2023-2024 Academic Year The Department of Basic English Classes

Dear students,

Education in The Department of Basic English (Preparatory School) will start at 09.30 on 25 September 2023.

Click here to buy the Digital Education Set, which includes the textbooks to be used in the Department of Basic English.

To find out your section and classroom, log in by clicking the links below. (You must enter the page that opens with your Atılım username and password.)

A Level: https://moodle.atilim.edu.tr/grade/report/user/index.php?id=13500

B Level: https://moodle.atilim.edu.tr/grade/report/user/index.php?id=13501

C Level: https://moodle.atilim.edu.tr/grade/report/user/index.php?id=13502

D Level: https://moodle.atilim.edu.tr/grade/report/user/index.php?id=13503

Prefac Level: https://moodle.atilim.edu.tr/grade/report/user/index.php?id=13510

The Department of Basic English