Material Development Units prepares or enhances paper based or digital materials that are parallel with the syllabus prepared by Department of Basic English in order to strengthen the grammar, vocabulary and language skills of students.

In this context, the Material Development unit was founded to support the syllabus and instructors by preparing various interesting materials that aim to improve the lesson flow.

By supplying these materials to the instructors, the Material Development Unit plays a very important role in the success of Department of Basic English.

Useful Links
Learning English is not difficult, it only requires commitment and hard work. Like any other language or subject, you have to put your best foot forward, assemble the requisite resources, and have the determination to learn. With the advances in technology, learning today is easy compared as it was decades ago. Thankfully, there are many excellent resources for students from websites to reference tools and they are all designed to make the learning a little bit easier and more effective. That’s why we’ve searched the Internet to share the best of these resources, and we hope you’ll find lots of valuable content and tools through these incredibly useful links that we share below.












