ECTS - - International Relations
Compulsory Departmental Courses
ATU100 - Orientation (1 + 0) 1
President's Speech; Life at Atılım (Presentations by Administrative Units); Library Seminars; Book Borrowing-Returning Session; Department Promotion Meetings; Promotion of Sports Activities; Visits to Kiosks of Student Clubs and Communities; Informative Presentation on Education Technologies; participation in events organized within the scope of ATU 100.
ENG101 - English For Academic Purposes I (4 + 0) 3.5
English language skills, especially academic skills, such as reading comprehension, vocabulary building and critical analysis of texts; listening and note-taking, class discussions, presentations, writing, research assignments and use of technology.
ENG102 - English for Academic Purposes II (4 + 0) 3.5
Academic skills such as reading comprehension, class discussions, use of academic vocabulary and critical analysis of texts; research assignments and review of the English language structure; skills such as listening and note-taking, analysis of written products, writing, presentation and use of technology.
ENG201 - English for Academic Purposes III (3 + 0) 3
Advanced reading and writing skills, applying critical reading skills and strategies, identifying the organization of a reading text, main ideas of the texts, and the author?s main purpose, summarizing a given text, outlining and writing an argumentative essay.
ENG202 - English for Academic Purposes IV (3 + 0) 3
Preparing and writing research reports and delivering effective oral/written informative and persuasive presentations; gathering information, organizing data, outlining, using appropriate techniques in presentation and delivering for a maximum impact, using visual aids and citation effectively.
HIST101 - Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish Revolution I (2 + 0) 2
French Revolution; structure and geopolitic positioning of Ottoman Empire, reasons of its decline; Westernization movements, First and Second Constitutional Monarchy declarations; Libya and Balkan wars; First World War; period before the War of Independence, congresses, National Pact, establishment of Turkish Grand National Assembly.
HIST102 - Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish Revolution II (2 + 0) 2
War of Independence; Lausanne Treaty; declaration of the Republic; removal of sultanic rule and caliphate; Atatürk`s revolutions; establishment of national economy; Second World War, before and after; Turkish Republic after 1960.
IR111 - Fundamentals Of Law for International Relations (3 + 0) 7
Basic concepts of law and preliminary matters; general legal concepts and institutions of law and overview of the Turkish Legal System; interaction of law and economics; interrelated areas such as economic and social rights recognised in international legal documents; basic concepts of competition law.
IR112 - Political Psychology (3 + 0) 6
In-depth explanations about identity, group behavior, leadership cults, voting behavior, media impact, ethnic conflict, nationalism, social movements, terrorism, international security and conflict resolution topics from a political psychology perspective; the impact of political psychology to IR discipline.
IR207 - European Political History I (3 + 0) 6
The diplomatic relations between the European Powers and the Ottoman Empire in the 19th Century starting with the Vienna Congress of 1814; policies of Great Powers of Europe with regard to the Ottoman Empire and the main factors influencing these policies.
IR303 - Turkish Foreign Policy I (3 + 0) 6
The Turkish foreign policy at the establishment of the Turkish Republic; the main foreign policy issues during Cold War years and the factors affecting Turkish foreign policy in this period; the characteristics of Turkish diplomacy and the structure and organization of the Turkish Foreign Ministry.
IR304 - Turkish Foreign Policy II (3 + 0) 6
Turkish foreign policy from 1960 until today; Turkey?s relations with Europe, the USA and the South America, the Middle East, Russia and the Far East in this period; the foreign policy of Turkey according to the periods of Relative Autonomy, Turkey in the Orbit of Western Block and Turkey in the Orbit of Globalization.
IR405 - American Foreign Policy (3 + 0) 6
The history, patterns and trends of American foreign policy; American foreign policy objectives in the light of its global engagement after the Second World War; the external and domestic influences on the formation of the American foreign policy during the Cold War.
IR422 - Rising China: Current Issues in China`s Foreign and Economic Policies (3 + 0) 6
A comprehensive study of the foreign policy of China by focusing on topics like nationalism, multilateralism, terrorism, human rights, status and wealth; study of the strengths and problems of Chinese economy and its integration with the rest of the world.
KRY111 - Career Planning (1 + 0) 1
Being a student at Atilim University, Student-centered programs at Atilim University, Faculty, Department presentations, Career Planning and Coop Program, Erasmus, CV writing types, Interview techniques, Effective Communication and presentation techniques, Intelligence and Personality
TURK401 - Turkish Language I (2 + 0) 2
Languages and their classification; history of Turkish language, its spread over the world and its place among other languages; Turkish language in the republic era; orthography; expressions; foreign words, suffixes and prefixes; punctuation; language and verbalism.
Elective Courses
ART269 - Entrepreneurial World of Contemporary Art (3 + 0) 4
The function and global organisation of contemporary art, which are considered as one of the most important investment tools in the world by international institutions, the socio-economic dimension of the events and the relationship between the world of art: collector, sponsor, and entrepreunership.
ART270 - Entrepreneurship Inspired by Nature: Interdisciplinary Approaches (3 + 0) 5
Biomicicry; the natural processes of sustaining life on earth and using it as a model for social and economic innovations; the integration among the components of ecosystems: living organisms; climate, and the chemical environment;opportunities for innovative entrepreneurship practices with interdisciplinary approaches; the 21st century skills and nature?s principles for innovative and creative entrepreneurship opportunities.
ART285 - Innovative Visual Narrative (3 + 0) 4
Investigation of the visual narration processes through selected examples;preperation of a research report in line with the selected type of visual narration; information about the effectiveness of the visual material or visual narrative on thinking,decision making and personal communication;evaluation;effects of innovative approaches on visual
ART297 - Creative Presentation in Digital Arts (3 + 0) 4
3D modeling techniques suitable for 3D product presentation, workflows of multiple software design, scene lighting render and animation settings, editing presentation animation, using render passes layers in compositing and color correction process.
ECON318 - Digital Economy (3 + 0) 6
Dynamics of the digital economy which has become inevitable in everyday transactions; the contemporary use of the predatory innovation and its essential component; algorithms; concrete examples of regulatory challenges in response to escalating tension from relevant markets from various countries.
ENG395 - Advanced English Speaking Skills (3 + 0) 4
This course provides students with a various range of activities aimed at refining their existing skills to engage effectively in various communicative contexts. During the course students will be supported via emphasizing the acquisition of appropriate register and expressions, and thus join in academic or professional environments orally.
HUM105 - Security, Espionage and Intelligence History (3 + 0) 4
The historical development of the concept of security, security problems and threats that differ according to periods, according to a new (critical) understanding; the restructuring of the transformation of espionage and intelligence activities in the history of the world and especially Turkey with globalization.
HUM108 - The History of Early Modern Mediterranean (1450-1789) (3 + 0) 4
The description of the early modern Mediterranean in general terms from the geographical discoveries to the French Revolution; political, social, historical and economic developments and transformations in the early modern Mediterranean; wars and trade in the axis of Ottoman-Spanish hegemony struggle in the Mediterranean basin.
HUM310 - Introduction to Sociolinguistics (3 + 0) 4
Factors contributing to the emergence of social approach to language; language variation and the factors that are responsible for the formation of regional and social variation of languages; various patterns of societal multilingualism and power relationships between/among languages; global trends affecting multilingualism; various political and socio-cultural factors that contribute to language maintenance; various methods used in linguistics research; a fieldwork using research methods.
HUM319 - Introduction to Logic (3 + 0) 4
Basic logical concepts, reasoning, argument analysis, informal logic, language and definitions, fallacies, syllogistic logic, categorial propositions, syllogisms in ordinary language, modern symbolic logic, propositional logic, truth functions and arguments, methods of derivation, predicate logic.
HUM323 - Introduction to Critical Thinking (3 + 0) 4
Examining and discussing the themes of critical thinking, such as writing and thinking clearly, learning and analysing the types of reasonings and arguments, making rational decisions, learning the types of fallacies; also, exercises to make these topics more understandable.
HUM360 - History of Science (3 + 0) 4
The origins and historical deveopment of modern science and scientific method; the ways of knowing the world of different cultures and societies changed over time; the relationship between scientific knowledge to other enterprises, such as art and religion; the key aspects and issues in the advancement of science from ancient world to modern ages.
IR320 - Turkish-Greek Relations and Cyprus (3 + 0) 4
The basics about the dispute between Turkey and Greece over the Aegean and Cyprus in a geo-political perspective; the details of each and every point of dispute; all the phases of the Cyprus question from the 1950`s to the establishment of the Republic as well as its destruction; the Greek violence against the Turkish community until the Turkish in
IR403 - Theory and Practice in Diplomacy (3 + 0) 4
The key concepts, theories and practices of diplomacy; various theoretical perspectives; historical and practical aspects of diplomacy, including prenegotiations, `around?the-table negotiations, momentum, packing agreement as well as the modes of diplomacy, such as bilateral diplomacy.
IR406 - Current Issues in World Affairs (3 + 0) 4
Various current political issues and problems like Arab uprisings, Iranian nuclear crisis, latest developments in Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Turkish foreign policy, EU-Turkey relations, political developments in Russia and the US power and the rise of China and India.
IR419 - War and Peace in the Middle East (3 + 0) 4
The origins of wars and conflicts and their consequences on the regional politics; the war and peace periods in the Middle East; objectives of individual states both inside and outside the region; the influences of Cold War on the peace and conflicts in the Middle East.
LOG210 - Export and Import Management (3 + 0) 5
International marketing strategies, planning, documentation, financing and transportation choices, export regulations, import customs clearance and other government requirements, the role of service providers, freight forwarders, free-trade-zones, existing import and export rules and regulations, tariff and structures.
MAN328 - Financial Literacy and Legislation for Entrepreneurs (3 + 0) 5
Tax legislation, business law information and obligations related to legal legislation in start ups, different company and business types and selection principles, interpretation of financial statements (balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement).
MAN414 - Entrepreneurship and Business Plan (3 + 0) 5
Fundamental concepts of entrepreneurship, personal characteristics of entrepreneurs, innovative thinking techniques and types, strategic management and planing, alternative ways of launching a business, business plan and fundamental elements of busines plan, techniques of preparing a business plan, from planning to practice, marketing, production
PR234 - News Writing (3 + 0) 5
Basic content of the course includes The control of communication and communication relations; Legal regulations of public and private media systems; Development of basic communication rights and responsibilities in society and law; Development of regulations related with communication in Turkey
PR235 - Art History (3 + 0) 5
The content of the course includes the art from past to present and the kinds of art which were created by shaping the material. During this course the meaning and importance of the art, the concept and literature about the history of art are introduced. The appearance and development of various artistic decorations such as architecture, sculptor,