ECTS - - Master’s Program in Applied Economics (without Thesis)
Compulsory Departmental Courses
Elective Courses
AB503 - Political Integration of the EU (3 + 0) 5
The historical development and the theoretical background of European integration, European Historical Development, EU`s participation suspension, EU membership, the EU`s democratic structure, European citizenship, fundamental rights and civil society, European corporate structure, EU`s decision making process, new EU treaty, European treaty on the
ECON504 - Applied Microeconomics (3 + 0) 5
Introduction to Stata, applied analyses in regression models, applied analyses in qualitative information, applied analyses in heterosckedasticity, basic regression analysis with time series data, serial correlation in time series regressions, applications of simple panel data methods, applications of advanced panel data methods.
ECON506 - Applied Macroeconomics (3 + 0) 5
Modern and traditional schools in macroeconomics, economic growth models, growth accounting, production function, Okun`s law, Phillips curve, consumption, investment and saving behavior and macroeconomic applications, money demand theory and its applications, public budget constraint; deficit, debts, balance of payments and current deficit problems
ECON509 - International Economics (3 + 0) 5
Labor productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model, resources, comparative advantage and income distribution, the standard trade model, economies of scale, imperfect competition, and international trade, international factor movements, the instruments of trade policy, the political economy of trade policy, trade policy in developing
ECON510 - Public Economics (3 + 0) 5
Relation between the state and the public economics in capitalism; linkage between welfare economics and public economics; efficient resource allocation criteria and the relative models; externalities; regulation, deregulation and privatization; social cost-benefit analysis; public choice; bureaucratic production of services; justice and efficiency
ECON512 - Financial Economics (3 + 0) 5
Functions and structure of the financial system, the role and function of financial instruments, the elementary valuation of financial instruments, primarily stocks, bonds, futures, and options, the role of risk and how markets manage and control risk, issues in corporate finance and capital budgeting, issues in international finance and the inter
ECON514 - Economic Integration (3 + 0) 5
Historical background of European union, theory of big markets, economic and technical benefits of economic integration, theory of economic integration (customs union theory), theory of economic integration (customs union theory), from the European community to European union: its foundation and evolution, institutional structure of EU, European ac
ECON515 - Globalization and Regionalization (3 + 0) 5
Globalization and its aspects, financial globalization, foreign direct investment, multinational companies, globalization and economic development, from restricted free trade to conditional free trade, new industrialized countries, integration theory, economic unions, EU experience, impact of globalization and regionalization on economy, regional u
ECON521 - Applied Econometrics (3 + 0) 5
Modeling linear regressions, bivariate and multivariate regression techniques and their applications, model specification problems, parameter estimation problems, nonlinear regression models, data handling problems, simultenaous equation models, restricted regression models, time series, nonstationary series and autocorrelation and panel data.
ECON522 - Economic Growth and Development (3 + 0) 5
Basic facts about economic development, economic growth, development and inequality, economics of health, economics of education, gender and family, aid and development, corruption, microcredit, credit, savings and insurance, land, agriculture, incentives, urbanization, environment and development.
ECON523 - Turkish Economy (3 + 0) 5
The economic implications of the Treaty of Lausanne and İzmir Economic Congress, economic recovery: openness of the economy, outcomes of economic recovery and the conditions preparing the etatist period, import substituting industrialization under protective foreign trade regime, fracture: World War II, liberal economic policies: a new attempt of
ECON524 - Fiscal Policy (3 + 0) 5
Definition of fiscal policy, its aims, bound, and tools; evaluating efficiency of fiscal policy according to different perspectives; measuring the effects of fiscal policy; method to apply fiscal policy; inflation, stagflation and dealing with such issues, budget deficit and financing budget deficit.
ECON551 - Analysis and Design of Algorithms for Social Sciences (3 + 0) 5
Review of algorithm analysis; divide and conquer algorithms; graphs; dynamic programming; greedy algorithms; randomized algorithms; P and NP; approximate algorithms for NP-hard problems or polynomial algorithms for subproblems of NP-hard problems; partial recursive functions; computations and undecidable problems.
ECON554 - Stochastic Process for Data Science (3 + 0) 5
Essentials of stochastic integrals and stochastic differential equations; probability distributions and heavy tails, ordering of risks, aggregate claim amount distributions, risk processes, renewal processes and random walks, Markov chains, continuous Markov models, Martingale techniques and Brownian motion, point processes, diffusion models, and applications in various subject related data science.
ECON555 - Machine Learning (3 + 0) 5
Supervised learning, unsupervised learning; learning theory; reinforcement learning and adaptive control; recent applications of machine learning, such as robotic control, data mining, autonomous navigation, bioinformatics, speech recognition, and text and web data processing and evaluation of policies and programs.
ECON556 - Introduction to Database Systems for Social Sciences (3 + 0) 5
Çeşitli tahmin tekniklerine giriş, enflasyon, büyüme veya tüketim gibi çeşitli değişkenlerin önceden tahmin edilmesi ve istatistiksel modeller kurularak bu modellerin iktisadi politika tepkilerini tahmin etmek için kullanılması; çeşitli ülkelerin veri setlerinin kullanılarak model kurma, tahmin ve politika analizi gibi konuların uygulamalı olarak gösterilmesi.
ISL502 - Marketing Management (3 + 0) 5
Strategic planning and marketing process, marketing strategy; defining targeting audience and target growth in marketing mix, macro and micro environments of marketing, market segmentation, consumer and industrial markets and different aspects of those markets, consumer behavior, product, price, promotion and distribution.