Department Of Foreign Languages  End of Year Event Presentations

Instructors that joined Atılım University, Department Of Foreign Languages’ (DFL) team in the 2012-2013 academic year attended an in service  Teacher Development  program while doing their usual contact teaching duties throughout the term. With the support of the unit, they presented their projects which were prepared during this teacher training process, and got their certificates on 13.06.2013.

An online based program from Pearson Publishers named Teacher Development Interactive (TDI)  was used for five instructors who had just started to teach at the beginning of the past academic year. The aim was to expand their knowledge  in ELT with the help of this in-service training. Serkan Göktaş, Yağmur Balcı, Bengü Cilalı, Bernis Unal ve Mustafa Güneş joined this online course and prepared projects based on the themes in the program all throughout the academic year. DFL vice head Mine Bellikli supervised the program.

Not only the new instructors but also the more experienced ones in  DFL participated to the end of year  presentations either individually or collaborating with the new instructors in their presentations. With this aim, Gülseli Erdem, Ladan A Safaei, Renan Güney also took part in this splendid event with their awesome presentations. Moreover, Müge Umaç, one of the part time instructors of DFL contributed with a presentation. The topics covered in the presentations are (Click on the topic for the abstract):

Fun via Games in ELT
Steps to a Research Paper
Exchanging Ideas on Teaching Vocabulary
Shadowing an Effective Language Learning Technique
Sample Open Course Ware Course
Extensive Reading and Creative Practices

As well as the instructors of DFL, the Dean of the Faculty of Letters Prof. Dr. Belgin Elbir, the Director of the Prep School Aytuna Kocabıyıkoglu and some instructors of the Prep School, the Ccoordinator of the Corporate Development and Planning Unit Erol Yücel also participated in this program where we shared several creative ideas, had profitable discussions and benefited a lot. At the end of the event, the Provost of the university, Prof. Dr Hasan Akay awarded the participants with certificates, and they also got a gift from the raffle.

It could be concluded that an event like this clearly helps a lot to the sense of belonging to the institutions, the improvement of the staff, the expansion of the knowledge and experience through sharing, the inter-unit recognition, and also the intrinsic motivation of the staff.

Once again, we would like to congratulate and appreciate each of the participants and presenters and express our gratitude to the top management of the university who provided us with this opportunity.

Here are some pictures from the event: