 5
Supervised learning, unsupervised learning; learning theory; reinforcement learning and adaptive control; recent applications of machine learning, such as to robotic control, data mining, autonomous navigation, bioinformatics, speech recognition, and text and web data processing and evaluation of policies and programs.
HUM105 - Security, Espionage and Intelligence History (3 + 0) 4
The historical development of the concept of security, security problems and threats that differ according to periods, according to a new (critical) understanding; the restructuring of the transformation of espionage and intelligence activities in the history of the world and especially Turkey with globalization.
HUM108 - The History of Early Modern Mediterranean (1450-1789) (3 + 0) 4
The description of the early modern Mediterranean in general terms from the geographical discoveries to the French Revolution; political, social, historical and economic developments and transformations in the early modern Mediterranean; wars and trade in the axis of Ottoman-Spanish hegemony struggle in the Mediterranean basin.
HUM310 - Introduction to Sociolinguistics (3 + 0) 4
Factors contributing to the emergence of social approach to language; language variation and the factors that are responsible for the formation of regional and social variation of languages; various patterns of societal multilingualism and power relationships between/among languages; global trends affecting multilingualism; various political and socio-cultural factors that contribute to language maintenance; various methods used in linguistics research; a fieldwork using research methods.
HUM319 - Introduction to Logic (3 + 0) 4
Basic logical concepts, reasoning, argument analysis, informal logic, language and definitions, fallacies, syllogistic logic, categorial propositions, syllogisms in ordinary language, modern symbolic logic, propositional logic, truth functions and arguments, methods of derivation, predicate logic.
HUM323 - Introduction to Critical Thinking (3 + 0) 4
Examining and discussing the themes of critical thinking, such as writing and thinking clearly, learning and analysing the types of reasonings and arguments, making rational decisions, learning the types of fallacies; also, exercises to make these topics more understandable.
HUM360 - History of Science (3 + 0) 4
The origins and historical deveopment of modern science and scientific method; the ways of knowing the world of different cultures and societies changed over time; the relationship between scientific knowledge to other enterprises, such as art and religion; the key aspects and issues in the advancement of science from ancient world to modern ages.
IE422 - Customer Relationship Management (3 + 0) 5
Making sense of customer relationship management (CRM), The CRM value chain, Information technology for CRM, Customer portfolio analysis, Customer intimacy, Creating and managing networks, Creating value for customers, Managing the customer lifecycle: customer acquisition, customer retention and development, Organizing for CRM.
KOR301 - Korean III (3 + 0) 4
This course includes more vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at elementary level. The class activities are grouped around various themes such as occupations, hobbies, countries, and functions such as asking for and giving information, offering and responding.
LOG409 - E-Business (3 + 0) 6
Types of e-commerce, business paradigms, fundamental concepts, tools of e-commerce, types of payment, types of infrastructure such as communication, technology and payment infrastructure, current positions of Turkish companies in e-commerce and data storage technologies for e-business.
MAN313 - Managerial Skills for the 21 st Century (3 + 0) 5
Self- Management, Personal Financial Management, Time and Stress Management and Organization Skills, Workplace Etiquette/Dress, Ethics, Politics and Diversity, Accountability and Workplace Relationships, Communication and Electronic Communication, Motivation, Leadership and Teams, Conflict and Negotiation, Networking, Job Search Skills, Resume Preparation, Interview Techniques, Career Management
MAN314 - Behavioral Finance (3 + 0) 5
The course begins with an examination of standard finance theories, with a particular focus on the efficient market hypothesis. Subsequently, it addresses a range of financial market phenomena that are challenging to explain through traditional theories alone covering cognitive biases and heuristics. The course then transitions to more realistic market dynamics, exploring alternative theoretical frameworks to enhance our understanding of the observed behaviors in financial markets and among thei
MAN330 - Digital Transformation and Sectoral Applications (3 + 0) 5
Developing technologies and the terminology of these technologies, their relationship with digital transformation and innovation, the effects of organizational culture on digital transformation, new business and income models, the importance of data and competitive advantage, digitalization in decision support processes, discussion of digital transformation project examples from different sectors.
MAN332 - Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (2 + 1) 5
This course introduces fundamental concepts and techniques in the field of data mining and knowledge discovery within a business-oriented framework. Students will explore topics such as data collection, preprocessing, exploratory data analysis, classification, clustering, and association rule mining. They will also learn how to apply these techniques to solve business problems.
MAN408 - Introduction to Sustainability (3 + 0) 5
What is sustainability; sustainability and related polices; climate and global change; environmental and resource economics; sustainable business practices; sustainability: ethics, culture, and history; sustainable development; sustainability indicators.
MAN411 - Computer Applications in Finance (2 + 1) 5
This course provides a foundational understanding for the practical application of financial theories using computer technology. Emphasizing the development of computer spreadsheet-based models, the course delves into interest calculations, financial instrument valuation, evaluation of financial projects, and the analysis of risk and return.
MAN479 - Management Information Systems (3 + 0) 5
Information systems in today's global businesses, information systems organizations and strategy, corporate practices, e-commerce: digital markets, digital products, decision making, information systems building, managing projects, managing global systems.
MAN480 - Third Sector-Cooperative Enterprises (3 + 0) 5
Definition of 3rd sector cooperative enterprises, their relationship with other branches of science, the classification of cooperatives, their difference from other enterprises, the reasons for establishing cooperatives and establishment studies, contemporary cooperative enterprises, the place and importance of cooperatives in the economic system, management, planning, financing, audit.
PR419 - Media Literacy (3 + 0) 4
This course covers the basic concepts and approaches related to sociology. In this sense, starting from the concept of media literacy, important theoretical approaches are examined. Then, violence, gender, representation of minorities are analyzed through different media materials.
Technical Elective Courses
MAN409 - Entrepreneurship (4 + 0) 5
The nature, importance and history of entrepreneurship, the entrepreneurial mind, creativity, innovation and the business idea, marketing and financial planning, franchising, entrepreneurial strategy and strategic management in operations, entrepreneurship background of Turkey, changes in Turkish entrepreneurial features and activities, characteri
MAN415 - Contemporary Management Approaches (3 + 0) 5
This course is designed to provide deep knowledge regarding the ways organizations use different and contemporary managerial approaches and practices in order to gain, manage and sustain certain resources and compete within an uncertain environmental conditions.
MAN419 - International Business (3 + 0) 5
Instrumental concepts for understanding international business literature; globalization of markets and the internationalization of the firm; organizational participants that make international business happen; cultural environment of international business; ethics and international business; theories of international trade and investment; politic
MAN428 - Brand Management (3 + 0) 5
Definition of a brand, brand name, brand attributes, brand positioning, image building, the difference between brand image and brand identity, sources of brand identity, methods to build brand awareness, brand loyalty, brand association, the relationship between brand equity and customer equity.
MAN436 - Supply Chain Management (3 + 0) 5
The basic SCM concepts include purchasing, manufacturing flow management, production, marketing, sales, distribution, customer relationship and service management, demand management, order fulfilment, supplier relationship management, IT, product development and commercialization, returns management from functional and process perspective.
MAN441 - Interorganizational Relations (3 + 0) 5
This course focuses on the relationships between the organizations and explains how these relationships may help organizations to increase their effectiveness within the competition. Also, the course will focus on the effect of such relations on the creation of networks among the organizations.
MAN442 - Seminar (3 + 0) 5
Main aspects of business research; the scientific approach and alternative approaches to research; the broad problem area and defining the problem statement; the critical literature review; theoretical framework and hypothesis development; elements of research design; data collection methods: introduction and interviews, observation,questionnaires