ECTS - Turkey`s Contemporary Social Problems

Turkey`s Contemporary Social Problems (KAM507) Course Detail

Course Name Course Code Season Lecture Hours Application Hours Lab Hours Credit ECTS
Turkey`s Contemporary Social Problems KAM507 Area Elective 3 0 0 3 5
Pre-requisite Course(s)
Course Language Turkish
Course Type Elective Courses
Course Level Social Sciences Master's Degree
Mode of Delivery Face To Face
Learning and Teaching Strategies Lecture, Discussion, Question and Answer.
Course Coordinator
Course Lecturer(s)
  • Prof. Dr. Funda Gençoğlu
Course Assistants
Course Objectives Although there is an ongoing debate about where the line between the social and the political can be drawn, whether a line can be drawn or not, this course will reveal itself in terms of such binary distinctions (political/social, individual/public, reason/emotion, natural/cultural, state/society, etc.). prepared with a problematizing point of view. Such distinctions should be considered methodological rather than ontological ones, as Gramsci noticed and emphasized long ago. Therefore, in this course, we will deal with the findings and discussion topics of researches made with very different methods by considering social and/or socialized issues with a political scientific perspective, with their individual, social and political reflections. Turkey's current social problems, of course, is a big topic that can make up a more crowded list than it seems here. The topics chosen for study in this course are not the reflections of an arbitrary choice, but inevitably contain a certain subjectivity. Since the topics that cannot be included in the content are actually related in some way to the issues being discussed, they will be brought to the agenda with additional reading suggestions and discussions where relevant.
Course Learning Outcomes The students who succeeded in this course;
  • Understands the transition between fields such as sociology, political economy, feminist theory, political science, and political theory.
  • Knows how different research methods and different political stances can change their focus on important social issues.
  • Understands that the individual, social, political, cultural and economic dimensions of life are not disconnected from each other, and that the analysis of one of them is enlightening about the others.
Course Content Political polarisation; gender problems; urbanisation; immigration.

Weekly Subjects and Releated Preparation Studies

Week Subjects Preparation
1 Course Introduction -
2 Civil Society and Non-Governmental Organizations - Zeynep Özen, Lülüfer Körükmez ve Cansu Akbaş Demı̇rel (2021) Dı̇jı̇tal Çağda Sı̇vı̇l Toplum: İmkânlar ve Kısıtlılıklar - Yabanci, Bilge (2019) Turkey’s tamed civil society: Containment and appropriation under a competitive authoritarian regime, Journal of Civil Society, 15:4, 285-306, DOI:10.1080/17448689.2019.1668627 *Jessica Leigh Doyle (2017) State control of civil society organizations: the case of Turkey, Democratization, 24:2, 244-264, DOI: 10.1080/13510347.2016.1159555 *TÜSEV (2011) Türkiye’de Sivil Toplum: BİR DÖNÜM NOKTASI Uluslararası Sivil Toplum Endeksi Projesi Türkiye Ülke Raporu II
3 Social Class, Inequality, Poverty, Unemployment - Sencer Ayata (2020) Türkiye’de Yoksulluk ve Eşitsizlik Nedenler Süreçler Çözümler, SDD Yayınları. - Senem Oğuz (2020) Türkiye’de Yedek İşgücü Ordusu, Kor Kitap. *Esra Kaya Erdoğan (2021) "Bayağı Kalabalığız" Üniversiteli İşsizliği, İletişim. *Pınar Öğünç, Gazete Duvar Yazı Dizisi *Tanıl Bora et. al. (2011) Boşuna mı Okuduk? Türkiye’de Beyaz Yakalı İşsizliği. İletişim
4 Social Class, Inequality, Poverty, Unemployment - Sencer Ayata (2020) Türkiye’de Yoksulluk ve Eşitsizlik Nedenler Süreçler Çözümler, SDD Yayınları. - Senem Oğuz (2020) Türkiye’de Yedek İşgücü Ordusu, Kor Kitap. *Esra Kaya Erdoğan (2021) "Bayağı Kalabalığız" Üniversiteli İşsizliği, İletişim. *Pınar Öğünç, Gazete Duvar Yazı Dizisi *Tanıl Bora et. al. (2011) Boşuna mı Okuduk? Türkiye’de Beyaz Yakalı İşsizliği. İletişim
5 Religion, Religious, Secularism Recep Şentürk, Kurtuluş Cengiz, Önder Küçükural, Bahattin Akşit (2020) Türkiye’de Dindarlık Sosyal Gerilimler Ekseninde İnanç ve Yaşam Biçimleri, İletişim.
6 Feminism Bodur Ün, Marella. (2019). Contesting global gender equality norms: The case of Turkey. Review of International Studies, 45(5), 828-847. doi:10.1017/S026021051900024X Arat, Yeşim. (2021). Democratic Backsliding and the Instrumentalization of Women's Rights in Turkey. Politics & Gender, 1-31. doi:10.1017/S1743923X21000192
7 LGBT Gençoğlu, Funda (2015) “Zorunlu-Gönüllü Mı̇llı̇yetçı̇lı̇kler ve Toplumsal Cı̇nsı̇yet: Erı̇llı̇ğı̇n Bedelı̇,” Toplumsal Cinsiyet ve Milliyetçilik içinde, S. Coşar ve A. Özman (der.) İletişim
8 Kurdish Issue Turgut, Serkan (2021) Kürt Damgası Etnik Sınırlar ve Başa Çıkma Stratejileri, İletişim. Saraçoğlu, Cenk (2020) Şehir, Orta Sınıf ve Kürtler İnkardan “Tanıyarak Dışlama”ya, İletişim. *Gençoğlu, Funda (2015) “Social Media and the Kurdish Issue in Turkey Hate Speech, Free Speech and Human Security.” Turkish Studies 16(1): 115-130.
9 Romani/Gypsies Özateşler Ülkücan, Gül (2018) “Toplumsal Kategorileri Yeniden Düşünmek: Çingenelik Kategorisinin Ardındakiler,” Türkiye'nin Büyük Dönüşümü içinde, Osman Savaşkan ve, Mehmet Ertan (Der.) İletişim. Gençoğlu Onbaşı, Funda (2013) “The Romani Opening in Turkey: Anti-Discrimination?” Turkish Studies 13(4): 599-613. (SSCI: Social Sciences Citation Index)
10 Refugees Bélanger, Danièle & Cenk Saracoglu (2020) The governance of Syrian refugees in Turkey: The state-capital nexus and its discontents, Mediterranean Politics, 25:4, 413-432, DOI: 10.1080/13629395.2018.1549785 *Gençoğlu Funda ve Ali Can Fıstıkçı, “The Case of the Seasonal Agricultural Workers Of Turkey From a Non-Discrimination Perspective,” forthcoming.
11 Anti-intellectualism: Academy, Education, Popular Culture Gençoğlu, Funda (2018) “Üzerimizdeki Kara Bulut: Anti-entelektüalizm ya da Cehaletperverlik.” Birikim (347):64-72 Gençoğlu, Funda (2018) Anti-intellectualism or Populism alla turca, Contemporary Southeastern Europe, 5(1), 10-24. Vatansever, Aslı ve Meral Gezici Yalçın (2016) Ne Ders Olsa Veririz İletişim. Doğan, Sevgi & Ervjola Selenica (2021) Authoritarianism and academic freedom in neoliberal Turkey, Globalisation, Societies and Education, DOI: 10.1080/14767724.2021.1899801 Coşar, Simten ve Hakan Ergül (2015) Free-Marketization of Academia through Authoritarianism, Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research, 26. Retrieved from Funda Gencoglu (2019): Heroes, villains and celebritisation of politics: hegemony, populism and anti-intellectualism in Turkey, Celebrity Studies, DOI: 10.1080/19392397.2019.1587305
12 Anti-intellectualism: Academy, Education, Popular Culture. Gençoğlu, Funda (2018) “Üzerimizdeki Kara Bulut: Anti-entelektüalizm ya da Cehaletperverlik.” Birikim (347):64-72 Gençoğlu, Funda (2018) Anti-intellectualism or Populism alla turca, Contemporary Southeastern Europe, 5(1), 10-24. Vatansever, Aslı ve Meral Gezici Yalçın (2016) Ne Ders Olsa Veririz İletişim. Doğan, Sevgi & Ervjola Selenica (2021) Authoritarianism and academic freedom in neoliberal Turkey, Globalisation, Societies and Education, DOI: 10.1080/14767724.2021.1899801 Coşar, Simten ve Hakan Ergül (2015) Free-Marketization of Academia through Authoritarianism, Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research, 26. Retrieved from Funda Gencoglu (2019): Heroes, villains and celebritisation of politics: hegemony, populism and anti-intellectualism in Turkey, Celebrity Studies, DOI: 10.1080/19392397.2019.1587305
13 Anti-intellectualism: Academy, Education, Popular Culture. Gençoğlu, Funda (2018) “Üzerimizdeki Kara Bulut: Anti-entelektüalizm ya da Cehaletperverlik.” Birikim (347):64-72 Gençoğlu, Funda (2018) Anti-intellectualism or Populism alla turca, Contemporary Southeastern Europe, 5(1), 10-24. Vatansever, Aslı ve Meral Gezici Yalçın (2016) Ne Ders Olsa Veririz İletişim. Doğan, Sevgi & Ervjola Selenica (2021) Authoritarianism and academic freedom in neoliberal Turkey, Globalisation, Societies and Education, DOI: 10.1080/14767724.2021.1899801 Coşar, Simten ve Hakan Ergül (2015) Free-Marketization of Academia through Authoritarianism, Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research, 26. Retrieved from Funda Gencoglu (2019): Heroes, villains and celebritisation of politics: hegemony, populism and anti-intellectualism in Turkey, Celebrity Studies, DOI: 10.1080/19392397.2019.1587305
14 General Evaluation -


Other Sources 1. - Zeynep Özen, Lülüfer Körükmez ve Cansu Akbaş Demı̇rel (2021) Dı̇jı̇tal Çağda Sı̇vı̇l Toplum: İmkânlar ve Kısıtlılıklar
2. - Yabanci, Bilge (2019) Turkey’s tamed civil society: Containment and appropriation under a competitive authoritarian regime, Journal of Civil Society, 15:4, 285-306, DOI:10.1080/17448689.2019.1668627
3. Jessica Leigh Doyle (2017) State control of civil society organizations: the case of Turkey, Democratization, 24:2, 244-264, DOI: 10.1080/13510347.2016.1159555
4. TÜSEV (2011) Türkiye’de Sivil Toplum: BİR DÖNÜM NOKTASI Uluslararası Sivil Toplum Endeksi Projesi Türkiye Ülke Raporu II
5. - Sencer Ayata (2020) Türkiye’de Yoksulluk ve Eşitsizlik Nedenler Süreçler Çözümler, SDD Yayınları.
6. - Senem Oğuz (2020) Türkiye’de Yedek İşgücü Ordusu, Kor Kitap.
7. Esra Kaya Erdoğan (2021) "Bayağı Kalabalığız" Üniversiteli İşsizliği, İletişim.
8. Pınar Öğünç, Gazete Duvar Yazı Dizisi
9. Tanıl Bora et. al. (2011) Boşuna mı Okuduk? Türkiye’de Beyaz Yakalı İşsizliği. İletişim
10. Recep Şentürk, Kurtuluş Cengiz, Önder Küçükural, Bahattin Akşit (2020) Türkiye’de Dindarlık Sosyal Gerilimler Ekseninde İnanç ve Yaşam Biçimleri, İletişim.
11. Bodur Ün, Marella. (2019). Contesting global gender equality norms: The case of Turkey. Review of International Studies, 45(5), 828-847. doi:10.1017/S026021051900024X
12. Arat, Yeşim. (2021). Democratic Backsliding and the Instrumentalization of Women's Rights in Turkey. Politics & Gender, 1-31. doi:10.1017/S1743923X21000192
13. Gençoğlu, Funda (2015) “Zorunlu-Gönüllü Mı̇llı̇yetçı̇lı̇kler ve Toplumsal Cı̇nsı̇yet: Erı̇llı̇ğı̇n Bedelı̇,” Toplumsal Cinsiyet ve Milliyetçilik içinde, S. Coşar ve A. Özman (der.) İletişim
14. Turgut, Serkan (2021) Kürt Damgası Etnik Sınırlar ve Başa Çıkma Stratejileri, İletişim.
15. Saraçoğlu, Cenk (2020) Şehir, Orta Sınıf ve Kürtler İnkardan “Tanıyarak Dışlama”ya, İletişim
16. Gençoğlu, Funda (2015) “Social Media and the Kurdish Issue in Turkey Hate Speech, Free Speech and Human Security.” Turkish Studies 16(1): 115-130.
17. Özateşler Ülkücan, Gül (2018) “Toplumsal Kategorileri Yeniden Düşünmek: Çingenelik Kategorisinin Ardındakiler,” Türkiye'nin Büyük Dönüşümü içinde, Osman Savaşkan ve, Mehmet Ertan (Der.) İletişim.
18. Gençoğlu Onbaşı, Funda (2013) “The Romani Opening in Turkey: Anti-Discrimination?” Turkish Studies 13(4): 599-613. (SSCI: Social Sciences Citation Index)
19. Bélanger, Danièle & Cenk Saracoglu (2020) The governance of Syrian refugees in Turkey: The state-capital nexus and its discontents, Mediterranean Politics, 25:4, 413-432, DOI: 10.1080/13629395.2018.1549785
20. Gençoğlu Funda ve Ali Can Fıstıkçı, “The Case of the Seasonal Agricultural Workers Of Turkey From a Non-Discrimination Perspective,” forthcoming.
21. Gençoğlu, Funda (2018) “Üzerimizdeki Kara Bulut: Anti-entelektüalizm ya da Cehaletperverlik.” Birikim (347):64-72
22. Gençoğlu, Funda (2018) Anti-intellectualism or Populism alla turca, Contemporary Southeastern Europe, 5(1), 10-24.
23. Vatansever, Aslı ve Meral Gezici Yalçın (2016) Ne Ders Olsa Veririz İletişim.
24. Doğan, Sevgi & Ervjola Selenica (2021) Authoritarianism and academic freedom in neoliberal Turkey, Globalisation, Societies and Education, DOI: 10.1080/14767724.2021.1899801
25. Coşar, Simten ve Hakan Ergül (2015) Free-Marketization of Academia through Authoritarianism, Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research, 26. Retrieved from
26. Funda Gencoglu (2019): Heroes, villains and celebritisation of politics: hegemony, populism and anti-intellectualism in Turkey, Celebrity Studies, DOI: 10.1080/19392397.2019.1587305

Evaluation System

Requirements Number Percentage of Grade
Attendance/Participation - -
Laboratory - -
Application - -
Field Work - -
Special Course Internship - -
Quizzes/Studio Critics - -
Homework Assignments 5 50
Presentation - -
Project 1 30
Report - -
Seminar - -
Midterms Exams/Midterms Jury - -
Final Exam/Final Jury 1 20
Toplam 7 100
Percentage of Semester Work
Percentage of Final Work 100
Total 100

Course Category

Core Courses X
Major Area Courses
Supportive Courses
Media and Managment Skills Courses
Transferable Skill Courses

The Relation Between Course Learning Competencies and Program Qualifications

# Program Qualifications / Competencies Level of Contribution
1 2 3 4 5
1 Acquiring the skills of understanding, explaining, and using the fundamental concepts and methodology of international relations.
2 Acquiring the skills of analyzing international relations from a theoretical level.
3 Acquiring the ability to make logical interpretations about the recent either global or national political events.
4 Acquiring different perspectives on international relations.
5 Improving the ability to make analyses about the current and future prospects of global and regional actors.
6 Developing relevant academic and applied research skills in political areas.
7 To improve the academic writing skills pertaining to the academic area.
8 To improve the academic presentation skills pertaining to the academic area.
9 To improve analytical thinking and independent research skills.
10 Acquiring an open-minded behavior through encouraging critical analysis, interpretation, discussions, and/or continuous learning.
11 Improving the ability to effectively develop arguments.

ECTS/Workload Table

Activities Number Duration (Hours) Total Workload
Course Hours (Including Exam Week: 16 x Total Hours) 14 3 42
Special Course Internship
Field Work
Study Hours Out of Class 14 3 42
Presentation/Seminar Prepration
Project 1 20 20
Homework Assignments 5 3 15
Quizzes/Studio Critics
Prepration of Midterm Exams/Midterm Jury
Prepration of Final Exams/Final Jury 1 10 10
Total Workload 129