Chairperson’s Message

Prof. Dr. Murat KAYA
Atılım University, Chemical Engineering Department was established with the purpose of educating eligible engineers who gather up the pure chemical knowledge and engineering abilities and can analyze the whole process from raw material to product. The graduates who have got the applied chemistry skills can supervise the research and development projects in the industry. In accordance with this purpose, students of our department will get fundamental chemistry education besides Chemical Engineering courses and enhance their sight, and they will get different perspectives with the support of mathematics and physics. In addition, our department provides graduate education pragramme called as Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry. In this programme, graduate students will get the chance of improving their theoretical knowledge and enhancing their practice in our well-equipped research laboratories.
There are double major and minor opportunities for our students who have required qualifications. Our department encourages our successful students to gain benefit of these opportunities for which we prepare all the protocols. Also, our department offers students to be an exchange student at the eligible universities of Europe with the Erasmus programme provided by European Union.
The graduates of our department can get the place that they want in the unlimited field of work thanks to the education they got. The graduates can work in wide variety of fields ranging from medicine to cleaning, construction to plastics sector. In addition to those, they can be experts on advanced technologies such as biotechnology, nanotechnology and fuel cells and solar energy.
Studying at Atilim University whose medium of instruction is English not only makes our students a citizen of the world but also provides them with a broader understanding of the world. In our department, there are lots of foreign students both in undergraduate and graduate programs. These students come together to communicate and exchange both academic and cultural information thanks to the activities that are organized by our department.