ECTS - - Undergraduate Program in English Medium (2014-2015)
Compulsory Departmental Courses
ECON206 - Research Methods (3 + 0) 5
1. Science and Research 2. Dimensions of Research 3. Theory and Research 4. The Meanings of Methodology 5. Literatur Review and Ethical Issues 6. Qualitative and Quantitative Research Designs 7. Qualitative and Quantitative Measurement 8. Qualitative and Quantitative Sampling 9. Qualitative Data Analysis 10. Quantitative Data Analysis
ECON207 - Macroeconomic Theory I (3 + 0) 6
National income accounting; aggregate income and spending model; IS-LM model (closed and open economy versions); monetary and fiscal policy in the IS-LM model; AD-AS model; Phillips curve and Okun?s law; wages, prices, output and unemployment; SRAS alternative views.
ECON213 - Mathematical Economics (3 + 0) 4
The mathematical framework of economic analysis; equilibrium (static) analysis; comparative static analysis; univariate functions and optimization; multivariate functions and optimization; exponential and logarithmic functions in economics; integral calculus; introduction to dynamic analysis.
ECON303 - Monetary Theory and Policy (3 + 0) 6
Money and credit, behaviour and structure of interest rates, financial systems, money demand and supply, analysis of competing monetary theories and the use of monetary policy tools in economic stabilization; current issues in monetary theory and policy, inflation targeting.
ECON309 - Markets and Economic Indicators (3 + 0) 6
Goods, labor and financial markets; economic and financial indicators; GDP, GNP, growth, inflation, CPI, PPI, GDP deflator, unemployment rates, labor force participation rate, balance of payments, current account balance interest rates, exchange rates, budget, budget deficit.
ECON313 - International Economics I (3 + 0) 5
Labor productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model, comparative advantage, the standard trade model, economies of scale, imperfect competition, and international trade, international factor movements, the instruments and the political economy of trade policy, trade policy in developing countries, controversies in trade policy.
ECON314 - International Economics II (3 + 0) 6
National income accounting; aggregate income and spending model; IS-LM model (closed economy and open economy versions); monetary and fiscal policy in the IS-LM model; AD-AS model; monetary and fiscal policy in the short and long-run; Phillips curve and Okun?s law; wages, prices, output and unemployment; derivation of AS curve and alternative views
ECON316 - History of Economic Thought (3 + 0) 4
Mercantalism, capitalist development, the development of the classical and the neoclassical theories, the analysis of socialism and the modern economic theories ; Malthusian theories; Ricardian economics; utilitarianism; Karl Marx and the critics of political economics; marginal revolution; Jevons, Menger, Walras, Marshall and Clark and Keynes.
ECON324 - Public Finance and Fiscal Policy (3 + 0) 6
Fiscal functions and institutions; types of budgetary activity; public provision for social goods; public choice and fiscal politics; public expenditures; case studies in expenditure policies; principles of taxation; tax structure; fiscal federalism; fiscal policy and stabilization; economics of the public debt.
ECON401 - Turkish Economy (3 + 0) 7
Oveview of the economic policy from 1923 to 1980; (January) 1980 stabilization and structural adjustment program; new financial cycle and economic-financial crisis (1994,1998, 2000, 2001), 17th, 18th, 19th stand-by arrangements and structural reforms; the impact of the 2008-2009 financial crisis and the further developments.
ECON407 - Seminar in Economics (3 + 0) 7
The origins and development of global capitalism and the capitalist state through its various stages; the characteristics of the neo-liberal globalization; the causes and the nature of the financial crisis in the context of globalization and its impact on economic and social grounds.
ENG201 - English for Academic Purposes III (3 + 0) 3
Advanced reading and writing skills, applying critical reading skills and strategies, identifying the organization of a reading text, main ideas of the texts, and the author?s main purpose, summarizing a given text, outlining and writing an argumentative essay.
Elective Courses
ECON405 - Agricultural Economics (3 + 0) 6
The basic concepts like production, productivity, crop season, inputs and production functions; the relation between these concepts and agricultural production and agricultural policies; analysis of these concepts via employment of basic econometric tools; the effects of World Trade Organization, IMF and World Bank on Turkish agriculture.
ECON419 - Globalization and Regionalization (3 + 0) 6
Globalization, financial globalization, foreign direct investment, multinational companies, globalization and economic development, developing countries, the theory of integration, types of integration, economic unions, the experiment of EU, regionalism and regional unions, the theories of regionalism.
ECON426 - Financial Economics (3 + 0) 6
Functions and structure of the financial system, financial instruments, the risk management and control, issues in corporate finance and capital budgeting, the real economy and the financial markets: macroeconomic activity and financial markets; monetary policy and financial markets; banking sector and the financial markets.
ECON427 - Institutional Economics (3 + 0) 6
The main representatives of the new institutional economics; its contribution to theory of firm and economic development; current transactions costs economics, governance structures, positive externalities, bounded rationality, property rights, the extent of institutional economics on the determination of macroeconomic policies.
ECON440 - Economics of Competition (3 + 0) 6
Firm behavior in imperfectly competitive markets; how governments regulate competition; market power; market structures, industry analysis, demand-supply; market concept in competition, entry, exit barriers, price discrimination, monopoly, market power, cartels, integration and integration regulation; privatization, vertical integration.
ECON441 - Innovation and Ethics (3 + 0) 6
Ethics and moral reasoning; major traditional theories and concepts in ethics and human behavior; ethical codes; business life applications; responsibilities to society; internal and external factors affecting business life and moral reasoning; entrepreneurship related issues; concepts related to moral reasoning in business life.
ECON442 - Economics of Innovation (3 + 0) 6
The role of science, technology and innovation in economics at the macro and at the micro level; the diffusion and absorption of innovation; issues concerning the measurement of innovation; the national, regional systems of innovation and clusters; the relationship between R&D support mechanisms and economic performance in Turkey.
ECON443 - Entrepreneurship (3 + 0) 6
The nature and importance of entrepreneurship, history of entrepreneurship, the entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial mind, creativity, innovation and the business idea, marketing and financial planning, franchising, entrepreneurial strategy and strategic management in operations, and presentation to business angels.
ECON444 - Science and Technology Policies (3 + 0) 6
The relation between economic development and science, technology and innovation policies; demand and supply approaches; the science, technology and innovation organizations at national level; public support mechanisms, technology transfer options and direct investment channels; the cases of Turkey and Chili.