ECTS - - European Union MA Program (non-Thesis)

The graduates of this program are usually employed in four different sectors. First one is the state sector. This this sector, in addition to the ministry of foreign affairs, all ministries and state institutions in Turkey has got foreign affairs and EU departments, which keep their doors open to our graduates. Also the power ministries such as defense, culture and economy have representations in other countries and sources opf employment for our gradutes in addition to intelligence agencies as well as directorate of religious affairs like institutions.  Second sector is the private sector. All companies and corporate structures are naturally major magnets for our gradutes but the media sector with its constrant need for employees with foreign language and field knowledge is a special source of employment for the International Relations graduates.  Third sector can be called as the International Organizations and Civil Society NGOs. International organizations are very populous in our age. The most famous of them are the ones under the United Nations' umbrealla, such as the ones UNICEF, UNESCO, UNDP and UNHCR. Apart from them NGO's such as International Conferedarion of Red Crescent and Red Cross are also in this category. However, among the NGOs our graduates mostly prefer think-tanks for their employment. Among them the Turkish think-tanks such as SAM, DPE, SETA, TEPAV, ASAM, 21YYTE etc. quite large and powerful policy groups are the leading ones. Lastly, some of our graduates prefer to continue their academic life by pursuing a PhD program in our out of Turkey.