Asst. Prof. Dr. Dudu Melek ER

Dear Students,

Our department is the first and only Child Development Department at a foundation university in Ankara. Our department admitted its first students in the 2021-2022 academic year.

The term "child" encompasses the period from birth to the end of adolescence. 27.2% of our country's population is children. Child Development not only provides services to children but also to parents, including during the prenatal period. Currently, it is possible for more than half of the country's population to benefit from Child Development services.

The need for graduates of the Child Development department, who provide services to children and families, the cornerstone of society, continues to increase day by day with the acceleration of social, economic, and extraordinary events happening worldwide.

Employment opportunities for Child Development specialists are diversifying and increasing every day, allowing them to work in any area where children are present. Child Development specialists are employed in ministries, central organizations, institutions and organizations, private institutions, and counseling centers. They can work in positions such as healthcare professionals, academicians, managers, researchers, project managers, coordinators, and experts.

As the Child Development Department of Atılım University School of Health Sciences, our aim is to train Child Development specialists who can follow scientific developments, are aware of the changing dynamics of society and the world, know and uphold human, child, and disability rights, evaluate the child within their environment, conduct research, and plan, present, and monitor their services based on the principle of the child's best interest.