Research Projects

Starting Date Project Name Executive Department Supporting Institution Relevance to the 12th Development Plan Relevance to the UNDP Sustainable Development Goals
2025 First-principles study of layered functionalized titanium carbide as an anode in magnesium-ion battery Jongee Park Metallurgical and Materials Engineering TÜBİTAK Priority Development Areas (Energy) Accessible and Clean Energy
2025 Entropy Estimation Methods and Health Test Design for Cryptographic Random Number Generators Fatih Sulak Mathematics TÜBİTAK Competitive Production with Green and Digital Transformation Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
2025 Anti-Nociceptive Effect of Abr-238901-Induced S100a8/A9 Inhibition on Ferroptosis and Inflammation Pathway in Diabetic Neuropathy Ezgi Aykanat Medicine TUBİTAK Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Health and Quality of Life
2024 Development of High Temperature Resistant Sulfur Chemical for Rubber Vulcanization Atilla Cihaner Chemical Engineering TÜBİTAK Competitive Production with Green and Digital Transformation (Manufacturing Industry, Priority Sectors, Chemistry) Climate Action; Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure;
2024 Synthesis of new molecules exhibiting quorum sensing inhibitory properties and their use in environmentally friendly hydrogel paint systems Şeniz Özalp Yaman Chemical Engineering TÜBİTAK Competitive Production with Green and Digital Transformation (Manufacturing Industry, Priority Sectors, Chemistry and Priority Development Areas, Defense Industry) Qualified People, Strong Family, Healthy Society (Health) Disaster-Resistant Living Spaces, Sustainable Environment (Environmental Protection) Health and Quality of Life, Aquatic Life
2024 Development and Implementation of a Software Platform for Personalized and Modular Social Robot Design Zühal Erden Mechatronics Engineering TÜBİTAK Science, Technology and Innovation; Information and Communication Technologies; Qualified People, Strong Society (education, health, children, youth, population and aging, social services; arts and culture) Health and Quality of Life; Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
2024 Weyl Duplicate in Lifschitz Spacetime Gökhan Alkaç Aerospace Engineering TÜBİTAK
2024 Development of a nucleic acid-based plastic microfluidic sensor capable of detecting viruses from saliva Ali Doğan Dursun Basic Medical Sciences TÜSEB Competitive Manufacturing with Green and Digital Transformation (Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices) Health and Quality of Life
2024 Role of UAMC-3203 in NLRP3/NRF2 and ferroptosis signaling pathways in hyperglycemia-induced neurotoxicity Ezgi Aykanat Medicine TÜSEB Competitive Manufacturing with Digital Transformation (Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices) Health and Quality of Life
2023 Investigation of Epigenetic Regulation of Seed Fatty Acid Biosynthesis Pathways After Heat Stress by Integrating Systems Biology Approach and Omics Data Analysis Çağla Sönmez Medicine TÜBİTAK Priority Development Areas: Agriculture and Food No Starvation and Climate Action
2023 Development of an insulin transport system sensitive to blood glucose levels for individuals with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and study on a diabetic rat model Veli Cengiz Özalp Basic Medical Sciences TÜSEB Competitive Manufacturing with Green and Digital Transformation (Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices) Health and Quality of Life
2023 Development of a Rapid and Cost-Effective Microfluidic Device for the Determination of Streptococcus Pneumoniae Veli Cengiz Özalp Basic Medical Sciences TÜBİTAK Competitive Manufacturing with Green and Digital Transformation (Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices) Health and Quality of Life
2023 Synthesis, Characterization and Applications of Different Aromatic Polythioureas by the Multi-Component Polymerization Method Atilla Cihaner Chemical Engineering TÜBİTAK Chemistry; Education Clean Water and Sanitation
2023 Investigation Of Hydrogen Production Performance From Seawater By Desalination-Anion Exchange Membrane Electrolysis Coupled Technology Yılser Devrim Energy Systems Engineering TÜBİTAK Competitive Manufacturing with Green and Digital Transformation (Energy) Accessible and Clean Energy
2023 Development of Innovative Membranes for Anion Exchange Membrane Electrolyzer and Investigation of Hydrogen Production Performance Yılser Devrim Energy Systems Engineering TÜBİTAK Competitive Production with Green and Digital Transformation (Energy) Accessible and Clean Energy
2023 Investigation of Ultrasonic Vibration Assisted Milling Combined with Nanofluid Minimum Quantity Lubrication Method in Difficult-to-Machining Superalloy Aerospace Materials Ramazan Hakkı Namlu Manufacturing Engineering TÜBİTAK Competitive Production with Green and Digital Transformation; Manufacturing Industry; Machine Industry; Defense Industry Clean Water and Sanitation, Affordable and Clean Energy, Decent Work and Economic Growth Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Responsible Production and Consumption, Sustainable Cities and Communities
2023 First Principles Study of Layered Titanium Carbide as an Anode in a Lithium-Ion Battery Jongee Park Metallurgical and Materials Engineering TÜBİTAK Electrical Devices Accessible and Clean Energy
2023 Low temperature behaviour of SMA and HMA mixtures Reza Shabani Civil Engineering TÜBİTAK Disaster Resilient Living Spaces, Sustainable Environment; Urban Infrastructure; Regional Development Sustainable Cities and Communities
2023 Development of a Single Variable Hybrid Deep Learning Model for Wind Energy Kamil Demirberk Ünlü Industrial Engineering TÜBİTAK Competitive Production with Green and Digital Transformation; Energy Accessible and Clean Energy
2023 Causes of Physician Brain Drain and Policy Proposal for Prevention Dilaver Tengilimoğlu Business Administration TÜBİTAK Qualified People, Strong Families, Healthy Society Employment and Working Life; Health; Turks Living Abroad
2022 Development of Monovalent Ion Selective Polymer/ MOF Based Ion Exchange Membranes for Electric Energy Generation from Salinity Gradient Energy via Reverse Electrodialysis Enver Güler Chemical Engineering TÜBİTAK Competitive Production with Green and Digital Transformation, Manufacturing Industry, Energy Accessible and Clean Energy
2022 Investigation of the Effects of Climate Change on Surface Water Potential in the Çoruh Basin and Energy Production in Successive Dams Yakup Darama Civil Engineering TÜBİTAK Priority Development areas under Competitive Production with Green and Digital Transformation; Energy Accessible and Clean Energy; Climate Action
2022 Aydınoğulları - Culture and Technology Transfer in Ayasuluk/ Ephesus in the Early Ottoman Period: Isa Bey Bath Ceramics in the Light of Interdisciplinary Research Şule Pfeiffer Fine Arts, Elective Courses TÜBİTAK Arts and Culture, Tourism, Employment, Local Administrations Sustainable Cities and Communities
Starting Date Project Name Executive Department Supporting Organization
2021 Rigid Sheet Metal Structural Part Design Optimization Bilgin Kaftanoğlu Manufacturing Engineering TUSAŞ
2021 Development of a Driving Simulation Model for Electric 4X4 Vehicles Bülent Ertan Mechatronics Engineering FNSS
2021 Developing the Commercialization Potential of Atılım University Research Outputs Yılser Devrim Energy Systems Engineering ANKARA DEVELOPMENT AGENCY
2021 Cu-Sb-Chalcogen (Cu-Sb-Se) Thin Film Hetero-Junction Fabrication and Photovoltaic Applications Özge Sürücü Electrical - Electronics Engineering TÜBİTAK
2021 Determination of the Relationship Between Thermal Comfort and Emotional States of Users and Modeling Based on Experimental Data Cihan Turhan Energy Systems Engineering TÜBİTAK
2020 Development of High Temperature Electrochemical Hydrogen Compressor for High Purity and Pressure Hydrogen Production Yılser Devrim Energy Systems Engineering TÜBİTAK
2020 Variations on a Mirsky Theorem Yıldırım Akbal Mathematics TÜBİTAK
2020 TEI and Atılım University Advanced Material Modeling Methods for the Aerospace Sector and Development of Design, and Relevant Analysis and Test Methods Özgür Aslan Mechanical Engineering TÜBİTAK
2020 High Performance Calculation of Ballistic and Mine Protection Performances of Cast Parts Used in Armored Combat Vehicles Using Computer Simulations Özgür Aslan Mechanical Engineering FNSS
2019 Probabilistic Modeling and Statistical Characteristics of the Renewable Hybrid Energy System Yılser Devrim Energy Systems Engineering TÜBİTAK
2019 Development and In Vitro Analysis of a Bone Marrow-Targeted Endocannabinoid-Loaded Nanoparticle Delivery System Sevil Köse Basic Medical Sciences TÜBİTAK
2019 Development of an Algorithm for Neuron Modeling Using the Best Design Method Reşat Özgür Doruk Electrical - Electronics Engineering TÜBİTAK
2019 Superior Functionality: Porous Materials in the Composite/ Mixed Matrix Structure in Membrane Based Processes Enver Güler Chemical Engineering TÜBİTAK/ International
2019 Localization of Emission Sources Using Reflections Ali Kara Electrical - Electronics Engineering TÜBİTAK
2019 Electrocatalytic Ammonia Production Using Nitride Conducting Electrolytes Doruk Doğu Metallurgical and Materials Engineering TÜBİTAK
2018 The Effect of Interprofessional Simulation Training on the Achievement of Palliative Care Competencies in Gynecologic Oncology Füsun Terzioğlu Nursing TÜBİTAK
2018 Material Characterization of Cdsexte1-X (Cst) Semiconductor Thin Films Fabricated by the Thermal Evaporation Technique in the Layered Structure Hasan Hüseyin Güllü Electrical - Electronics Engineering TÜBİTAK
2018 Synthesis of Electroactive Chemiluminescent Compounds and Polymers for Forensic Blood Diagnosis Atilla Cihaner Chemical Engineering TÜBİTAK/ International
2018 Synthesis and Applications of High Sulfur Polymeric Materials Atilla Cihaner Chemical Engineering TÜBİTAK
2018 Development of a Wireless Sensor Network-Based Control and Monitoring System to Protect Critical Facilities Against Corrosion Ali Kara Electrical - Electronics Engineering TÜBİTAK
2018 Preparation of Novel Nanostructures with High Light-Heat Conversion in the Near Infrared Region and Investigation of Their Photothermal Efficiency and Toxicity Murat Kaya Chemical Engineering TÜBİTAK
2018 Preliminary Design of a Serial Hybrid Electric 8X8 Armored Military Vehicle ("Vehicle") Bülent Ertan Mechatronics Engineering FNSS
2017 Development and Characterization of Boron Carbide Reinforced Lightweight and Flexible Polymer Nanocomposites for Use as Structural and Personal Radiation Shielding Materials in Nuclear Medicine Facilities Hayri Yılmaz Kaptan Energy Systems Engineering TÜBİTAK
2017 Design, Synthesis and Characterization of New Generation Primary Explosives Containing No Lead Şeniz Özalp Yaman Chemical Engineering TÜBİTAK
2017 Production of Magnesium Alloy-Like Compounds by Electrospinning for Nerve Guidance Channel Application Hilal Türkoğlu Şaşmazel Metallurgical and Materials Engineering TÜBİTAK
2017 Flame Aerosol Reactor Design, Control and Simulation for Continuous Nanomaterial Production Nesrin Ekinci Machin Chemical Engineering TÜBİTAK
2017 Synthesis of Rare Earth Element (Gd, Yb, Er) Doped Zno Nanocrystals and Investigation of Their Low Temperature Thermoluminescence Properties Mehmet Işık Physics Group TÜBİTAK
2017 SÜRÜ-İHA Nafiz Alemdaroğlu Airframe and Powerplant Maintenance ASELSAN
2017 Modeling and Simulation of the Thermomechanical Behavior of Shape Memory Alloys Özgür Aslan Mechanical Engineering TÜBİTAK
2017 Design and Production of a Miniaturized Antenna with the Dual-Band Operation Capability, Adaptive to the Environment, Operating in Sub-GHz ISM Bands Elif Aydın Electrical - Electronics Engineering TÜBİTAK
2016 Design and implementation of a new process for stepwise bending of high strength steel plates Besim Baranoğlu Manufacturing Engineering FNSS/ SAYP
2016 Design and Manufacturing of a Turkish Modular 350 Ton Capacity Drilling Rig Besim Baranoğlu Manufacturing Engineering TÜBİTAK
2016 Development of c-BN Based BN Thin Film Coating: Investigation of Structural-Mechanical-Tribological Properties Göksel Durkaya Metallurgical and Materials Engineering TÜBİTAK
2016 Design and Manufacturing of an Electromagnetic Forming System for Warm/ Hot Forming of Brittle Sheet Metals Elif Aydın Electrical - Electronics Engineering TÜBİTAK
2016 Development of a Hyperspectral Metallurgical Surface Analysis System Göksel Durkaya Metallurgical and Materials Engineering TÜBİTAK
2016 Numerical Modeling and Simulation of High Temperature Resistant Coatings Özgür Aslan Mechanical Engineering TÜBİTAK
2016 Development of an Original HBO Internal Combustion Engine Ahmet Demir Bayka Automotive Engineering TÜBİTAK
2016 Development of Sheet Metal Laminate Mold Technologies for Prototype Manufacturing Besim Baranoğlu Manufacturing Engineering TÜBİTAK
2016 Supply of Ready-Made YBKS and Development of a Turkish Reaction Wheel within the Scope of the Asat Cube Satellite Development Project Korhan Levent Ertürk Software Engineering ASELSAN
2015 Evaluation of Multiple Sclerosis Patients and Their Caregivers in Terms of Psychological Symptom Levels, Problem Areas and Needs Dilek Demirtepe Saygılı Psychology TÜBİTAK
2015 Preparation of Multifunctional Photocatalytic Nanocomposite Materials for Simultaneous Environmental Remediation and Hydrogen Gas Production Murat Kaya Chemical Engineering TÜBİTAK
2015 Investigation of Structural and Functional Properties of Proteins Ompg-16S and Ompg-16SL via FTIR Spectroscopy Filiz Korkmaz Özkan Physics Group TÜBİTAK
2015 Investigation of Mirror Neurons and Development of a Robotic Mirror Therapy System Kutluk Bilge Arıkan Mechatronics Engineering TÜBİTAK
2015 Design Development of High Temperature Fuel Cells and Their Components that Run on Reformat Gases, and Investigation of Micro Cogeneration Application Yılser Devrim Energy Systems Engineering TÜBİTAK
2015 Computer Aided Analysis and Optimization of the Fuel Pump Shaft Carburizing Process Caner Şimşir Manufacturing Engineering BSTB/ SAN-TEZ
2015 Antibacterial Core-Shell Type Coaxial Electrospun Composite PCL/ Chitosan Wound Healing Materials Hilal Türkoğlu Şaşmazel Metallurgical and Materials Engineering TÜBİTAK/ International
2014 Numerical modeling and simulation of TBC systems Özgür Aslan Mechanical Engineering SSM/ TUSAŞ/ DKTM
2014 Financial Development, Capital Accumulation, Productivity and Growth: The Türkiye Experience Mustafa İsmihan Economics TÜBİTAK
2014 Europeanization of the Turkish Health Policy and the Role of Local Actors Gözde Yılmaz International Relations TÜBİTAK
2014 Cryptanalysis of the Authentication Algorithms Participating in the Caesar Challenge Fatih Sulak Mathematics TÜBİTAK
2014 Multiscale modeling of crystalline solids using the material point method Özgür Aslan Mechanical Engineering TÜBİTAK
2014 Structure-Preserving Numerical Methods for the Nonlinear Triple Schrödinger Equation Ayhan Aydın Mathematics TÜBİTAK
2014 Numerical Modeling of the High Field Reduction Forward Flow Process Using the Boundary Element Method, Solution Domain Decomposition and Parallel Programming Besim Baranoğlu Manufacturing Engineering TÜBİTAK
2014 Modeling of Hot and Warm Forming of Sheet Metals Eren Billur Automotive Engineering TÜBİTAK
2014 The Entrepreneur's “Atılım” (EN: Breakthrough) Elif Kalaycı Business Administration TÜBİTAK
2014 Investigation of Silicone Rubber Surfaces Modified with Cationic Peptide Lactoferricin B in Terms of Biofilm Formation Cemal Merih Şengönül Manufacturing Engineering TÜBİTAK
2014 An Analysis of Labor Transitions in the Labor Market in Türkiye Seyit Mümin Cilasun Economics TÜBİTAK
2013 Procurement of Service for Determination of the Effects of Isothermal Heat Treatment on Ballistic Performance in MIL-A-12560 and AISI 4340 Steels Erkan Konca Metallurgical and Materials Engineering ROKETSAN
2013 Development and Production of a Turkish Production Technology for Mushroom Hardened Rails (R350 HT) Required by TCDD Kazım Tur Materials and Metallurgical Engineering TÜBİTAK
2013 Surgical Navigation System (CAN) Nergiz Çağıltay Software Engineering TÜBİTAK
2013 Development of New Simulation Approaches for Flexible Forming Methods and the Development of Innovative Sheet Metal Forming Processes Ömer Music Manufacturing Engineering TÜBİTAK
2013 Synthesis of New Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Electroactive Monomers Based on Benzotellurodiazole Atilla Cihaner Chemical Engineering TÜBİTAK/ International
2013 Creation of Information-Based Computational Design Infrastructure in the Forming of Sheet Metals Used in Aircraft Engine Manufacturing Celalettin Karadoğan Manufacturing Engineering BSTB/ SAN-TEZ
2013 A Robot for Harvesting Cut Roses in Greenhouses (Gülderen the Robot) Abdulkadir Erden Mechatronics Engineering TÜBİTAK
2013 Investigation of the Behavior of Steel-Concrete Partial Composite Beams Using U-Profile Mechanical Shear Connection Elements Eray Baran METU TÜBİTAK
2012 Investigation of the Effectiveness of Technology-Enriched Environments in Endoscopic Surgery Education Nergiz Çağıltay Software Engineering TÜBİTAK
2012 Reducing Heat Treatment Distortions by a Simulation-Aided Analysis of the Quenching Process in Thin Bearing Rings Caner Şimşir Manufacturing Engineering BSTB/ SAN-TEZ
2012 FEM FORGING – Continuous Training of Specialists on Design and Optimization of hot, warm and cold FORGING processes using FEM simulation technologies Caner Şimşir Manufacturing Engineering EU
2012 Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Modification of Laminated, Hybrid PCL/Chitosan/PCL Biomaterials/Tissue Scaffolds and in vitro Cell Culture Applications Hilal Türkoğlu Şaşmazel Metallurgical and Materials Engineering TÜBİTAK/ International
2012 Investigation of the effect of the applied holding force and development of a deep drawing limit ratio by heating the flange areas in high-strength steel materials Bilgin Kaftanoğlu Manufacturing Engineering TÜBİTAK/ International
2012 Interactive Digital Advertising: An Innovative Approach Using Three-Dimensional Camera and Image Processing Methods Gökhan Şengül Computer Engineering BSTB
2012 Synthesis and Applications of New Carborane Based Conjugated Polymeric Materials Atilla Cihaner Chemical Engineering TÜBİTAK
2012 Comparison of the Native Form OmpG and its Genetically Engineered Mutant with FTIR Spectroscopy Filiz Korkmaz Özkan Physics Group TÜBİTAK
2012 Legal Culture of Administrative Judiciary Judges and Prosecutors in Türkiye Hüseyin Levent Köker Law TÜBİTAK
2012  New Hot Forming Process Designs for Bearing Rings and Design of High Strength Molds Based on Analysis Results Besim Baranoğlu Manufacturing Engineering BSTB/ SAN-TEZ
2012  Development of a Finite Element Method Based Simulation Tool for Determination of Material Properties After the Incremental Sheet Metal Forming Process Besim Baranoğlu Manufacturing Engineering BSTB/ SAN-TEZ
2012 Triple Rotorcraft Autonomous Aircraft (3DÖHAT) Kutluk Bilge Arıkan Mechatronics Engineering BSTB/ SAN-TEZ
2011 Development of Cubic Boron Nitride (CBN) Coating Technologies for Cutting Tools and Molds Bilgin Kaftanoğlu Manufacturing Engineering BOREN
2011 Algebraic Structure of Map Class Groups of Non-Orientable Surfaces Ferihe Atalan Ozan Mathematics TÜBİTAK
2011 Development of Alternative Connections conducted by using Structural Steel Elements for Prefabricated Concrete Post-Beam Connections Eray Baran METU TÜBİTAK
2011 Development of a New Experimental Approach Based on Simultaneous Temperature and Strain Measurement for Yield Surface Detection in Sheet Metals Celalettin Karadoğan Manufacturing Engineering TÜBİTAK
2010 Design, Synthesis and Technological Applications of Boron Based New Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Polymeric Materials Atilla Cihaner Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry BOREN
2010 Development of Dental Composites reinforced with Photocatalytic and Discontinuous Fiber Jongee Park Metallurgical and Materials Engineering TÜBİTAK
2010 Synthesis and Characterization of a New Polymer Electrochrome Containing a Terpyridine Unit Seha Tirkeş Chemical Engineering TÜBİTAK
2010 Development of the Biomimetic Design Methodology on Biomimetic Robot Design, Control and Cognitive Recognition via Reverse Engineering Abdulkadir Erden Mechatronics Engineering TÜBİTAK/ International
2010 Preparation of Boron and Zirconium Doped Photocatalytic TiO2 Sensitive to Visible Light Jongee Park Metallurgical and Materials Engineering BOREN
2010 Why Do Emotional Events Increase the Recall of Neutral Stimuli Presented Before Them? A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study Erol Özçelik ÇANKAYA U. TÜBİTAK
2010 Synthesis, Electrochemical Characterization and Antioxidative Anticancer Effects of Novel Platinum (II) Complexes Containing Oxime-Derived Ligands Şeniz Özalp Yaman Chemical Engineering TÜBİTAK/ International
2010 Ferronickel Production from Turkish Laterite Ores Ender Keskinkılıç Metallurgical and Materials Engineering TÜBİTAK
2010 Analysis of Conflicts in Gold Mining in Türkiye in Terms of Organization and Social Movement Theories Hayriye Özen Political Science TÜBİTAK
2009 Production of Porous/Bioactive Silicon Implants/Prosthesis for Repair/Reconstruction of Soft and Cartilage Tissues Hilal Türkoğlu Şaşmazel Metallurgical and Materials Engineering TÜBİTAK
2009 Design, Synthesis and Application Areas of Conducting Polymers of a New Group of Compounds in Donor-Acceptor Configuration Atilla Cihaner Chemical Engineering TÜBİTAK/ International
2009 Design, Synthesis and Processable Conducting Polymers of a New Group of Compounds Containing Azobenzene Units in Dithienylpyrrole Configuration and Their Electrochemical and Optical Properties Atilla Cihaner Chemical Engineering TÜBİTAK
2007 European Remote Radio Laboratory (ERRL) Ali Kara Electrical & Electronics Engineering European Commission
2007 Synthesis and Application Areas of Heterocyclic Monomers and Conducting Polymers with Chemiluminescent Properties Atilla Cihaner Chemical Engineering TÜBİTAK
2007 Eigenvalue Problems and Applications for the Non-Hermitian Discrete Schrödinger Equation Hüseyin Şirin Hüseyin Mathematics TÜBİTAK
2007 Assistance Compass for Visually Impaired People at Shopping Malls Ruşen Öktem Electrical - Electronics Engineering TÜBİTAK
2006 Radio Propagation Model Based on Slope Diffraction and the Convex Envelope Technique Ali Kara Electrical - Electronics Engineering TÜBİTAK
2005 VIF-CA Research Project Erman Tekkaya Manufacturing Engineering EU