Research Published
Adaptation of My Thinking About Inclusion Scale to Turkish: Validity and Reliability
Our department head, Dr. Member Dudu Melek Er Sabuncuoğlu's article titled "Adaptation of My Thinking About Inclusion Scale to Turkish: Validity and Reliability has been published in the Journal of Hacettepe University Faculty of Health Sciences.
Objectives: It is one of the most fundamental rights of children with special needs to receive education together with their peers in the general education system. One of the most important factors affecting inclusive education practices is teachers' attitudes towards this issue. This study was carried out in order to determine the Turkish validity and reliability of the My Thinking About Inclusion (MTAI) scale developed by Stoİber et al. in 1998 to determine teachers' attitudes towards inclusive education.
Methods: The My Thinking About Inclusion (MTAI) scale, developed by Stoİber et al. In 1998, was adapted with the participation of 158 teachers and school administrators, using similar scale validity. Reliability was determined by test-retest and internal consistency, and the Cronbach alfa coefficient was calculated. Test-retest reliability was evaluated using Pearson's correlation analysis and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC).
Findings and Conclusion: In the study conducted with 158 primary and secondary school teachers, the construct validity factor analysis revealed four sub-dimensions in the original scale and three sub-dimensions, and the Cronbach Alfa coefficient was found to be 0.91. In the study, MTAI-TR was found to be a valid and reliable measurement tool to evaluate primary and secondary school teachers' views on inclusion in three sub-dimensions: basic point of view, expected outcomes, and classroom practices.
Sabuncuoğlu, D. M. , Çırak, Y. & Mutlu, İ. (2021). Kaynaştırma/Bütünleştirme Eğitimi Hakkındaki Görüşlerim Ölçeğinin Türkçeye Uyarlanması: Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması . Hacettepe University Faculty of Health Sciences Journal, 8 (2) , 174-204 . Retrieved from
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