Message from the Dean

Prof. Dr. Ayfer ALTAY
The curricula of the Departments have been designed to enable the graduates to achieve high employability in their related fields, and also to prepare the motivated students to pursue advanced academic studies in related disciplines. In all the Departments of our Faculty the medium of instruction is English. Having the curricula compatible with the requirements of Bologna Process, the Departments of the Faculty conduct their programs in close cooperation and collaboration with national and international universities and institutions. English Translation and Interpretation was a partner to the EU Project OPTIMALE with 70 partners all around the World, conducted between 2010 – 2013. The Department of English Language and Literature has a sister university, The University of Incarnate Word in Texas. Our Departments have bilateral Erasmus Exchange Agreements on undergraduate and graduate levels with European countries such as Austria, Ireland, Belgium, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Italy and Czech Republic. In January 2017, English Translation and Interpretation was accredited by FEDEK. Having both national and international accreditation is among the priorities of the Faculty.
Computer Laboratory of the Department of Mathematics, the Interpretation Lab of English Translation and Interpretation, the Experimental Psychology Research and Application Lab and the Clinical Psychology Lab of the Department of Psychology have been equipped with the latest technology and put to the service of the students in order to offer them active involvement in learning, research and application.
English Translation and Interpretation, Mathematics and English Language and Literature offer double major and minor programs to the students of various departments. The Department of Mathematics offers certificate programs in Cryptography, and Mathematical Finance and also compulsory and elective mathematics courses to the students of other faculties. As of 2012-2013 academic year, English Translation and Interpretation has been conducting Translation Certificate Program in French as C Language. The Department of Psychology provides opportunities of internship and volunteer community work to the students.
Employability rate for the graduates is high and the sectors have a wide range such as education, communication, finance, broadcasting, human resources, public relations, advertising, national and international institutions and organizations. Our Faculty aims at reaching excellence and perfection in education, training, and research, achieving national and international accreditation for all the departments and producing graduates fully equipped with the abilities to make positive contributions to their community, and prepared to face the challenges of the present and future.