Curricular Activities Unit
The Curricular Activities (CA) Unit is a unit that supports English language teaching with social environments by providing various platforms for the students of the Basic English Department to improve their English reading, listening, speaking and writing skills, not only in the classroom but also outside the classroom, with activities parallel to the curriculum and fun club activities.
CA unit prepares the necessary ground for students at A and B levels to create clubs that each instructor has created completely related to their area of interest, and if they are assigned a task during the term, they meet with their students 2 hours a week via Zoom and continue their club lessons online. There are a total of 86 clubs in 3 different categories: Media, Leisure and Literature.

In these clubs, students present 2 outputs (writing) per semester according to the contents of their clubs, and each output constitutes 2.5 points of the portfolio grade during the semester they are in. These outputs form the basis of the Department of Basic English’s official website,
The club outputs prepared by the students in their clubs are carefully selected by the club advisors and recommended to the editorial board. The articles chosen by the board are published on the website with the student's name each semester. These studies are announced on the official Instagram account (@atilim_dbe) of the Department of Basic English. The website has reached around 14000 pageviews by more than 3750 visitors from 51 countries of the world every year.
The CA Unit presents 2 online games each week via a TV channel called DBE-TV broadcasted through Zoom. The names of these competitions are “Beat Me If You Can!” and “IQ LAB!”. Each competition, consists of 24 questions in total, includes grammar topics and words that are parallel to the curriculum of A and B levels. Competitions are a kind of repetition of the week for students. In addition to this, DBE-TV organizes a competition for all Atılım University students once a semester. Competitions open to Atılım university students are also announced on the Instagram accounts of Atılım University and Department of Basic English. DBE-TV competitions open to all Atılım students include general knowledge questions. Students can participate in competitions as spectators or competitors. The winners of the competitions are given gift certificates that they can use in the online bookstore. At the end of the semester, Department of Basic English students earn extra points that will be added to the attendance bonus points from the knowledge contests they participate in.
Instagram (@atilim_dbe)
CA unit is also responsible for managing the department’s instagram account. It is important for students taking English classes from the department of Basic English to follow department’s instagram account because students are asked short questions using keywords every day on instagram account and short videos related to topics that students have seen recently are published. Moreover, weekly or daily activities to be done are shared with students through this account as well.