Course System

In order to provide more success and control of student progress and consequently higher success, in the 1999-2000 academic year, the Department of Basic English converted to a course system. A student who does not show sufficient success at any particular level instead of continuing on, is required to repeat the same level. Upon appropriate success at that level, the student progresses to the following one. This system insures that each student is given the chance to develop strong skills and to progressively build on a sound foundation. There are four levels (D, C, B and A)

Level Evaluation

The academic year consists of three terms continuing for 8-10 weeks. Evaluation of achievement tests, quizzes, writing, homework and speaking determine the level success grade for each student.

In turn a minimum score of 60/100 is required to pass the C, B, A Levels. In order to pass Level D, a minimum score of 65/100 is required.Score distribution of D, C and B levels are given in the table below.

My Portfolio




Writing Quizzes






In turn a minimum score of 60/100 is required to pass the C., B, A Levels. In order to pass Level D, a minimum score of 65/100 is required. For A and Prefac Level Score distribution, please look at the Students’ Booklet.