Introduction to Calculus (MATH101) Course Detail

Course Name Course Code Season Lecture Hours Application Hours Lab Hours Credit ECTS
Introduction to Calculus MATH101 1. Semester 3 0 0 3 5
Pre-requisite Course(s)
Course Language English
Course Type Service Courses Taken From Other Departments
Course Level Bachelor’s Degree (First Cycle)
Mode of Delivery Face To Face
Learning and Teaching Strategies Lecture, Question and Answer.
Course Coordinator
Course Lecturer(s)
Course Assistants
Course Objectives The aim of this course is to introduce the applications of mathematical analysis to business, economics and social sciences and, to teach different tecniques for problem solving. For this purpose, applications of mathematical analysis are illustrated with a variety of examples in economic, social and managerial sciences.
Course Learning Outcomes The students who succeeded in this course;
  • solve basic equations (including exponential and logarithmic equations) and inequalities
  • be familiar with some basic functions. They can sketch and read the graph of functions
  • solve system of equations with method of eliminations and also using matrices and determinants
  • produce solutions to problems in economics such as supply and demand equations.
Course Content Basic algebra, graphs, functions and their graphs, equations and inequalities, polynomials and rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, system of equations, matrices, determinants.

Weekly Subjects and Releated Preparation Studies

Week Subjects Preparation
1 Sets, Numbers, Factoring fractions, Operations with Algebraic Expressions pp. 1-6, 9-41
2 Fractions, Linear Equations, Quadratic Equations pp. 21-34, 37-40
3 Applications of Equations, Linear Inequalities, Applications of Inequalities, Absolute Value pp. 46-64
4 Functions, Special Functions, Combinations of Functions, Inverse Functions, Graphs in Rectangular Coordinates pp. 75-100
5 Symmetry, Translations and Reflections, Lines pp. 103-109, pp. 116-122
6 Applications and Linear functions, Quadratic Functions, Systems of Linear Equations pp. 125-146
7 Nonlinear Systems, Applications of Systems of Equations pp. 148-155
8 Exponential Functions, Logarithmic Functions, Properties of Logarithms pp. 163-185
9 Logarithmic and Exponential Equations pp. 186-189
10 Compound Interest, Present Value, Interest Compounded Continuously pp. 197-206
11 Annuties, Amortization of Loans pp. 208-220
12 Matrices, Matrix Addition and Scalar Multiplication, Matrix Multiplication pp. 227-247
13 Solving Systems by Reducing Matrices pp. 250-262
14 Inverses (Inverse of a Matrix) Determinants (not in the textbook) Cramer’s Rule (not in the textbook) pp. 263-268
15 General Review
16 General Exam


Course Book 1. Introductory Mathematical Analysis for Business, Economics, and the Life and Social Sciences by E. F. Haeussler, Jr Richard S. Paul and Richard J. Wood, Pearson Prentice Hall, 12th edition.
Other Sources 2. Precalculus Enhanced with Graphing Utilities, Second edition, Michael Sullivan and Michael Sullivan, Prentice Hall, 1996.

Evaluation System

Requirements Number Percentage of Grade
Attendance/Participation - -
Laboratory - -
Application - -
Field Work - -
Special Course Internship - -
Quizzes/Studio Critics - -
Homework Assignments - -
Presentation - -
Project - -
Report - -
Seminar - -
Midterms Exams/Midterms Jury 2 60
Final Exam/Final Jury 1 40
Toplam 3 100
Percentage of Semester Work 60
Percentage of Final Work 40
Total 100

Course Category

Core Courses
Major Area Courses
Supportive Courses X
Media and Managment Skills Courses
Transferable Skill Courses

The Relation Between Course Learning Competencies and Program Qualifications

# Program Qualifications / Competencies Level of Contribution
1 2 3 4 5
1 Have a comprehensive understanding of basic psychological perspectives and to examine the mental, affective, and behavioral processes of human beings within a scientific discipline
2 Have a knowledge about the historical and philosophical developments, basic concepts, applications and schools of science of psychology as well as the subfields of psychology such as clinical, experimental, social, developmental, industrial, health, traffic and educational psychology
3 Gain skills in identifying, describing, formulating, and solving the problems related to basic mental, emotional, and behavioral problems of human beings
4 Develop new ideas through analytical, critical, and creative point of view by using abstract concepts and to gain skills in evaluating different psychological phenomena X
5 Gain knowledge and skills in transforming his/her theoretical knowledge into practice in different fields of psychology
6 Have skills in accessing knowledge and using resources X
7 Have knowledge about basic principles of psychological assessment along with various quantitative, qualitative, and experimental research methods, to have skills in designing and conducting research by using these methods, and analyzing, reporting, and presenting research data X
8 Have awareness of interpersonal sensitivity, societal processes and problems
9 Have efficient written and oral communication skills in Turkish and English
10 Gain skills in following the developments in the field of expertise and renewing himself/herself with an awareness of life-span learning X
11 Have professional and ethical responsibility, knowledge, and awareness

ECTS/Workload Table

Activities Number Duration (Hours) Total Workload
Course Hours (Including Exam Week: 16 x Total Hours)
Special Course Internship
Field Work
Study Hours Out of Class
Presentation/Seminar Prepration
Homework Assignments
Quizzes/Studio Critics
Prepration of Midterm Exams/Midterm Jury 2 10 20
Prepration of Final Exams/Final Jury 1 15 15
Total Workload 35