Basic Biology (CHE416) Course Detail

Course Name Course Code Season Lecture Hours Application Hours Lab Hours Credit ECTS
Basic Biology CHE416 Area Elective 3 0 0 3 5
Pre-requisite Course(s)
Course Language English
Course Type Elective Courses
Course Level Natural & Applied Sciences Master's Degree
Mode of Delivery Face To Face
Learning and Teaching Strategies Lecture, Question and Answer.
Course Coordinator
Course Lecturer(s)
  • Prof. Dr. S.Belgin İşgör
Course Assistants
Course Objectives
Course Learning Outcomes The students who succeeded in this course;
  • Recalls the information about Chemistry of life, elements, atoms, compounds, molecules, pH scales.
  • Learns about Carbohydrates, Proteins and Lipids their structure and Functions.
  • Learns about Nucleic acids, the chromosomes and chromosomal inheritance together with the concepts of DNA and Genes.
  • Comprehends the levels of organizations, cellular organelles and their structure and functions in biological systems.
  • Understands the blood and circulation in human organization.
  • Comprehends the integumentary systems , respiration and digestion systems their components and functions in Human organization.
Course Content Chemistry of life, elements, atoms, compounds, molecules, pH scales, biomolecules; carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, cell structure and functions, cell membrane structure and function, cellular organelles structure and functions, human organization; blood and circulation system, respiratory system, digestive system, nervous system, chromosomes and chromosomal inheritance, genetics, DNA and biotechnology.

Weekly Subjects and Releated Preparation Studies

Week Subjects Preparation
1 Introduction: The Scientific Study of Life
2 Biomolecules; carbohydrates, proteins
3 Enzymes; Structure and Function
4 Biomolecules: Lipids, Nucleic Acids, Central Dogma
5 Levels of Organization: The Cell; Cell membrane cellular organelles structure and functions
6 Cellular Organelles: Structure and Functions
7 Mid Term
8 Level Of Organization: Tissues
9 Organ Systems, Human Organization: Integumentary System
10 Human Organization: Blood and Circulatory System
11 Human Organization: Respiratory System and Heart
12 Mid Term
13 Human Organization: Digestion System
14 Human Organization: Nerve System
15 Overview of metabolism
16 Final


Other Sources 1. Üniversite seviyesinde herhangi Biyoloji ders kitabı

Evaluation System

Requirements Number Percentage of Grade
Attendance/Participation - -
Laboratory - -
Application - -
Field Work - -
Special Course Internship - -
Quizzes/Studio Critics - -
Homework Assignments - -
Presentation - -
Project - -
Report - -
Seminar - -
Midterms Exams/Midterms Jury 2 60
Final Exam/Final Jury 1 40
Toplam 3 100
Percentage of Semester Work
Percentage of Final Work 100
Total 100

Course Category

Core Courses
Major Area Courses
Supportive Courses X
Media and Managment Skills Courses
Transferable Skill Courses

The Relation Between Course Learning Competencies and Program Qualifications

# Program Qualifications / Competencies Level of Contribution
1 2 3 4 5
1 An ability to access, analyze and evaluate the knowledge needed for the solution of advanced chemical engineering and applied chemistry problems.
2 An ability to self-renewal by following scientific and technological developments within the philosophy of lifelong learning.
3 An understanding of social, environmental, and the global impacts of the practices and innovations brought by chemistry and chemical engineering.
4 An ability to perform original research and development activities and to convert the achieved results to publications, patents and technology.
5 An ability to apply advanced mathematics, science and engineering knowledge to advanced engineering problems. X
6 An ability to design and conduct scientific and technological experiments in lab- and pilot-scale, and to analyze and interpret their results.
7 Skills in design of a system, part of a system or a process with desired properties and to implement industry.
8 Ability to perform independent research.
9 Ability to work in a multi-disciplinary environment and to work as a part of a team.
10 An understanding of the professional and occupational responsibilities. X

ECTS/Workload Table

Activities Number Duration (Hours) Total Workload
Course Hours (Including Exam Week: 16 x Total Hours) 16 3 48
Special Course Internship
Field Work
Study Hours Out of Class 14 1 14
Presentation/Seminar Prepration
Homework Assignments
Quizzes/Studio Critics
Prepration of Midterm Exams/Midterm Jury 2 15 30
Prepration of Final Exams/Final Jury 1 30 30
Total Workload 122