ECTS - - International Relations MA Program (with Thesis)

1) Acquiring the skills of understanding, explaining, and using the fundamental concepts and methodology of international relations.
2) Acquiring the skills of analyzing international relations from a theoretical level.
3) Acquiring the ability to make logical interpretations about the recent either global or national political events.
4) Acquiring different perspectives on international relations.
5) Improving the ability to make analyses about the current and future prospects of global and regional actors.
6) Developing relevant academic and applied research skills in political areas.
7) To improve the academic writing skills pertaining to the academic area.
8) To improve the academic presentation skills pertaining to the academic area.
9) To improve analytical thinking and independent research skills.
10) Acquiring an open-minded behavior through encouraging critical analysis, interpretation, discussions, and/or continuous learning.
11) Improving the ability to effectively develop arguments.