Ideology and Discourse (POEC615) Course Detail

Course Name Course Code Season Lecture Hours Application Hours Lab Hours Credit ECTS
Ideology and Discourse POEC615 General Elective 3 0 0 3 5
Pre-requisite Course(s)
Course Language Turkish
Course Type Elective Courses
Course Level Ph.D.
Mode of Delivery Face To Face
Learning and Teaching Strategies Lecture, Discussion, Question and Answer.
Course Coordinator
Course Lecturer(s)
  • Dr. Dersin Öğretim Üyesi
Course Assistants
Course Objectives This study focuses on different ideology and discourse conceptualizations.
Course Learning Outcomes The students who succeeded in this course;
  • To understand how the concept of ideology was changed over time
  • To understand social and political role of ideology and its relation with power
  • To understand why the concept of discourse replaced the concept of ideology
Course Content Marxist, structuralist, post-analitic and psychoanalitic ideology and discourse theories, political discourse theory.

Weekly Subjects and Releated Preparation Studies

Week Subjects Preparation
2 Karl Marx and Ideology Marx, K ve F. Engels. 1992. Alman İdeolojisi. Ankara: Sol Yayınları. Marx, K. 1993. Ekonomi Politiğin Eleştirisine Katkı. Ankara: Sol Yayınları. s. 21- 26. Barrett, M. 2004. Marx’tan Foucault’ya İdeoloji. İstanbul: Doruk Yayıncılık. s. 11- 34. Eagleton, T. 1996. İdeoloji. İstanbul: Ayrıntı. s. 108- 136. McLellan, D. 1999. İdeoloji. Ankara: Doruk.s. 22- 35.
3 Gramsci and Hegemony Althusser, L. 2003. İdeoloji ve Devletin İdeolojik Aygıtları.İstanbul:İthaki. Üşür, S. S. 1997. ‘Louis Althusser: İdeolojinin Yapısal Çözümlenmesi ve Öznelerin Temsiline Dayalı Bir Sistem Olarak İdeoloji’ İdeolojinin Serüveni. S. S. Üşür. Ankara: İmge. s. 41- 50. Barrett, M. 2004. Marx’tan Foucault’ya İdeoloji. İstanbul: Doruk Yayıncılık. s. 55- 71. Larrain,J. 1979. ‘Ideology and Science’, The Concept of Ideology, Hutchinson 172- 211.
4 Althusser and Ideology Althusser, L. 2003. İdeoloji ve Devletin İdeolojik Aygıtları.İstanbul:İthaki. Üşür, S. S. 1997. ‘Louis Althusser: İdeolojinin Yapısal Çözümlenmesi ve Öznelerin Temsiline Dayalı Bir Sistem Olarak İdeoloji’ İdeolojinin Serüveni. S. S. Üşür. Ankara: İmge. s. 41- 50. Barrett, M. 2004. Marx’tan Foucault’ya İdeoloji. İstanbul: Doruk Yayıncılık. s. 55- 71. Larrain,J. 1979. ‘Ideology and Science’, The Concept of Ideology, Hutchinson 172- 211.
5 Pecheux, Ideology and Discourse Pecheux, M. 1982. Language Semantics and Ideology. London: MacMillan Pres, 1- 60; 97- 128. Pecheux, M. 1995. ‘The Mechanisms of Ideological (Mis)recognition’ içinde S. Zizek (der). Mapping Ideology. S. 141- 145. Macdonell, D. 1986. Theories of Discourse: An Introduction, Oxford: Basil Blackwell. 206- 217.
6 Saussure, Structuralism, Symbolic Systems Saussure, F. De. 1998. Genel Dilbilim Dersleri. İstanbul: Multilingual. s. 108- 152. Üşür, S. S. 1997. ‘Toplumsal Pratik Olarak Dil ve Yapısal Dilbilimin Kuramsal Mirası’ İdeolojinin Serüveni. S. S. Üşür. Ankara: İmge. s. 73- 87. Larrain, J. 1986. ‘Ideology and Structural Analysis’. The Concept of Ideology, s. 130- 171.
7 Michel Foucault: Archaeology of Knowledge oucault,M. 1999. Bilginin Arkeolojisi. İstanbul: Birey Yayıncılık. s. 33- 102.
8 Michel Foucault: Archaeology of Knowledge Foucault, M. 2000. ‘Hakikat ve İktidar’. M. Foucault. Entelektüelin Siyasi İşlevi. İstanbul: Ayrıntı. s.59-85. Foucault, M. 2001. ‘Söylemin Düzeni’. M. Foucault. Ders Özetleri. İstanbul: YKY. Larrain, J. 1995. ‘Foucault ve İdeoloji’. İdeoloji ve Kültürel Kimlik. İstanbul: Sarmal Yayınevi. s. 129- 136.
9 Michel Foucault: Geneaology Foucault, M. 2000. Büyük Kapatılma. M. Foucault. İstanbul: Ayrıntı. Foucault, M. 2004. ‘Nietzsche, Soybilim, Tarih’. Felsefe Sahnesi. M. Foucault. İstanbul: Ayrıntı. s. 230- 253.
10 Jacques Derrida: Structures and Deconstruction Derrida, Jacques .1978. Writing and Difference. Trans. by Alan Bass. London: Routledge& Kegan Paul. Derrida, Jacques. 1987. Positions. Trans. by Alan Bass. London: The Athlone Press. Staten, Henry. 1984. Wittgenstein and Derrida. Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press. Critchley, Simon, and Timothy Mooney. 1994. “Deconstruction and Derrida,” in Richard Kearney, ed., Twentieth-Century Continental Philosophy. Routledge History of Philosophy Vol VIII. London: Routledge.
11 Jacques Lacan: Subject Lacan, Jacques (1994). “The Mirror-phase as Formative of the Function of the I,” in Slavoj Zizek, ed., Mapping Ideology. London: Verso. Dor, Jöel (1997). Introduction to the Reading of Lacan : The Unconscious Structured like a Language. Judith F. Gurewich, and Susan Fairfield, eds., Northvale, N.J. : J. Aronson. Tura, S. M. 2005. Freud’dan Lacan’a Psikanaliz. İstanbul: Kanat.
12 Slavoj Zizek: A Lacanian perspective Zizek, S. 2002. İdeolojinin Yüce Nesnesi. İstanbul:Metis. Kay, Sarah. 2006. Žižek: Eleştirel bir Giriş. İstanbul: Encore (11-31; 73-105; 179- 216). Hanlon, Christopher "Psychoanalysis and the Post-Political: An Interview with Slavoj Žižek." New Literary History 32 (Winter, 2001).
13 Ernesto Laclau andChantal Mouffe: Political Discourse Theory Laclau, Ernesto, and Chantal Mouffe. 2008. Hegemonya ve Sosyalist Strateji: Radikal Demokratik Bir Politikaya Doğru. İstanbul:İletişim.
14 Ernesto laclau and Chantal Mouffe: Hegemony Ernesto laclau ve Chantal Mouffe: Hegemonya Laclau, Ernesto, and Chantal Mouffe. 2008. Hegemonya ve Sosyalist Strateji: Radikal Demokratik Bir Politikaya Doğru. İstanbul:İletişim.
15 Laclau and Political Discourse Theory Laclau, Ernesto (1990). New Reflections on the Revolution of Our Time. London: Verso. Laclau, Ernesto, ed. (1994). The Making of Political Identities. London: Verso. Laclau, Ernesto (1996a). Emancipation(s). London: Verso. Laclau, Ernesto (1996b). “The Death and Resurrection of the Theory of Ideology,” Journal of Political Ideologies1(3): 201-220. Laclau, Ernesto, (2006). “Ideology and post-Marxism,” Journal of Political Ideologies 11(2): 103-114.
16 Laclau and Populism Laclau, Ernesto, (2005). On Populist Reason. London: Verso.


Course Book 1. Marx, K ve F. Engels. 1992. Alman İdeolojisi. Ankara: Sol Yayınları.
2. Marx, K. 1993. Ekonomi Politiğin Eleştirisine Katkı. Ankara: Sol Yayınları.
3. Barrett, M. 2004. Marx’tan Foucault’ya İdeoloji. İstanbul: Doruk Yayıncılık
4. Eagleton, T. 1996. İdeoloji. İstanbul:

Evaluation System

Requirements Number Percentage of Grade
Attendance/Participation 1 10
Laboratory - -
Application - -
Field Work - -
Special Course Internship - -
Quizzes/Studio Critics - -
Homework Assignments - -
Presentation 2 30
Project 1 30
Report - -
Seminar - -
Midterms Exams/Midterms Jury - -
Final Exam/Final Jury 1 30
Toplam 5 100
Percentage of Semester Work 70
Percentage of Final Work 30
Total 100

Course Category

Core Courses X
Major Area Courses
Supportive Courses
Media and Managment Skills Courses
Transferable Skill Courses

The Relation Between Course Learning Competencies and Program Qualifications

# Program Qualifications / Competencies Level of Contribution
1 2 3 4 5
1 To compare main theories and/or approaches in political economy and make a critical evaluation of each X
2 To compare main macroeconomic theories and/or approaches and make a critical evaluation of each X
3 To use complementary approaches from other relevant disciplines (e.g. political science, sociology) in order to solve problems requiring scientific expertise X
4 To develop the skills for establishing a micro-macro link in human and social sciences X
5 To analyze the main economic indicators and comment on them X
6 To acquire theoretical knowledge through literature survey and derive empirically testable hypothesis X
7 To be able to develop new approaches/theories for complex problems in political economy X
8 To apply critical thinking, statistical/econometric tools or other relevant quantitative and qualitative tools to new areas/problems X
9 To make a research design and carry it out within predetermined time frames X
10 To formulate and present policy recommendations based on academic research X
11 To continue learning and undertake advanced research independently X

ECTS/Workload Table

Activities Number Duration (Hours) Total Workload
Course Hours (Including Exam Week: 16 x Total Hours) 16 3 48
Special Course Internship
Field Work
Study Hours Out of Class 16 4 64
Presentation/Seminar Prepration
Homework Assignments
Quizzes/Studio Critics
Prepration of Midterm Exams/Midterm Jury 1 2 2
Prepration of Final Exams/Final Jury 1 3 3
Total Workload 117